Grand Reunion

It was only the first day of Fionella's return, but the Hera residence was already in disarray. Germaine Hera, Fionella's mother and the head of the Fortress, had been fuming ever since First Rank Disciple Uriel reported that Fionella had chosen to wander around the capital instead of coming straight home.

Uriel bore the brunt of Germaine's anger, receiving a sharp slap. "I told you to bring her here immediately! Who knows what trouble she has already caused!" Germaine shouted, her fury palpable.

"Forgive me, my liege," Uriel apologized, bowing her head low, bracing for another blow. But the next slap was halted as the doors of the residence swung open, an immense aura filling the space. The energy was so intense that even the walls seemed to hum with it, and many disciples, untrained in withstanding such pressure, began to lose consciousness.

It was as if the very residence itself was acknowledging the return of the youngest Hera daughter. There, in the doorway, stood Fionella, or Fion as her mother called her. Her expression was markedly different from the flushed cheeks she had sported on her journey home; now, her face was stoic and serious.

Fionella approached her mother, who stood with fists clenched in barely contained rage. She bowed respectfully, and Cassandra, who had accompanied her, did the same. "Greetings, mother. I am now back," Fionella announced with unwavering confidence. The frightened girl who once trembled at her mother's presence was gone, replaced by a woman of resolve.

"Great. You're back after twelve years, and the first thing you do is defy my orders?!" Germaine's voice was icy, her aura clashing with Fionella's, creating a suffocating atmosphere for those around them. Cassandra quickly cast a barrier spell to protect the nearby disciples.

"It's been a long time since I came back home, mother. I wanted to see the city," Fionella responded calmly, meeting her mother's fierce gaze head-on. A true Hera did not back down.Germaine was the first to relent, withdrawing her aura, and Fionella followed suit. The oppressive atmosphere lifted, replaced by the serene, magical energy of their home.

"I told you to use the magic portal, but instead you took an airship! And what happened? You were attacked by Specters! You endangered other passengers!" Germaine's words struck deep, for they held a painful truth. Fionella's choice had indeed put civilians at risk; the Specters had been after her, the keeper of the Arrow of Life, a sacred duty she was bound to.

Fionella bowed her head, chastened. "I apologize, mother."

Without another word, Germaine turned and walked away, leaving Fionella alone with Uriel. "I will escort you to your chambers, my lady," Uriel offered.

"Alright," Fionella replied, her voice subdued.

In her chambers, she sank into a bath prepared by her lady-in-waiting, reflecting on the day's events. Her mother had been right; as the keeper of the Arrow of Life, she was a constant target for Specters, bringing danger wherever she went. It was a heavy burden, knowing that those around her needed protection more than she did.

After her bath, Fionella wandered into the backyard, where the setting sun cast a warm glow over the garden. The vibrant flowers and lush plants offered a moment of peace after a long day."Fion! Fion!" called a familiar voice. Fionella turned to see her older sister, Thealaine Hera, the heiress of Hera Fortress, running toward her with a joyous smile.

Thealaine enveloped her in a warm embrace. "I missed you, Fion! I'm so glad you're finally back!" 

Fionella chuckled and gently caressed her older sister's back. Though Thealaine appeared strong and cold-hearted to the outside world, she was the most soft-hearted of the three siblings, a side she only revealed within the family.

"You'll choke our younger sister if you hug her so tight," came a voice. Thealaine released Fionella from her embrace, and Fionella turned to see their older brother, Rozel Hera, approaching with a warm smile. Rozel patted Fionella's hair, "Welcome back, sister."

Tears welled up in Fionella's eyes, but she quickly wiped them away and hugged both of her siblings. "I missed you both," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

After their brief reunion in the garden, the maids set up chairs, tables, and a spread of tea and snacks, allowing the siblings to catch up. Both Thealaine and Fionella were now dressed in the elegant attire of the Hera family, while Rozel wore his royal suit. Although they were disciples and typically wore the Hera uniform, their formal attire signaled their participation in upcoming festivities as young ladies and master of Hera's Fortress.

"I hear you earned the First Rank title, older sister," Fionella remarked, smiling at Thealaine. "I'm looking forward to seeing you in your gold uniform."

Thealaine smiled and gently corrected her, "Fion, just call me Thea. No need for so much formality." She took a sip of her tea, savoring the moment.

Rozel, having just set down his own cup, crossed his legs casually. "And I also look forward to seeing you in your silver uniform, Fion. I heard Master Greg awarded you the title of Second Rank before you left."

Fionella nodded happily. Despite her years in seclusion in the West, her master, a former council member of Hera, had trained her rigorously, granting her ranks as if she had never left the main training grounds. This recognition not only acknowledged her skills but also affirmed her place within the prestigious ranks of the Hera family disciples.

"You've endured well, Fion," Thea said with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting pride. Rozel nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring her sentiments. If they had the power, neither would have agreed to be separated from their younger sister, but their limited authority had left them helpless to change the course of events. They could only wish for her safety during those long years apart.

Fionella's seclusion in the West had been a decision made by the higher court and the Empire, a precaution to protect both her and the realm. With the Empire undergoing reconstruction and the threat of another attack looming, it had been deemed necessary to seal her aura and send her away to be trained in secret by Master Greg. This former member of the Hera council had left the order following the Great Clash thirty years prior, a conflict that had reshaped the world.

The siblings continued their conversation, sharing stories and laughter that filled the garden as the day turned to dusk. Their joy was palpable, a rare moment of family unity that had been sorely missed.

As darkness fell, a disciple approached their table, bowing respectfully. "My ladies, and young master, dinner is ready."

"Alright," Thea responded, her voice taking on a more formal tone, a stark contrast to the warmth she had shown while speaking with her siblings. The shift was a reminder of the roles and responsibilities they each carried within the Hera family and the Empire at large.

To be continued