Captain Cosmos

Captain Cosmos hovered above the Earth in space his red crimson cape float in the weightless void of space, tattered along with his scarlet red and black suit covered tiny sparkling stars with a bright silver star at the center of it, his body covered from head to toe in scrapes and bruises.

"To think after everything you've been through, all the foes you've fought against, countless battle. It all ends here", a voice echoed from the surrounding darkness of the void a being seemingly made of living darkness materialized before the captain.

"Dark Void", the Captain spoke, his voice lace with hints of fear. Looking at the dark figure before him, Dark Void, the one who consumes all within his eternal shadow, born out of the dark nothingness that existed long before the cosmos was, he was a being who's sole purpose was to consume all and plunge the everything back to the endless black void of nothingness.

"Look at you. This feeble little world's greatest champion", Dark Void spoke as he summoned forth the eternal all consuming shadow out of his hands straight for the Captain.

Captain Cosmos then fired an energy blast out of his hands, blasting away the shadow but Dark Void just summoned more and more shadows his way. The Captain kept blasting the shadows away with his energy blast but more and more just kept coming and slowly overwhelmed and consumed him in a ball.

Dark Void sensing the Captain from with the dark ball still alive, managing to use his powers to create a protective energy field around him protecting him from the shadow but just barely just chuckled.

"I will never understand why creature keep struggling to live, to exist, fight each and every day just so you can live another to fight again. Repeating barbaric and idiotic cycle", Dark Void spoke placed a hand on the ball, tighten the ball and crushing the Captain from within.

"Look at them", Dark Void spoke as he looked down to the Earth below him.

"They fight, steal, and decisive one another just so they can ease they would be able to ease the struggle, the pain that is existence", the ball tightened even more, using the protective energy field the Captain had around him to begin to crack.

:"What a pathetic existence, clinging desperately to the source of their misery and anguish. But I am a merciful being", Dark Void as he extend his hand outward to Earth and then summoned a massive ball of shadow the size of the moon to consume the Earth.

The Captain, sensing that Earth was in danger, yelled out summon every ounce of strength and power could master, his body glowing radiantly and as bright as the stars themselves before erupting in a brilliant flash of pure energy, destroying the ball.

"No, I won't let you. Not again ", he muttered while panting profusely.

Dark Void, with even shifting his gaze to face the Captain said, "You can't stop it Captain, this world will fall to the darkness just like countless others has, just like yours did".

Dark Void then sent the ball hurtling towards. The Captain's mind, as watching as the ball descended down to the Earth, flashed back to a time when he was a child on his home world Cosmonica, his panicked mother racing through streets amidst the carnage and destruction all around them and placed him on to a pod.

"May Cosmonica's light forever guide your path my child", those were the last words he heard her say before she activated the pod and sent him flying through the stars.

He then recalled, just as he was leaving Cosmonica's orbit seeing looming over the planet he hand out stretched to Cosmonica forming a massive ball of shadow to consume all of Cosmonica. He watched as a grin formed on the side of his face before hurdling the ball straight down to Cosmonica. All the captain could recall happened after that was a deafen silence followed by the absence of light as Cosmonica was completely utterly consumed by darkness.

"No, never again", he spoke underneath his breath before jetting off at staggering speed, reaching the earth before the ball could collide with it, standing between the massive ball that threaten to consume the earth in to nothingness and the earth itself.

"You've already taken one home away from", he spoke with his eyes glowing brightly as power began flowing out of his body.

His hands then began to glow as he charged it up with every ounce of power he could muster, digging down in to his reverses and putting everything he had it.

"I refused to let you claim another", he spoke as he finished charging up the power in to his hands and then poured it all out as a massive bright beam of pure power and energy, striking the massive shadow ball.

"Impressive, I'm surprised that you still have the strength to put up a fight. Then again that much is to be expected after all you are the holder of Cosmonica's light, the only thing that can match the darkness of the void", said Dark Void as a wicked grin formed on his face before using his powers to push the ball closer to the Earth, mounting even more pressure on the Captain as he tried to push it back with all the power he could muster.

"You know you can't win, this battle like existence itself is a losing one. You can try as much as you can to fight and resist but in the end you along with the rest of existence will fall cold empty embrace of shadow of the void", Dark Void spoke with a cackle as poured even more power in to ball.

The people of earth down below panicked upon the massive ball headed straight for them thinking that it was the end, but then they noticed a flicker in the sky, a speck of light weakly shining from above their heads. At first it was hard to notice and almost seemed insignificant, it was just a single speck of light after all, but then began to glow brighter and brighter. And, upon noticing it, the people of the world couldn't help but stop panicking and stare up at the sky above them, wondering if it was truly the or if they could truly place all their hope on that small seemingly insignificant speck.

The captain, knowing that it was all up him to protect the earth, the memories of his fallen world still flashing in his mind, let out a furious yell as he summoned even more power that completely overwhelmed and consumed the shadow ball, shocking Dark Void for a moment before he too was consumed by the Captain energy beam just like the ball, yelling out, "It can't be the void is all. How did you…" before being reduced to star dust.