Guren Village (2)

Andrei moved like a shadow through the bustling quarters, his presence unnoticed until he was among the soldiers. As they recognized him, a hush fell over the room, and the soldiers snapped to attention, their eyes wide with curiosity and concern.

"Sir Andrei, what brings you here?" asked one of the senior soldiers, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Andrei's expression was unreadable, his eyes sharp and searching. "I have some questions that need answers," he announced, holding up the report detailing the events in Guren Village.

His voice was calm but carried an unmistakable edge. "Who among you filed this report?"Two young soldiers, barely out of their teens, hesitantly raised their hands.

Their faces were a mix of apprehension and confusion, clearly unsettled by the unexpected interrogation. "It was us, sir," one of them spoke up, his voice wavering. "Is something wrong with the report?" Without another word, Andrei stepped forward, placing a hand on each soldier's shoulder. The room seemed to hold its breath as the trio vanished into the shadows, reappearing outside the quarters in a secluded area.

The sudden shift left the young soldiers visibly shaken. Andrei fixed them with an intense gaze, his voice dropping to a low, commanding tone. "Tell me why you submitted a false report," he demanded, his eyes boring into theirs, leaving no room for denial or evasion.

The soldiers exchanged terrified glances, the gravity of the situation sinking in. One of them, his voice trembling, attempted to deflect. "We don't understand, sir. We reported what happened."

Andrei's patience was thin, his voice growing colder. "Don't play games with me. Why did you lie about what happened in Guren Village?"

The second soldier, unable to withstand the pressure, broke down. "Sir, we were only following orders," he confessed, his words tumbling out in a rush. "We were told to report it as a bandit attack."

Andrei's eyes narrowed, his suspicions deepening. "Who gave you these orders?" he pressed, his voice like steel.

The soldiers hesitated, their fear evident. Finally, the first soldier spoke, barely above a whisper. "It was Lord Gerald, sir. He ordered us to report it that way. He said it was to prevent panic and protect the village."

Andrei's expression hardened, the revelation hitting him like a blow. Lord Gerald, a figure of authority and respect, implicated in a cover-up? The implications were staggering, threatening not only the integrity of the investigation but potentially the stability of the region.

"And what really happened in Guren Village?" Andrei asked, his voice softer but no less demanding.

The soldiers looked at each other, fear etched on their faces. "There were rumors of Specters, sir," the second soldier admitted, his voice shaking. "But Lord Gerald insisted it be reported as a bandit attack. He said it was to avoid causing widespread fear."

Andrei stepped back, his mind racing. The situation was far more complex than he had anticipated. If Lord Gerald was involved in hiding the truth, the stakes were even higher than they had realized.

He needed to get this information to Kairon immediately, but the weight of the discovery hung heavily on him.

"You are to keep this conversation confidential," Andrei ordered, his voice firm and unyielding. "Return to your duties and speak of this to no one. Understood?"

The soldiers nodded fervently, clearly eager to escape the intense scrutiny. "Yes, sir. We won't say a word," they promised, their relief palpable as they quickly retreated.

Andrei watched them go, his thoughts a tumult of concern and resolve. The truth about Guren Village was now shrouded in deception, and the involvement of a high-ranking official complicated the matter further. As he prepared to report back to Kairon, the weight of the conspiracy loomed large, threatening to unravel the very fabric of their world.


As they emerged from the tunnel, the oppressive miasma became almost suffocating, more concentrated than it had been during their journey underground. The village lay eerily silent, an unsettling calm that hinted at something amiss. The trio took cautious steps forward, noting the locked doors and shuttered windows, a ghostly stillness permeating the air.

"Something's not right," Fionella murmured, her eyes scanning the deserted scene. "Where are the villagers?"

Cassandra closed her eyes, her senses attuned to the faint traces of energy around them. "There are people here," she confirmed, her voice low. "I can feel their presence, their golden energy is faint but it's there."

Suddenly, the sound of doors unlocking and hurried footsteps broke the silence. The trio tensed, readying themselves for whatever was to come. Kairon unsheathed his sword, its blade glinting in the dim light. Fionella's ring shimmered as it transformed into a bow, and Cassandra gripped her wand, prepared to cast at a moment's notice.

"Intruders!" a man's voice called out through the thick smoke and miasma, which made it hard to see and added to the eerie atmosphere.

"How did you enter our village?" a woman shouted, her voice sharp with suspicion.

Fionella coughed, struggling to speak through the dense air. "We mean no harm," she called out, her voice steady despite the situation. "We came from the capital, having heard rumors about what happened here. We wish to investigate."

"Nonsense!" the man's voice retorted. "The soldiers have abandoned us!"

Kairon stepped forward, his voice carrying authority and a hint of frustration. "I am Kairon Haris, heir of Haris Fortress. I'm here to uncover the truth of what happened."

A murmur rippled through the unseen crowd. "Kairon Haris? The Keeper of the Sword of Truth?" someone whispered, the words tinged with both recognition and fear.

"Yes, I am," Kairon affirmed, his tone calm yet commanding.

Cassandra, sensing the need for clarity, quickly cast a spell to dispel the miasma and smoke. As the air began to clear, the true nature of the villagers was revealed, causing the three travelers to gasp in shock. Before them stood not living, breathing humans, but animated skeletons, their bones clinking softly as they moved. The once vibrant village now resembled a scene from a nightmare, its inhabitants reduced to skeletal forms.

"What happened here?" Fionella breathed, her voice filled with awe and horror.

One of the skeletal figures stepped forward, its voice hollow and echoing, filling the air with an eerie resonance. "When the specters attacked us, a dark mage was among them," it began, the sound chilling and ethereal. "Most of our villagers with golden energy were absorbed. The soldiers arrived, but they were helpless. They abandoned us to our fate."

"We were cursed," another skeletal figure added, the words carrying a weight of despair.

The full horror of the situation dawned on Kairon, Fionella, and Cassandra. The curse that had befallen Guren Village was unlike anything they had ever encountered—a dark magic that had stripped the villagers of their flesh, leaving them as skeletal remains trapped in a grotesque parody of life.

Kairon clenched his fists, his eyes burning with a mix of anger and determination. "I am deeply ashamed to face all of you. I should be held accountable for this."

Despite their skeletal forms, the villagers seemed to sense the sincerity in Kairon's voice. "If you were all cursed, how did one of you manage to contact people outside?" he asked.

The skeletal figure, who still had a few strands of hair left on her head, stepped forward. "It was my idea. I still possess my golden energy. I used it to create illusions and reach out to my colleagues outside."

"We wanted them to spread the truth about what happened here," she explained, her voice steady despite the situation.

"Can you tell us exactly what happened—" Kairon began, but a familiar voice interrupted him.

"That won't be necessary, Kairon," the voice said. They turned to see Lord Gerald standing there, his presence commanding and ominous. The skeletal figures reacted with anger and alertness, their hollow eyes fixed on him.

"Father," Kairon said, surprise and confusion in his voice.

"Lord Gerald," Fionella and Cassandra bowed their heads in respect, though tension hung in the air.

"You knew what happened here, yet you chose to cover it up? What is going on, Father?" Kairon demanded, his voice tight with accusation.

A group of soldiers emerged from behind them, moving to restrain the skeletal villagers. Andrei appeared beside Kairon, his expression unreadable.

"I confronted Lord Gerald after my investigation," Andrei said quietly to Kairon. "We should hear him out first."

The skeletal villagers were escorted back inside the village, their hollow eyes reflecting a mix of resignation and relief. The trio—Kairon, Fionella, and Cassandra—followed them Lord Gerald, their concern growing with each step. They were led to a large, white tent set up on the outskirts, away from the miasma and the remnants of the cursed village.

Once inside the tent, they took their seats around a simple wooden table. The atmosphere was tense, filled with an uneasy silence that hung heavily in the air. Kairon wasted no time, his expression a mix of determination and apprehension as he turned to his father.

"So, tell us what happened?" Kairon demanded, his voice steady but urgent.

Lord Gerald sighed deeply, his face etched with weariness. He was acutely aware of the gravity of the situation and the impossibility of hiding the truth from his perceptive son. The burden of his own actions weighed heavily on him; he knew Kairon would see through any deception.

"Very well," Lord Gerald said, his tone resigned. He looked at the gathered faces, noting the intensity of their gazes. "The truth is complicated and dark."

He paused, gathering his thoughts as he met Kairon's piercing stare. "The specters did indeed attack Guren Village, and the situation was far worse than we initially reported. The dark mage you heard about—he was part of a rogue faction with a deep knowledge of forbidden magic."

Lord Gerald continued, his voice growing somber. "The village's golden energy was targeted specifically. It was drained and absorbed, leaving the villagers in their current state. The soldiers who were sent could do little. The dark magic was beyond their capabilities, and their efforts were ultimately futile."

He looked around the tent, making sure he had everyone's full attention. "In the aftermath, we chose to cover up the true extent of the disaster. We feared that revealing the complete truth would cause widespread panic and undermine the stability of the empire. It was a difficult decision, but we believed it was necessary to maintain order."

Kairon's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and disappointment. "So, you thought hiding the truth was the right thing to do? You've not only abandoned those villagers but betrayed the very trust we need to protect our people."

Lord Gerald's gaze dropped, unable to meet his son's eyes. "I acted with the intention of protecting the greater good, but I understand that my actions have led to grave consequences."

Fionella, observing the exchange with quiet intensity, spoke up. "What steps will be taken now to address the situation? The villagers deserve justice and help."

Lord Gerald nodded, his expression grim. "We will initiate a thorough investigation and provide aid to the affected. We must also find and deal with the dark mage responsible for this atrocity. I will ensure that the truth is made known to those who need to know and that such secrecy does not happen again.

"Kairon's shoulders relaxed slightly, though his anger remained. "I hope your actions reflect your words. We need to rectify this situation and ensure it never happens again."

As the conversation continued, the weight of their shared mission became clear. The truth, while painful, was now out in the open, and the path forward would be challenging. Yet, their resolve to confront the darkness and seek justice for Guren Village remained unshaken.

To be continued