The perfect wife’s playbook

100 years ago…

When the goddess of chaos, Eris, attempted to take control of the earth, different creatures came together as one to fight against her. The blood battle rattled the entire world. Dragons also participated in the battle and after they won, the other creatures realized that the dragons were too powerful. Fear of facing another similar war forced them to come together to perform a spell, cursing all the dragons to forever remain in a human form. But there is a saying, these dragons can be identified by their platinum blonde hair and glowing gray eyes.

Present day…

Silas emerged out of the water, the black ink he used to dye his hair washed away revealing his platinum blonde hair. When he faced me, his gray eyes were glowing under the moonlight.

The ground felt like it was dissolving under me and then I felt a pull, about to fall.

Reflexively, Silas takes a hold of my waist. My chest was now pressed against his.

'You …You are a dragon.' I whispered.

'And you are mine.' Silas smirked.

Our eyes locked, his attractive features captured my attention, I did not have much time to snap out of it before his hungry lips crushed down onto mine, firmly capturing my lips in an extremely devouring kiss.

The heat and taste of his kiss filled my mouth as he groaned softly.

I had to use all of my strength, yelling as I pushed him away, 'What is wrong with you?'

He clucked ruefully, ' It's our wedding night, we have to consummate our marriage.'

'I am doing nothing of sort with you.' I yelled.

'And what makes you think you have a say?' He frowned, approaching me.

Even if I'd tried, I wouldn't be able to jump out of the tub in time.

He pulled me over by the waist, bringing his head down, his lips were an inch from touching mine. He speaks softly, 'The moment you became my wife, your entire life and body belonged to me, don't think for a second you can reject me.'

I held his gaze, 'I tried killing you once, it wouldn't take me another second to do that again.'

'Try me.' He aggressively pressed my back against the wet wall, eyes daring me to react.

I could feel the heat of our shared breaths and the thud of our combined heartbeats echoing like a call from the grim reaper in my ear.

In that heated moment, a knock on the door saved me from whatever calamity was about go down between me and Silas.

He moved away from me and walk out of the bathing tub. My eyes fell on his fine ass as he walked to the hanger. I could not stop staring at his naked body as he puts his clothes on. He knew my eyes were on him but that didn't make him stop.

He finished dressing up and opened the door. Lord Ayke stands before him. His gaze darted between Silas and me, he looked confused for a moment before recollecting himself,

'Forgive me my lord for interrupting your private time with the queen but I am afraid a pressing matter requires your immediate attention.'

Silas shot me a side eye, 'There was nothing going on to be interrupted.'

With those words, he left. Lord Ayke shot me a nod and followed suit.

I sighed in relief, climbing out of the tub. I am completely drenched from head to toe but what still shocks me is how the warm water suddenly became freezing.

Is Silas really a dragon blood?

I headed back to my chamber, Mikael Gras was still standing guard when I got there. His eyes leered over me in a slow perusal,

'Are you okay?' He inquired with concern. The warmth of his sincerity brought a smile to my face,

'I am fine, thank you.'

He opened the door for me and I strutted in. He closed the door behind me.

What a day.

I undressed myself, changing into a dry night gown. Jumped on the bed to sleep but as soon as I closed my eyes, the image of Silas's lips touching mine flashed in my head.

I sharply opened my eyes, 'what was that?'

Why can't I stop thinking about that kiss? Why am I flirting with the idea of what could have happened between us if Lord Ayke hadn't interrupted us?

I fell asleep wondering and woke up still hungover on that thought.

After getting dressed, I wanted to go on a morning stroll around the palace garden. A maid named Sienna accompanied me with Mikael.

'Can you tell me about the king? What is he like?' I inquired.

'The king?' Sienna paused, 'I have been here since I was a little child, and even back then, the king used to spend his days behind closed doors in his bedroom. No one was allowed in only the late queen and the late king.' She lowered her voice, 'King Silas never sleeps at night. He drinks a lot but can't seem to sleep, like an owl.'

My interest was piqued, I leaned, whispering, 'What does he do at night then?'

'I have no idea.' She shrugged, 'He sleeps only during the day and at night, does god knows what.'

'Does that mean he is sleeping now, when will I get to see him?' I asked.

She shrugged, 'I have been working here for decades and I can count the few times I've set eyes on king Silas.'

'So I won't be seeing him tonight?' My mood instantly changed, 'Where is he staying at now?'

'Only the king's hand knows.' She responded.

Why do I even care?

'Fine, I will get to enjoy my peace anyway.'

The day flew like the wind, I enjoyed sleeping peacefully for the first time in a while.

The second day came, I showered and got dressed as always, took a stroll around the garden, returned to my chamber and went to bed.

The third, the fourth, and the fifth day all came and passed like a shooting star.

Before I realized it, it's been seven days since I last set my eyes on Silas. I have to admit, I am rather growing a bit anxious.

Just like every other day, I took a stroll around the garden with Sienna and when the sun set, I retired to my bedroom.

I entered the room and there he was, Silas, seated comfortably on the chair.

I chuckled in disbelief, slamming the door behind me. I strode into the room, glaring down at him while he perused at me seductively.

'The green looks good on you.' He complimented my outfit as if we hadn't spend seven days without setting eyes on each other.

I scoffed, 'Where have you been Silas? Why am I only seeing you after seven days time?'

'I thought you hated me and this marriage?' He pried, a hint of a smile across his face, 'Or do you perhaps miss me?'

I felt like knocking his head into the wall, 'Are you kidding me? You forced me into marrying you and then you leave me alone in this massive place!?'

'Why alone? Isn't Lord Gras keeping you company?'

His question caught me totally off guard, 'What does… what exactly does that mean?' I stuttered.

Silas chuckled, getting to his feet, 'I saw the way you looked at him at the feast. I believe he's captured your heart, am I wrong?'

The audacity of this guy!

Anger flooded my brain and I said without thinking, 'I should have made sure you stayed dead that night.'

My comment must have triggered Silas, he came charging towards me with a dagger in his hand.

Subconsciously, I took a step back not knowing the bed was just behind me and ended up falling down on it. Silas didn't stop, he leaned, grabbing my hand, curling it around the dagger and pressed the sharp edge against his jugular.

'Why don't you give it another try then?' He challenged me.

I was beyond furious and yanked my hand out of his grasp. The dagger flew across the floor, making a loud clattering noise.

Silas suddenly rounds the bed, forcing me to lean back. His eyes bore into mine as he speaks, 'Why? You don't want to kill me now?'

I am so angry, yet why did I lose myself in his ocean-like eyes?

A few days ago, I hated this man to the extent that I killed him and now, I desire this man more than anything else.

How can it be possible? Why am I drawn to Silas Grey?

It was as if he read what was going on in my head, leaned, and pressed his lips against mine. I moaned without restraint from feeling the pleasure of his mouth against mine as his tongue slowly slipped between my lips, requesting entry into the hot, wet depths of my mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and began kissing him back with wild abandon as if I couldn't get enough of him.

I'd never felt such an intense desire before in my life, and I was slightly shocked at how much I wanted to feel his naked body against mine.

I ran my fingers through his soft dark hair as I kissed him even deeper than before - our tongues dancing in a passionate dance.

It felt as if I was flying in the cloud and then, as Silas suddenly pulled away, I crashed back down on the ground.

Without saying a word, he stand and walk out of the room.

Shock and confusion was written all over my pale face

I mean, what just happened?