The Attack in the City

Fortunately, the dinner passed without any unnecessary events. However, Fionella, feeling a lack of appetite, excused herself early and retired to bed. She planned to rise early the next day and continue her exploration of the city, this time with a more secretive approach.

Lying in bed, she smirked to herself, imagining the adventures that awaited her. To avoid drawing attention and causing any trouble, she decided to conceal her golden aura, ensuring her journey would go unnoticed. 


Morning arrived, and the Hera residence buzzed with activity as maids and disciples prepared for breakfast. Fionella's lady-in-waiting was busy readying her bath, unaware that Fionella had already left an hour earlier. Now, she was wandering the streets of the city, eager to experience its vibrant life.

Sitting in a cozy tavern, Fionella and Cassandra enjoyed a bowl of chicken soup, a simple but comforting meal. "My lady, I really think this is not a good idea," Cassandra whispered, her tone filled with concern. They had left the residence without eating to avoid detection, and Cassandra couldn't help but worry about the consequences of their secret outing.

Fionella, however, was undeterred. "True to the rumors, the Capital of Averia Empire is indeed the center of gastronomy. The food here is amazing!" she exclaimed, deliberately steering the conversation away from Cassandra's concerns. Cassandra sighed, shaking her head slightly. It was clear that Fionella's adventurous spirit was not easily swayed, and today was another testament to her unquenchable curiosity and desire to explore.

"My, my, are you disciples from Hera Fortress?" a voice interrupted, drawing Fionella and Cassandra's attention. They looked up to see three young women in mage uniforms standing nearby. The speaker, Lady Ariel, smirked as she recognized Cassandra. "Oh, if it isn't Cassandra. I heard you're back?"

Cassandra inclined her head respectfully. "Good to see you, Lady Ariel."Lady Ariel's expression turned stern. "Shouldn't you visit the House of Lionel's residence and pay respects to our Head Mage? I believe I made myself clear when I called you the other day."

"I will visit the Head Mage as soon as possible," Cassandra replied calmly.

Lady Ariel raised an eyebrow and shifted her gaze to Fionella, who was dressed in her trainee uniform and had concealed her golden aura. To Ariel, she appeared to be just an ordinary Hera disciple.

"I still can't believe you're under Hera," Ariel sneered, her disdain palpable. "Such a waste of talent."

"Lady Ariel," Cassandra interjected, sensing the tension rising in Fionella.

"What? It's true," Ariel continued dismissively. "You have such potential, yet you choose to serve the youngest Hera. Such a waste, really." The other two mages with her chuckled in agreement, seemingly enjoying the exchange.

Fionella's eyes flickered with controlled anger, but she maintained her composure, aware that a reaction could escalate the situation. Cassandra stood by, tense and ready to intervene, hoping to prevent any further provocation.

Ariel was about to continue speaking when a loud noise from outside interrupted them. Fionella and Cassandra exchanged glances, immediately sensing the powerful aura outside. It wasn't a Specter but a rampaging monster.

They rushed outside to assess the situation. Ariel and her fellow mages used floating magic to gain a better vantage point, moving toward the source of the commotion. Cassandra and Fionella followed suit, though in a different direction. From their position, they spotted a massive black bear with red eyes, wreaking havoc and destroying houses and stalls.

"Why is the Dark Bear here?" Lady Ariel exclaimed, sharing Fionella's concern. The Dark Bear was supposed to be confined in Zenthera, the capital's high-security prison. "Ready, mages! We must stop that bear before it destroys the entire city."

Without hesitation, Lady Ariel and the other mages launched an assault, their wands emitting powerful spells. The Dark Bear, towering at around 16 feet tall, roared in defiance, shaking off the initial attacks.

Fionella, unable to use her concealed golden aura, reached for her physical bow and arrow from a magical ring—a gift from her master. The weapon, forged from soul energy, was capable of piercing through even the darkest entities. She nocked an arrow and took aim, her eyes focused on the monstrous bear. As the battle unfolded, the air was thick with tension, the city's fate hanging in the balance.

When Fionella released her arrow, it struck the Dark Bear's shoulder, eliciting a roar of pain from the beast. Seizing the opportunity, the mages intensified their attacks, and Cassandra prepared to join the fray. However, despite the severe injury, the Dark Bear remained a formidable foe. Fionella cursed inwardly; if the situation worsened, she might be forced to reveal her golden energy.

"My lady, we will handle this," Cassandra said urgently, signaling Fionella to hold back her powers. But Fionella, hearing the anguished cries of the civilians, felt compelled to act.

"Cassandra, cast a barrier to protect the civilians," Fionella ordered firmly.

"But, my lady—"

"It's an order," Fionella insisted. Reluctantly, Cassandra complied, rushing to shield the civilians. With that, the three mages continued their assault while Fionella prepared to undo the seal on her golden energy.

Just as she was about to act, a voice shouted, "Get down!" Fionella ducked instinctively as a sword flew past her, heading straight for the Dark Bear. The sword's precise trajectory was unmistakable—it belonged to the soldiers of Haris Fortress, the Empire's elite protectors. The soldiers, clad in their distinctive uniforms, floated gracefully, wielding their swords with practiced ease.

"Surround the Dark Bear and wait for my signal!" the commanding voice ordered the soldiers. Fionella glanced up and recognized the man issuing the orders—the same noble young man she had encountered the day before.

Her eyes widened in surprise. As the man prepared to turn her way, he flew off and took refuge inside a nearby tavern. The authority he commanded over the soldiers was evident, a testament to his high rank.

"My lady, where are you?" Cassandra's voice came through their shared telepathy.

"I'm alright. The Haris soldiers have arrived. How's the situation on your end?"

"The Haris army assisted with evacuating the civilians, my lady. I'm heading back now."


Exhausted, Fionella leaned against a nearby wall. She had expended much of her soul energy, and maintaining the concealment of her golden aura was draining. As much as she had longed to continue her exploration of the city, she knew she needed to return home and rest.

To be continued