
Zugiy walked towards the imposing recruitment facility, a sleek white structure dominating the Brasília skyline. His black hair with white tips and similarly colored eyes stood out among the crowd of recruits. As he approached, he reflected on his decision.

*Am I enlisting too early? I'm not even 18 yet... But maybe starting sooner is better.*

Around him, conversations among recruits mixed fear and anticipation. A visibly nervous young man murmured to his friend:

— Man, I've got butterflies in my stomach... What if we're not ready for this? It's a real war!

— I know, but it's better than living a life without purpose. We can't just stand by while the world is in danger — replied the friend, trying to hide his own nervousness.

As Zugiy entered the facility, he was immediately enveloped by a high-tech environment. Holographic screens displayed dynamic information, and drones floated smoothly through the air. Conversations quickly turned to the impressive infrastructure.

— Look at this, it's like we're in the future! — exclaimed a recruit, eyes wide.

— It's even more impressive in person... And it's really cool. I can't wait to face the aliens — commented another, with a confident smile.

While many were dazzled, Zugiy remained focused. He didn't let himself be distracted, concentrating on the mission that awaited him.

Suddenly, a smooth but firm voice echoed through the facility's sound system.

— Welcome to the recruitment base. Please proceed to the main hall for the registration process. Thank you for coming forward to defend our planet.

The recruits followed the instructions and lined up, moving quickly to the designated area. The atmosphere was charged with tension and expectation. Zugiy positioned himself among the others, feeling the weight of responsibility now resting on his shoulders.

At the front of the lines, a rigid and stern-faced colonel awaited. His immaculate uniform, adorned with medals showcasing years of service and experience, gleamed under the hall's lights. His eyes scanned the crowd with a critical gaze, typical of someone accustomed to commanding in times of crisis.

— Recruits, welcome to the recruitment base of one of Earth's Defense Forces in Brazil. My name is Colonel Ferreira, and I'm here to ensure you're ready for what lies ahead.

The colonel's voice was firm and authoritative, cutting through the air like a blade. He was not a man of gentle words; his presence commanded respect and demanded attention.

— You are here because you have been chosen to defend our planet. It doesn't matter where you came from or what your skills are, you are now part of something greater. We expect discipline, courage, and loyalty. War is not a game, and there is no room for mistakes. Fifty thousand recruits have enlisted so far, but only the most dedicated and prepared will be selected for the most critical missions.

He paused, allowing his words to echo in the tense silence that followed.

— Today, you will begin the assessment phase. You will be tested physically and mentally, and your special abilities will be evaluated. Remember: Earth's defense depends on each of you. Do not disappoint us.

With a nod, he signaled the recruits to follow the support officers who would guide them to the next phase of the process. Zugiy, maintaining his determination, followed the flow of people out of the main hall.

In one of the training sectors, Zeki, a young man with black hair and gray tips and black eyes, was in full swing. He demonstrated his abilities with impressive dexterity. Using his gravity powers, Zeki manipulated the gravity around him to perform complex exercises.

— Look at him... that's amazing — commented one recruit, admiringly.

Zeki floated above the ground, adjusting the gravity around him with precision. He made agile and precise movements, defying natural laws and showcasing a skill that seemed almost supernatural.

— Man, if he keeps this up, he'll pass with flying colors — said another recruit, intrigued.

Zeki's training was a display of control and skill. He altered the gravity to increase the difficulty of his exercises, demonstrating a level of ability that impressed even the most experienced instructors.

As Zugiy watched from a distance, he felt inspired by Zeki's prowess. Though his own skills weren't as visible, he was determined to succeed in his enlistment. After the tests and training, the recruits were dismissed for the day, and Zugiy returned home, exhausted but satisfied.

Upon arriving, his mother greeted him with an anxious yet relieved look.

— How was it, my son? Did you manage to get through everything okay?

— It was fine, Mom. The physical tests weren't that great, but I did better in the mental ones. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the results.

— You've always been very intelligent. I'm sure you'll do well.

Zugiy shrugged, maintaining his relaxed attitude.

— We'll see. The important thing is to help in any way I can.

After a simple meal, he went to his room, tired but hopeful about the future. As he prepared for sleep, his mind wandered to the possibilities of the following day. He knew that, regardless of the results, he was ready to do whatever was necessary to protect his world.