Guren Village (3)

After the tense conversation with Lord Gerald, Kairon needed a moment to collect his thoughts. Meanwhile, Fionella felt drawn to explore the village further. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional creak of damaged buildings. As she wandered through the streets, she observed the aftermath of chaos: homes reduced to rubble, charred wood, and blackened stones bearing silent witness to the violence that had unfolded.

Reaching the village center, Fionella noticed a fountain. Its stone surface was dry and cracked, a relic of better days. Intrigued, she approached and reached out, intending to examine it more closely. The moment her fingers brushed the stone, a sharp electric shock coursed through her, forcing her to pull back in pain and surprise.

"What is this?" she muttered, puzzled by the unexpected jolt. The attack on Guren Village had occurred over a week ago, yet the fountain's mysterious charge suggested recent activity. Her curiosity piqued, Fionella continued deeper into the village, the air growing colder and more oppressive with each step.

As she advanced, Fionella's gaze was drawn to another fountain. Unlike the first, this one still flowed with clear, shimmering water, an unsettling sight amidst the devastation. The water seemed almost inviting, glinting in the dim light.

Compelled by an unseen force, Fionella approached the fountain, her hand reaching out as if in a trance. Just before she could touch the water, Kairon's hand shot out, gripping her wrist and pulling her back forcefully.

"Don't touch it," Kairon warned, his voice taut with urgency. His eyes were wide, reflecting a mixture of concern and fear.

Fionella looked at him, confusion and alarm etched on her face. "Why? What is it?"

Kairon, without answering, picked up a nearby stick and cautiously dipped it into the water. The moment the wood made contact, it ignited with an intense, unnatural flame, quickly reducing the stick to ash.

"A water flame," Cassandra's voice came from behind them, her tone filled with a grim understanding. She stepped forward, her eyes fixed on the fountain. "It's a dark and potent magic that consumes anything living, stripping away flesh."

Andrei emerged from the shadows, his expression mirroring the somber atmosphere. "When the specters attacked, they cut off the village's water supply. The villagers, desperate for water, drank from this fountain, unaware that it was cursed. This water flame turned them into the skeletal forms we saw earlier."

Fionella stared at the water, a mixture of horror and sadness washing over her. "Is there any way to destroy it? To break the curse and save the villagers?"

Kairon shook his head slowly, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on him. "No one has ever found a way to reverse the effects of a water flame. Destroying the fountain would only prevent more harm, but it can't undo what's been done."

"I guess we really don't have any hope?" The voice was somber and hollow, filled with a sense of resigned despair. It came from the village head, his skeletal form a grim reminder of the curse that had stripped the villagers of their humanity. He stepped forward, his bony shoulders slumped. "I was the one who suggested we drink from this fountain. It's all my fault."

Kairon tried to console him, his voice filled with a mixture of sympathy and regret. "You only did what you thought was best to save your people." But the village head shook his head, the anguish palpable even without a face to show it. If he had eyes, they would have been filled with tears of regret and sorrow.

As the skeletal villagers gathered around, Fionella felt a deep sadness. She realized why the soldiers had been ordered to cover up the true nature of the curse. The truth was harsh: the village was beyond conventional help, and revealing it would have only spread despair.Meanwhile, Cassandra was lost in thought, her mind racing through the countless texts and spells she had studied. Her eyes widened slightly as she remembered an old theory about counteracting curses like this one. The theory had failed in the past due to the lack of a crucial element—an element that was now within reach.

Activating her telepathy magic, Cassandra reached out to Fionella.

'My lady,' her voice echoed in Fionella's mind, careful and urgent.

Fionella, startled for a brief moment, quickly regained her composure, understanding the need for secrecy. 'What is it, Cassandra?'

'I recall a similar curse discussed in ancient texts,' Cassandra began. 'Mages tried to counteract it, but their attempts failed because they lacked a critical ingredient: life itself.'

Fionella's eyes widened in realization. 'You mean the Arrow of Life?'

'Yes,' Cassandra confirmed. 'The Arrow of Life could potentially lift the curse. But remember, it draws from your life force.'

The Arrow of Life was a powerful and rare ability that Fionella possessed. It allowed her to infuse her golden energy into an arrow, granting life or healing whatever it touched. However, this ability came with a significant cost. Each use drained a portion of her own life force, making it a weapon of last resort, to be used only in the direst of circumstances.

Fionella looked at the skeletal villagers, her heart aching for them. They were trapped in this horrific state, their lives stolen by dark magic. The decision weighed heavily on her: using the Arrow of Life could save them, but at what cost to herself? The villagers' hollow eyes, filled with a desperate hope, bore into her. They were waiting for a miracle, and she might have held the key.

Kairon and Andrei watched her, sensing the gravity of the moment. Cassandra stood silently, knowing the burden of the decision lay solely with Fionella.

"The Arrow of Life could help," Fionella whispered, her voice barely audible but filled with resolve.

Andrei's eyes widened in alarm, and Kairon's brows knit in concern. "Do you know what you're suggesting?" Kairon asked, his tone urgent.

Fionella looked at him steadily. "I do."

Andrei bowed his head in a gesture of respect, though his voice remained firm. "Absolutely not, my lady. The Arrow of Life draws directly from your life force. Just one arrow could significantly weaken you."

Kairon added, "Using your power like this would also draw the attention of the dark forces responsible for this curse. They would see your ability as a path to immortality."

Fionella was well aware of the risks. She wasn't naive; she understood the gravity of her decision. But the sight of the skeletal villagers, their hope hanging by a thread, stirred a deep desire within her to help.

Cassandra, sensing the urgency of the moment, spoke up. "Her Highness's life force is indeed a potent source of magic, but ancient mages foresaw this risk. They devised alternatives. Perhaps a droplet of her blood could complete a counter-spell for the curse of the water flame. These villagers are not dead; they are afflicted. This could work."

Kairon looked skeptical, yet curious. "What exactly are you suggesting?"

"It's worth a try," Lord Gerald said, stepping forward with a measured calm.

Kairon turned to his father, seeking confirmation. "Father?"

"It's just her blood, Kairon. If it fails, we lose nothing. But if it succeeds, it could save them. The villagers are still alive; they simply lack their physical form," Lord Gerald reasoned.

The villagers, listening intently, clung to this glimmer of hope. The village head, representing them, stepped forward with a grave nod. "If there's a chance, however small, we want to try. If it fails, we will accept our fate."

Fionella, her resolve hardening, looked at Cassandra. "Let's try the spell."

Cassandra began preparing the spell with meticulous care, drawing from her extensive knowledge of alchemy and magic. The absence of an enchanter from the House of Haven was a disadvantage, but Cassandra's skill was formidable. As she neared the final stages of preparation, she turned to Fionella.

"Your blood might attract dark entities. I'll cast a protective barrier to keep them at bay," Cassandra offered.

"I'll handle the barrier," Andrei interjected, his voice carrying a note of urgency. Before Cassandra could protest, Andrei started chanting the protective incantation, surprising everyone with his competence.

Cassandra then focused on the task at hand. She gently pricked Fionella's finger, letting three droplets of blood fall into the alchemical mixture. As the blood mixed, a luminous circle formed on the ground, emitting a soft, ethereal glow. A golden orb materialized, swirling with an otherworldly light. Cassandra guided the orb toward the water flame, hoping to transmute the cursed water into a healing elixir.

The entire village watched, breath held, as the golden orb descended into the fountain. Time seemed to stretch, each second heavy with anticipation. For a moment, nothing happened. The villagers' hope waned, and their expressions darkened.

"The sun is setting. I guess it is a failure," the village head murmured, his voice tinged with despair.

Just as all hope seemed lost, a faint glow emanated from the fountain. The cursed water began to shimmer, its dark hue gradually giving way to a radiant gold. The water's flow reversed, a rare and mystical phenomenon that left everyone breathless. The once menacing water flame had transformed into a golden, life-giving elixir, a beacon of hope and renewal.

Gasps and murmurs of astonishment spread through the crowd. The villagers, their skeletal forms illuminated by the golden light, watched in awe as the fountain now promised life and healing. The transformation was a miracle, a testament to the power of hope, magic, and the indomitable human spirit.

"It worked," Cassandra exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder as she gazed at the transformed water. She turned to Fionella with a mix of respect and urgency. "My lady, this elixir contains your blood. We shouldn't touch it. You should be the one to distribute it to the villagers."

Without hesitation, Fionella nodded. Using her magic, she conjured potion bottles and filled them with the golden elixir. With Cassandra's assistance, they handed a bottle to each villager. The villagers, though astonished by the transformation of the water, hesitated, unsure of what the effects might be.

The village head, showing the resolve of a leader, took the first step. He opened the bottle and drank the elixir, setting an example for the others. Encouraged by his bravery, the villagers followed suit, one by one drinking the golden liquid.

Kairon and Fionella, standing close by, unconsciously reached for each other's hands, their fingers intertwining in a shared moment of tension and hope. As the last villager finished drinking, a soft glow enveloped their skeletal forms. The villagers' bodies began to transform, flesh and features slowly reappearing, restoring their human forms. Faces became recognizable, and hair, in varying colors, added a touch of vibrancy to the scene.

A smile spread across Fionella's face, her eyes shining with relief and joy. She realized she was still holding Kairon's hand and quickly let go, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. Kairon, equally surprised, withdrew his hand, his expression a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Behind them, Cassandra and Andrei couldn't suppress their smiles, chuckling quietly at the unspoken connection between their masters. The scene was a blend of relief, triumph, and the rekindling of hope, as the once-cursed villagers celebrated their miraculous restoration to life.

To be continued