You've pique my interest

Exelirus was too busy with his thoughts to notice, thinking about a certain messy haired girl seated next to him, to really pay attention to what the teacher was saying. Recalling their interaction on the playground moments ago and what she about she being curious about him and him piquing her interest, wondering what she meant by that. Exelirus couldn't but glance at her, seeing the care free look on her face, not bothering to hide the fact that she was paying attention to a single word the teacher or even the entire class, letting out a tire yawn it was clear see that she wasn't even interested in the class.

"Excel", the teacher called out, drawing Exelirus's attention away from Alana.

"Yes Mrs", he replied the teacher, a bit startled and slight nervous.

"Get your head out of the clouds and pay attention", the teacher scolded, noticing that he wasn't paying attention to the class.

"Sorry Mrs.", Exelirus with a nervous, not wanting to get in to any trouble with the teacher.

Alana couldn't but smile slightly upon seeing the nervous expression on Exelirus's face as he spoke to his teacher, finding it somewhat cute.

The teacher just let out a tired sigh before saying, "Just pay attention and stop being distracted".

The teacher resumed the lesson with Exelirus trying his very best to focus on the class and avoid thinking about Alana for the rest of the class, a task that wasn't the simplest to accomplish especially due to the fact that he was seated right next to her and every now and then he would often catch her gaze on him, seemingly examining for a split second before turning away from. Exelirus managed at the very least to keep his eyes on the board and not to Alana for the duration of the class before the final bell rung signaling the end of class.

Exelirus let out a sigh of relieve as he left the class along with the rest of the children, feeling his tense up due to being around Alana, and a bit thankful that he could final get away from her or so at least that was what he thought until he found himself waiting in front of the school entrance gates for Daniela with none other than Alana by his side, her completely fixed on him making him feel immensely uncomfortable. All the other kids had already been picked up by their parents and it seemed as though they were the only ones left.

"Your forks running late to pick you up today too?" asked Alana.

"What do you want?" Exelirus asked with slightly annoyed and uncomfortable look on his face.

"I already told didn't", Alana said she leaned in closer to him.

"You've piqued my interest", Alana spoke with smile plastered on her face making Exelirus feel even more uncomfortable and wish that she was so close to him.

Part him wished he could just race out of there at hyper speed all just to avoid her, but he promised Daniela he wouldn't draw any attention to himself of use his speed in public.

"Hey I know, since both parents are running late why we don't get started on our homework", said Alana.

Exelirus was about to refuse the offer but then he remembered that he didn't really pay attention in class, mainly because he was distracted by her, and may need a little help with his homework.

Exelirus then let out a tired sigh before saying, "Fine".

Alana and Exelirus then got to work on their homework and Exelirus found himself in awe at just how brilliant the Alana as she help him with his algebra assignment, a subject he could make heads or tales of as struggled to comprehending normal math, wondering how so one that could barely stay awake in class be able so smart.

"There, that's how you solve for x", she spoke with a smile on her as finished the solving the equation.

"Oh", was all Exelirus could say as he watched her finish the final question.

"Hmm, you even more dense than I realized. You sure you're not an alien", she spoke playfully.

"No, I'm not", Exelirus answered defensively with a little bit of annoyance in his voice as he spoke, causing her giggle at him.

"I was kidding. With the way you responded, I'm starting to think your actually an alien", said Alana.

Exelirus just let out sigh, wondering just what was up with this girl.

"I know you think I'm strange", said Alana, taking Exelirus back.

"*sigh* everyone thinks I'm strange. And their right" said Alana with her head bowed and a slight smile on her face.

Exelirus turned to look at her, seeing the look of sadness and loneliness in her eyes, and upon doing so, couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"Well I'm not exactly normal myself. I mean you said it yourself, I'm an alien", said Exelirus with a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, you're even stranger than me", she said giggle.

Alana then let out sigh before lying down on the floor next to Exelirus.

"You know, the other kids wouldn't think you were so strange if you expressed yourself more to them", said Exelirus.

"Like talk to them. Tried that, every time I opened my mouth to talk, for so reason everyone just stares at me like I'm crazy or something", said Alana.

Exelirus thinking about the way she talks wasn't that surprised by the other kids wouldn't exactly be excited to talk to her.

"Well, you barely being awake during class doesn't exactly help you seem less strange", said Exelirus.

"Can you blame me, the lessons are boring and I already know everything they're teaching so what's the point", said Alana.

"Wait what?" Exelirus was greatly taking aback by her statement, wondering if she just being arrogant or actually meant what she said.

Alana then let out a deep sigh. 

"If I'm being honest. I don't even want to be here, heck I don't even need to be here. I won't even be here if was for…" Alana paused

"Wasn't for what?" Exelirus asked.

Alana letting out a tired sigh just said with a low tune, "Nothing".

Exelirus, sense that she didn't want to talk about, chose to not ask any further question though he was a bit curious.

"Can I ask a question", Alana with her gaze facing up.

"Sure", said Exelirus.

"How do you see the world?" asked Alana.

"What?" said Exelirus a bit taken aback by her question.

"This world, it people, and everything within it. How do you see it?" asked Alana.

"Why are you asking me this?" asked Exelirus, wondering why Alana was asking such a question.

"Just curious", replied Alana.

Exelirus just let out a sigh before saying, "I don't really know. It's a bit strange, everything here moves so slowly. And as for the people, I don't know, they all seem alright".

"You don't get out much do you", said Alana with a chuckle.

"We live in a pretty messed up world Excel. One where people with extraordinary abilities, demi-human with strength and power that far exceed our own walk among us. It's a pretty terrifying world to be in. And it's not like the regular people are saints themselves after all you don't really need powers or any special ability to steal, destroy or hurts someone", said Alana.

"I mean it's not that scary, we have heroes like Speed Star watching over us", said Exelirus.

"Sure, we have heroes be we also have villain, mad psychos and criminal, and half of the time the heroes don't show up on time to save the day and even when they do show up most of the time *sigh* fail they to save everyone, and sometimes the heroes aren't enough to stop the villains", said Alana.

Exelirus paused upon hearing what Alana, thinking about her words as an image of Daniela smiling with scars all over her body flashed in his head.

"Don't get me wrong, the hero do try their very best but doesn't change the fact that at the end of the villains will always be out there wreaking havoc and destruction", said Alana with a sigh. Leaving 

Exelirus speech as he had never really thought of the reality of the world he fell in to in such a light. Recalling all the times Daniela would race at out of the house before return home late covered sores, cuts, and bruises, brushing it all off with smile and joke. He had never really thought of what she had to go through each time she wore her suit and put on her mask before blitzing off at supersonic speeds and after hearing what Alana just said he could only imagine.

"Can I ask you another question?" asked Alana.

"Sure", said Exelirus.

"If you could fix the world, eliminate all the villains and make it perfect, would you?", Alana asked with a tone serious.

"I…" Exelirus struggled to give a reply, not entirely sure what to say even how to answer the question.

"Excel", a familiar voice called out for him.

Exelirus then turned to see Daniela standing in front of the school.

"Looks like your rides here", said.

Daniela then made her way to Exelirus and Alana.

"Who's your friend", Daniela asked with warm smile on her face.

"Who she, she's not…" , Exelirus was cut off mid-sentence by Alana saying, "I'm Alana, Excel first and only friend in school".

"Wow, glad to hear that Exelirus made a friend", Daniela spoke with bright smile on her face, pleased to her that Exelirus managed to make a friend.

"I get it, you were worried that he wouldn't be able to make any friends. I understand, he is kind of dense", Alana spoke the last part in a whisper but just loud enough for Exelirus to hear.

Exelirus cleared his throat, "Can we go now".

Daniela just smiled and nodded her head before saying to Alana, "You seem like a pretty smart girl. Do me a favor and keep an eye on him, he can be pretty dense".

Exelirus felt as though she said that last part just to offend him, man was it working.

"Alright, I'm out of here", Exelirus said before hanging his backpack and making his way towards the school gates, having had enough of being called dense by both Daniela and Alana.

Daniela giggled as she watched him pout as he walked away before turning to Alana, "It was nice meeting you Alana".

Daniela then joined Exelirus, leaving through the school gates with Daniela just standing by the entrance watching them as they left, thinking about Exelirus and just how strange he was.