I can't believe I overslept

The next day Exelirus awoke to the annoying buzzing of the alarm. Getting and stretching, feeling that his body was still tired due to the fact that he only had a few hours of sleep. He then let out a tired yawn, feeling his body still yarning for a few hours of sleep. Exelirus then proceeded to vibrate his body slightly using his speed, sending a quick jolt of Kinetrix energy racing through his body, rejuvenating and awaking his tired body. It was a trick he and his brother picked during the final days Kinex, after all you couldn't really get a full night of shut eye with ravenous energy drain monsters chasing you down.

He let out a tired before making his way out of his room, expecting Daniela to be up and about already only to be shocked when he didn't see her zipping about frantically throughout the house, having checked to see if she was in the kitchen preparing breakfast or in living only to that she wasn't there before deciding to check in her room. Hearing annoying buzz of an alarm clock, followed by a tired groan as he opened the door, Exelirus was taken aback to see an alarm flying straight towards him at staggering speeds. He managed to react in time, bare the width of second, and caught the alarm clock.

"Daniela?" Exelirus question as he eyes locked on a groaning half awake Daniela.

"Bluey", she spoke tiredly while robbing her eyes and letting out a yawn.

Exelirus, though annoyed and slightly enraged by her calling him bluey, decided to just let it go seeing that she was barely awake. Daniela then stretched out her hands, her stiff bones cracking she did so, feeling overwhelming sore and tiredness flow throughout her body. Exelirus then noticed her sores and bruises were healed, and there wasn't a trace of a single injury on her as her body seemed to have healed all her injuries over night, though she did seem immensely tired and drained.

Daniela's eyes then landed on the cloak on Exelirus's hands, seeing the time before they widened in shock.

"Oh my…", Daniela did not even complete her sentence before bolting away at super-sonic speeds, grabbing hold of Exelirus and dashing straight to the dining room before bolting straight to the kitchen.

"I can't believe I overslept. Damn that stupid alarm", she spoke from within the kitchen.

Exelirus could only hear the clanking of pans and the sizzling of the stove as Daniela, moving like a tornado in, quickly began making breakfast. Bursting out of kitchen as a hazy blur, Daniela placed, at time it took to blink the plates along with a massive, almost mountain size stack of pancakes, before him.

"Bon appétit", Daniela spoke as she present towering stack before him.

Exelirus, feeling his stomach rumbling, having not really eating anything the previous night, wasted no time in scarfing down the meal almost as fast as how Daniela made them.

Tell out a satisfactory burp after swallowing the last pancake. Once he was done with his meal Daniela quickly sped to the bathroom, not even giving him the chance to fully digest his meal.

Exelirus just let out a sigh before entering the shower and having his bath, meanwhile Daniela raced back to the in a burst of blinding speeds and began packing Exelirus's lunch for school. Exelirus, once out of the shower, spun his body at super fast speeds, drying himself of before going to the bathroom sink to brush his teeth. One he was done he just sat his reflection on the sink's mirror, look at blue hair and eye, the indicated besides his speed that showed that he was Earth. Looking at his reflection and seeing Exelirus, the last of the Kinexian before letting you out sigh and turn away. Living the bathroom and going to put on his school uniform before grabbing the holocloaker.

Staring at mirror with the device on his hand, looking at his bright blue hair and eyes with images flooding his head, of his home, his race, his people, his family they were all destroyed and somehow, someway, he found himself on a strange world, him, the last of the Kinexians an alien living on a foreign world. Letting out a deep sigh before placing the holocloaker on his neck and pushed the button, watching as his blue hair turned a dark brown. He then grabbed his backpack and left the room only to be greeted by a speeding Daniela racing straight for him and handing him his lunch box.

"Breakfast check, uniform check, lunch check, alright kiddo it's time we got you off to…", Daniela paused midsentence as she realized something very important.

"My bike", Daniela muttered in frustration recalling how her bike, the only means of transport she had besides her fast legs was totaled in her clash with Charge the previous day.

"How on earth are we going to get you to school", Daniela asked herself, knowing they were a good distance away from the city and Exelirus'school.

"We could try running there", Daniela thought about it for a moment before dismissing the idea, knowing that blue spark of Kinetrix energy Exelirus emitted while running would draw way too much attention and besides that, she recalled the metal breakdown Exelirus had after running yesterday, after that she wasn't sure if Exelirus was in the right place mental to handle himself while running.

Daniela, after taking a couple of seconds more to think while Exelirus just watched her as she rumbled to herself like a crazy person, finally thought of something,

"I've got it", were the very next words Exelirus heard Daniela say before scoping him up on her arms and racing away. Daniela figured she could just carry Exelirus all the way to school since she was less conspicuous when she used her speed.

Exelirus's body be sparking with thin strands of kinetrix energy trickling through his body as time around him began to slow down. He then turned to look at Daniela as she carried him on her arms before shifting his gaze to his surrounds. Watching as everything stood perfectly still as they raced passed the forest and on to the open road before finally reaching city.

As the raced through on the city's streets, moving too fast for anyone to see. Exelirus watched as everyone seemed to be standing perfectly as they raced past them, moving slowly than a snail's pace in his eyes. Exelirus then shifted his gaze to the cars that littering the streets as they zoomed past, standing just as still as the people with only a slight increase in speed. He then took in a deep breath, recalling how the streets on back Kinex his people would zoom and zip through, moving at speeds that would make the fast human on earth look like a snail out of breath. Exelirus gaze then lock on something ahead of them, a group of police cars chasing what seemed to a group of armed robbers on their getaway car, driving reckless and haphazardly even nearly running over few pedestrians as they attempted to shake away the cops in pursuit of them.

Daniela, having witnessed the chase scene unfold before her, simply let out a tired sigh before racing with Exelirus still on her arms to the nearest alley and brought him.

"I'll be back, just need to deal with couple of things. I won't be long", Daniela before blitzing off to go deal with the robbers.

Moving faster than the necked eye could see, she raced all the way to a nearby mechanic shop, borrowed a few tool and then made her way to the robbers in the getaway car before proceeding to use her tools to dismantle the car piece by piece until the only thing that were left were the confused robbers seated on the open road on the mantled car seated littered by the scattered pieces of their getaway car.

"What the…", before one of the robbers could even finish his a burst of wind blew past him and he found a pair of handcuffs on his hands along with his partners ready for the cops behind them to apprehend and arrest them.

Daniela, having dealt with the cops, raced back to the alley where Exelirus stood silent wait for her.

"Sorry about the little detour Bluey", she spoke with a playful smile as she ruffled up his hair.

"My names not Bluey, stop calling me that" Exelirus grumbled.

"Alright Bluey, let's get you to school", Daniela spoke with a warm and playful smile on her.

Exelirus just bowed his, grumbling underneath his breath, detesting that annoying nickname she insisted calling even though he had made it abundantly clear that his name was Exelirus not Bluey. It was already bad enough that he had to endure answering another name that wasn't his own during school while acting as it he was human, but Daniela insistence on calling him that infuriately annoying need just made him even more upset. He was a Kinexian, the last of the Kinexian, the race quite possibly in the entire universe and his name, the name given to him by his parents on his home world Kinex, is Exelirus, not Excel and definitely not Bluey, Exelirus, the Kinexian, Exelirus the…*sigh* last Kinexian, that's who he was.

"Hey Exelirus are you okay?" He heard Daniela spoke, her voice calm filled with concern and worry.

Exelirus then raised head and met Daniela's gaze, seeing worry and concern etched in her as she looked at. He looked at her tired with gaze, the dark circles on her eyes along with the warm loving smile on her face before letting out a breath, feeling his anger fade away.

"I'm fine. Let's just get to school already", He spoke in a somewhat cold tone, not happy about her insistence on calling a name as annoying as Bluey but after everything she had done for him, he was willing to tolerate it.

Daniela just smiled at him before ruffling up his hair once again.

"Come on, hop on?" she said while gesturing to her back.

"What?" asked Exelirus.

"Come on, don't you didn't have piggyback rides on you planet," said Daniela.

Exelirus, though slightly taken aback by her offer at first, eventually understood and accepted it, getting on her back before she raced off with him at supersonic speeds.

Exelirus, lying on Daniela's back as she raced through the city, felt the wind blow past him, feeling its elegant and gentle touch on his skin. The push from the racing winds was as a feeling he was already accustomed to as a Kinexian but this time it felt different. He didn't feel a rush or urge pushing him in opposition to the wind or a need to run as fast as his feet could carry him. Looking around and which as the people went about their day living their lives, though not moving around at mock two and zip to and fro from place to place. Exelirus couldn't help but feel a strange sense of peace unlike anything he had ever felt before. His body felt lighter as took in the serenity of a world that seemed to have stood still in his eyes. His attention then shifted to Daniela, the closest thing to a Kinexian on earth, as a thought crossed his mind was th

is still world the world she lived in.