The Third Assault on Liaodong

Almost two months had passed since Qin Longyang took office in Langya. Though not a long period, it had breathed new life into the once declining city.

Qin Longyang ordered the demolition of the old, dilapidated walls, seizing the opportunity to double the city's size. The wealth and supplies seized from the Ouyang family played a significant role in this transformation.

Langya now boasted tall, sturdy walls and two smaller fortresses for the displaced people, strategically positioned to support each other. With the assistance of veteran generals Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi, Qin Longyang's reputation quickly spread across Xuzhou.

Soon after, Wei You and other generals arrived in Langya with troops and wealth from Youzhou. The once small county now housed an army of sixty to seventy thousand and was reputed to be "overflowing with wealth," earning the nickname "the second Xiapi."

"Your humble servants greet you, my lord!" Qin Longyang sat at the head of the hall, looking at the array of talented generals and ministers kneeling before him, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride.

"Thank you for your hard work traveling from afar," Qin Longyang hurriedly invited them to rise, continuing with pleasantries.

"This is our duty as your servants, my lord."

"Hahaha, very good!" Qin Longyang, seeing familiar faces, felt deeply moved and introduced the two veteran generals present.

"These two are former Zhonglang General Lu Zhi and General Huangfu Song. They have now joined our ranks to help us achieve our great cause!"

"Ah, so it's General Lu and General Huangfu, the saviors of the Han Dynasty. We are honored to meet you!" The group was filled with admiration upon learning of their esteemed backgrounds.

"Without these two generals, I, Qin Longyang, might have perished in the wilderness long ago,"

Qin Longyang sighed and recounted his near-fatal encounter with Dong Kui and subsequent battles with bandits after parting ways with Liao Hua near Luoyang.

The story ignited anger among the listeners, especially Liao Hua, who burst out, "That scoundrel Dong Kui! If I had been there, I would have slain him and taken his head to his uncle Dong Cheng! Such audacity!"

"Hahaha," Qin Longyang laughed, "No need to dwell on it. Even if you had killed Dong Kui, the mastermind behind him would still be at large, and we'd have angered Dong Cheng, facing even more obstacles at court."

"But..." Liao Hua sighed, understanding Qin Longyang's point. The real enemies were the eunuchs of the Ten Attendants, and without eliminating them, the root cause would remain.

"When the time is right, and I, Qin Longyang, have unified half of the Central Plains, we will then settle accounts with those traitors at court!"

Qin Longyang's eyes turned sharp, and the generals felt the imminent day of reckoning, all pledging their unwavering loyalty.

"Hahaha! With all of you by my side, how can we not succeed?" Qin Longyang laughed heartily but then frowned, "Why is only Yuntai missing?"

Mentioning Gao Lan, Guan Yu's expression darkened, and Wei You stepped forward, "My lord, please punish me. It's my fault for being reckless, causing General Gao's…"

"No! If blame must be placed, it falls on me!" Guan Yu also knelt.

With a solemn expression, Qin Longyang braced for the worst and had Guan Yu recount the events. Guan Yu detailed their ambush by Gongsun Du and the rebellious Yuyang troops, leading to the loss at Beacon Valley.

"Are you sure you saw the strategist?" Qin Longyang was incredulous when Guan Yu mentioned Xi Zhicai riding with Gongsun Du.

"I saw it clearly. I swear it was the strategist," Guan Yu affirmed.

Qin Longyang sighed deeply and asked Sun Lang and Zhao Yun, "How are things in the north?"

"Not well," Sun Lang replied, "We barely won against Hu Chuquan with Yufu Luo's help. But soon after, Hu Chuquan was assassinated, and his son Qubei took over.

Qubei is even more ruthless, defeated Budugen, and reclaimed Wuhuan. Yufu Luo is struggling in Moqiu and may not hold out much longer."

Realizing the severity, Qin Longyang knew that a powerful Xiongnu or Gongsun Du would pose a massive threat to Youzhou, especially if they joined forces.

"Gongsun Du hasn't made major moves due to the recent famine affecting his supplies," Qin Longyang said.

"With the autumn harvest approaching, he'll likely counterattack Beiping. We must preemptively strike Liaodong before the harvest to have a chance."

"My lord, I disagree," Wei You worried, "Though we have enough supplies, a large-scale expedition to Liaodong will exhaust our troops. It's a long journey, taking at least two months, leaving our soldiers too tired to fight."

"I agree with the chief clerk," the generals chimed in.

Qin Longyang smiled, "You are right, but I didn't say we'd march to Liaodong by land."

"What do you mean, my lord?" Wei You suddenly understood, "You plan to build warships and attack Gongsun Du by sea?"

"Exactly," Qin Longyang pointed to the map, "We'll build ships quickly, sail from Donglai Port, and launch a surprise attack on Liaodong's Le Lang to catch Gongsun Du off guard!"

The plan amazed the assembly, who praised its brilliance.

"Timing is crucial," Qin Longyang continued, "We need ships for only two or three thousand troops. I'll negotiate with the governor of Donglai."

He also addressed internal issues, mentioning the four bandits who had taken over Mount Tai in Yanzhou.

"Who will lead the campaign to eliminate these bandits?"

The generals vied for the opportunity, and Qin Longyang smiled, "Yun Chang, I won't punish you for Beacon Valley if you eliminate these bandits."

"Thank you, my lord!" Guan Yu was overjoyed, kneeling in gratitude.

"Wen Xun (Wei You), you'll accompany Yun Chang as adjutant to keep him from being rash."

"Yuan Jian, you'll come with me to Donglai."

After assigning tasks, the stage was set for Qin Longyang's first major campaign.

Meanwhile, in Youzhou, tensions were high. Gongsun Zan, following Guan Jing's advice, implemented many beneficial policies, restoring half of Beiping's strength.

However, with the court aware of Gongsun Du's rebellion, Gongsun Zan needed to act or face severe consequences.

The critical obstacle was Eagle Beak Pass, which had cost him two failed attempts. Gathering his officers, he found them all dreading the mention of the pass.

"You useless lot! A mere pass cost us thousands of lives! What good are you?" Gongsun Zan roared.

"Lord, I have a plan," spoke a young officer, drawing everyone's attention.

Gongsun Zan eyed him, "Who are you?"

The young man saluted, "I am Tian Yu from Yuyang."

"Yuyang..." Gongsun Zan's headache worsened at the reminder of Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun's rebellion and Liu Bei's disappearance.

"Speak your plan."

"Attacking head-on will fail. We should ally with the remaining Wuhuan in Youbeiping and Liaoxi, luring and defeating the enemy."

"The Wuhuan remnants?" Gongsun Zan pondered, "If I make you commander, what are your chances?"

"Ten out of ten!" Tian Yu declared, shocking the veteran officers.

"Ten out of ten?" Gongsun Zan laughed, "Have you ever led troops?"

"No, but I believe in this plan."

"Young fool! Don't let him lead!" Veteran officer Shan Jing protested, supported by others.

Gongsun Zan laughed again, "Shan Jing, can you guarantee victory?"

"I..." Shan Jing fell silent.

"Bold words need backing, but he's braver than you lot! Tian Yu, I give you two thousand elite troops. Can you take Eagle Beak Pass?"

Tian Yu knelt and clasped his hands in a salute, saying, "More than enough! I will also capture Liaoxi. If I fail, I will die on the battlefield rather than return in disgrace and let you down, my lord!"