In a universe where the catastrophic destruction of the planet Kinerix has left its people slaughtered by the Sabraxians, a small Kinerixian boy named Exelirus becomes the last survivor, hurtling through space towards Earth.[1] As he enters the atmosphere, his arrival causes a massive energy pulse that plunges the city of Hilltop into darkness, drawing the attention of a military commander and a woman named Daniela, who possesses superhuman speed.
The commander is initially wary of Exelirus, recognizing the potential threat posed by his powers. Daniela, however, sees the innocence in the boy and advocates for him, suggesting "Project Integration," a program designed to help beings like him adapt to Earth. The commander is hesitant, recalling past experiences with dangerous extraterrestrial beings, but Daniela's determination to protect the child sways him.
As Exelirus adjusts to his new life, he grapples with the trauma of losing his home and family. Daniela takes him in, hoping to help him heal from his emotional wounds. Their bond deepens as they share moments of joy and struggle, with Daniela reflecting on her own past and the sacrifices she made to become a hero.
Meanwhile, a mysterious man in a white suit observes the situation, hinting at a greater cosmic threat that may be connected to Exelirus's arrival. He believes that Exelirus's fate is intertwined with Earth's, suggesting that the boy may play a crucial role in confronting this impending danger.
As Exelirus navigates life on Earth, he faces challenges, including adapting to school and forming friendships. He meets Alana, a classmate who helps him with his math homework, showcasing his struggle to fit in while dealing with the remnants of his traumatic past.