The dragon keeper

To celebrate our wedding, a game was planned to hold at the List field later in the evening.

Kingdom Rheiss is popularly known for its Jousting tournaments. Every year, Arya doesn't fail to attend. She loved watching these games and I was too busy picking people's pockets to concentrate on them.

Sienna with the other maids joined hands to get me dressed. I was put in a massive blue and silver corset gown. Thank god they did nothing crazy with the hair and tied it in a simple bun with less flowers.

I was escorted to the list field by lord Gras and Sienna. I was on my to our Loge when we crossed paths with Silas.

Whatever happened between us last night must have ravaged our ability to speak.

He donned a black attire, looking dashing with the crown on his long dark curly hair, though he looks ethereal in the blonde hair - his original hair shade.

Silas said not a single word to me and went his way, followed by the Lord Ayke and his guard.

I scoffed in disbelief and followed suit. I arrived and settled on my chair next to his throne.

Our gaze met and for the briefest of seconds, we both tensed.

The game commenced, I never expected it to be that entertaining. For a moment, I had almost forgotten I was the queen and kept cheering and vouching for the black knight. He was clearly quiet skilled but the silver knight turned out to be more cunning and defeated the black knight at the last minute.

Silas's choice was the silver knight, he smiled briefly when he won.

The game ended and I was on my way downstairs when suddenly, out of nowhere, a red hair old woman jumped at me, grasping my wrist - her sharp dirty nails sunk into my skin.

I grimaced, sharply looking down at her in the eye. Her skin was saggy, dry, and dirty. One of her eyes was completely white and the other one was a jade green in color.

'you can never escape, even if you tried. He tricked you.' She mumbled

I didn't understand her but it felt like she knew what she was saying, as if she was sent to warn me of an unknown danger.

Mikael took a hold of her by the waist but her grip around my arm was very tight and when he pulled her, she pulled my arm and, as a result, left a massive scratch on my arm.

Mikael pushed her and she fell on the ground, still, she laughed,

'He is a trickster, he tricked you. You have been tricked.'

Two guards came and grabbed her by the arms, forcing her to her feet.

Silas heard the commotion and came to investigate what was going on.

Mikael tore his cape and was about to take a hold of my bleeding arm when suddenly, Silas beats him at it.

He grabbed my arm, observes it and pulled a long face, wheeling around to face the old woman.

'Take her away.' He commanded.

The guards started dragging her away but still, she yelled,

'Have you told her yet? Does she know what relationship you share? Does she know who she is? You are a trickster, you have tricked her.'

She kept repeating the same words like a chant till she was out of sight.

I couldn't believe what just happened.

Silas said I should ride with him in his carriage, and I was too shaken up to disagree.

He entered the carriage after me and the door was closed, it started moving.

He takes a hold of my injured hand and observed how deep the wound was.

'Does it hurt?' He asked, looking up to meet my glazed eyes.

I sniffed, 'I'm okay.'

'That must have frightened you.' He said, running his thumb around my injury, 'Can you close your eyes?'

My heart was galloping, I was afraid Silas might hear the loud thumps.

I shot him a questionable glance, 'Close my eyes? Why?'

'Just do it.' He requested softly.

I nodded, closing my eyes like he asked. I felt his hand running gently over my injured arm and then I felt a cold sensation shooting sharply up my arm. And at the same time, it was as if something was glowing and then it faded.

'You can open your eyes now.' He whispered.

Slowly, I open my eyes, gaze landing on my injured hand which was somehow now healed.

I sharply looked up at Silas with a jumbled face, 'What …How did you, it can't be possible.'

'Just imagine it was all in your head.' He said, letting go of my hand and turning away his gaze from me.

'What do you mean just imagine it was all in my head? What that woman was saying, you know what she meant right? What did she mean by you tricked me? What do you know about me that you are not telling me? Who am I Silas? Why did you marry me?'

I was demanding an explanation from him because whatever happened to me these last few weeks was nothing short of impossible. Sometimes, I find myself wondering if I am perhaps lost in a dream and I would wake up any second.

Silas ignored me. I wonder why.

'Silas, I need the truth. Silas?'

'That's enough.' He scowled.

The carriage came to a stop and he instantly stepped out without looking back.

Yet again, he's left me in a torturing situation, my head is all over the place, who do I talk to?

I stepped down and stormed to my chamber. Sienna escorted me. She was helping me out of my dress when she noticed my hand,

'Your highness, your injury? How did…'

I quickly covered my arm with my other hand, turning to face her with a panicked smile, 'What are you talking about? What injury? I wasn't injured.'

She tilted her head to one side, 'But that woman scratched you, I saw blood and …'

'Nothing of sort happened.' I interrupted her, 'You can leave, I can handle the rest on my own.'

'Are you sure? Alright.' She gave me a nod and leave.

I sighed in relief, hunkering down heavily on my bed, 'Telling you the truth will only make me look mad.'

Later that night…

I fell asleep and in my dream, I was running in a dark shady forest, I was trying to escape from the armed palace guards who were chasing me.

I ran as fast as my legs could go and I was clearly exhausted, hungry, and hurt, but still, I didn't stop, I couldn't.

The struggle for survival was an uphill battle.

I reached the end of the cliff, glanced down - water churns a hundred feet below.

I glanced over my shoulder, the guards were closing in on me. There was no where to go. It was either down or let them catch me.

'I can't let them catch me.' I took a deep frightening breath, 'what do I do?'

Out of the blue, a torrential headwind pushed me off the cliff.

Is this my end?

Suddenly, a hand latched onto mine and I was pulled up. I fell on my knees, panting, looking up only to see Silas - breathing heavily and completely drenched in his sweat.

'How can you even think of abandoning me? You are mine Aria.' He looked concerned and terrified at the same time.

'What are you talking about?' I was confused.

'You don't understand, do you? That our relationship began even before you married me, even before you were born.'

My brows knit, 'I don't understand what you are saying Silas.'

He grabbed my arms and pulled me over with desperation, staring deep into my eyes, 'You are very special to me. I must protect you at all cost, and so should you do the same.'

'What do you mean by our relationship was forged even before I was born? I have never known you until that night I attempted assassination on you.'

Silas shook his head, 'You are wrong. You do not know about it because there was no one to tell you. You did not come to kill me or marry me as a coincidence, you and I bound together'

'What is that even supposed to mean?'

'I am the dragon blood and you …' He put my palm against his pounding chest, 'You are my keeper. You are a dragon keeper Aria. My dragon keeper.' He yelled.

'A …A what?…'

I jolted back to reality, waking up with a sharp gasp, I was panting as if I did ran and it wasn't all a dream.

'What was that about?'

I turned to change my sleeping position when I felt a strong presence behind me. I jumped and sharply turned around.

Silas stepped into the moonlight and his entire body started glowing.

'What are you… what you doing here? How did you get in here?' I asked him.

He didn't say a word and only stared at me in such a way that brought tears to my eyes, 'Silas, are you okay?'

I reached out for him only for me to blink and he was gone. Disappeared into thin air.

I was shaking like a rain drenched chicken and in that moment, regretted my impulsive decision to kill Silas. I should have never come to the palace.

'What have I gotten myself into?'