to the rescue

The team, led by Rosvaldo, advanced through the desolate streets of the planet until they reached the address provided by the alien. The location was arid and dry, with a solitary small residence in the midst of the desert. Zugiy, as always, remained silent, almost invisible at the back of the group.

When they arrived near the house, an alien with four arms and elegant wings appeared at the door. Her expression mixed surprise and suspicion upon seeing only humans at her doorstep.

"Humans? I didn't expect to see you here. Normally, I only hear criticism about human technology," the alien said, with a look of surprise.

Victor, with an ironic tone, wasted no time in provoking.

"Well, what's the problem? Can't we come and sort things out without being criticized? We're here on a mission, not for a tech showcase," Victor remarked with disdain.

Rosvaldo, sensing the tension, intervened firmly.

"Victor, calm down. We need to focus on the mission. I'll speak with her privately to better understand the situation," Rosvaldo said with authority.

Rosvaldo approached the alien and signaled for the group to wait outside the house. Melissa watched cautiously, while Mel tried to stay calm despite the tension. Zugiy remained silent, observing intently.

Inside the house, the environment was simple but welcoming. The decor reflected the local culture, giving the place a personal touch.

"My daughter was kidnapped a few days ago. They took her because of her wings, which are extremely valuable on our planet due to their beauty and resilience," the alien explained, with a worried tone.

Rosvaldo listened attentively and asked, "I see. Can you provide us with more information about the kidnappers? Any idea where they might be?"

"I'm not sure who exactly they are, but there are rumors that a local faction is involved. They operate in a remote area, away from inhabited regions. I don't know the exact location, but there are some known hideouts in the area," the alien replied nervously.

Rosvaldo assessed the information and said, "That gives us an initial direction. We'll investigate these locations and try to find your daughter."

The alien looked relieved but still concerned. Rosvaldo left the house and rejoined the group outside.

"The situation is more complicated than we thought. Her daughter was kidnapped by a local faction due to her valuable wings. We need to investigate some known hideouts of the faction," Rosvaldo informed the group.

Victor, irritated, commented, "Great, another search for criminals. How long is this going to take?"

Rosvaldo, staying calm, replied, "We'll do our best to be quick and efficient. The priority is to find the daughter and ensure her safety."

Melissa, agreeing but worried, said, "We need to focus on the rescue. We can't afford to waste time."

Mel, nervous, added, "What if they're armed? Are we prepared for that?"

Zugiy, who remained quiet and attentive, adjusted his backpack and equipment, ready for any situation. His discreet presence was noticeable, but he was always alert to play his role in the mission.

Rosvaldo, determined, concluded, "Let's organize a strategy to investigate the mentioned locations. We need to be swift and cautious."

As the group prepared to set out, Zugiy noticed a group of hooded individuals nearby, behaving suspiciously as if trying to hide.

"Guys, I see a group of hooded figures acting strangely over there. It could be a lead," Zugiy whispered, with a serious expression.

Rosvaldo, assessing the situation, said, "Let's proceed with caution. Investigating could be a good idea, but we need to be careful."

Victor, irritated and impatient, commented, "Let's move. They're just hiding; it's not a big deal."

Melissa, observing the hooded figures, added, "This seems suspicious. We should check it out, but with caution. We don't want to be caught off guard."

Mel, nervous but determined, said, "It could be a trap. We need to be ready for anything."

Zugiy, maintaining his calm and observant stance, signaled for the group to approach carefully. They moved slowly, trying not to attract attention. The tension increased as they neared the hooded figures.

When they got close enough, the hooded figures were whispering among themselves and carrying items that seemed to be advanced technology.

"It looks like these individuals might be connected to the faction we're looking for. Let's listen to what they're discussing," Rosvaldo whispered to the group.

Victor, lowering his voice with a sarcastic tone, commented, "If they're a lead, let's see if they have any useful information."

The hooded figures continued their discussion, but their words were hard to make out. Zugiy, with his keen observation skills, noticed some important details.

"They mentioned a meeting location. It could be one of the faction's hideouts," Zugiy whispered, focused.

Rosvaldo confirmed, "Good work, Zugiy. Let's follow this lead and see if we can get more information."

The group, now more focused and with a new direction, followed the trail left by the hooded figures, hoping that this lead would bring them closer to the faction's hideout and the rescue of the alien's daughter.