The power within

I scoffed, 'You are so shameless, how can you even call yourself a father? Where were you when Arya was murdered in cold blood? Where were you?' I yelled.

'Arya did not die because of me, she was bound to die anyway. Arya had to die in order for you to survive.' The words escaped him unknowingly.

A slip of tongue?

My entire body ran cold, I take a step forward, grasping him tightly by the arm, 'What do you mean by that? Arya died because of me?'

Ayke sniffed, 'I am so sorry Aria that you have to go through this but the truth can't be changed. In every generation, there can only one dragon keeper. When the two of you were born, we knew one had to die for the order to live but we didn't know when, how, or who it would be. Arya would have died one way or the other because destiny chose you! You had to be the dragon keeper.'

Tears starts flowing down my cheeks, I gasp, taking terrifying breaths, 'It can't …It cannot be. What type of fate is that? What type of life is this? I don't want this life, I don't want this life.' I turn away, sobbing quietly, 'I don't want this life.'

I have been searching for my sister's murderer but all along, it was me. I am my sister's murderer.

'Do not blame yourself.' Ayke reached for my hand but instantly let go with a painful grunt. His hand was burnt.

How is that even possible? I don't really care!

I did not even look at him, 'Get lost!'

'Aria…' He attempted reaching for me again but I stepped away

'I am your queen, adress me as one, and it's not a request, I command it!'

'Yes, your highness.' He sheepishly nodded and left.

Silas was in the other room and overheard the entire conversation that went on between Julius Ayke and Aria.

Ayke came to meet him, shoulders slumped, sweat all over his forehead, 'She is losing control, crumbling on the inside. She is devastated, you are the only one that can help her, please help her.'

Silas faces Ayke, 'I cannot keep using my magic on her, you know the consequences and besides, Aria will be more hurt if she finds out about it.'

'She won't, but please, she's falling apart and she needs you now above all else. She is your keeper and she needs you to watch over her all the time. Help her, Silas, please.' Ayke pleaded.

Silas changed his mind after lots of contemplation.

I stand by the window, my chest feels stuffed. The door opens, I thought it was Julius,

'I already told you to leave, do you want me to have you executed for defying your queen?' I swiveled, eyes meeting Silas's soft gaze.

'Silas.' I felt the urge to go to him and so I ran, falling into his arms, 'Silas, help me please. He said Arya died because of me, how can that even be possible? I don't… I can't.' I sled out of his arms and drop down to my knees as I weep.

The pain swelled up inside of me, threatening to envelope my entire body. I was crumbling on the inside.

'It hurts, it hurts.'

Silas knelt and cupped my face, 'There is something I can do that will take away your pain, but it's uh, it's a spell and it has its consequences.'

'I don't want to go through this Silas, do whatever it takes, I just need, I need this pain to go away.' I grabbed his arms, burying my nails into his skin from the tight grip, 'I can't handle it.'

He nodded his understanding, gently caressing my cheek, 'You will be fine.' His gray eyes started to glow and when I locked eyes with him, it was as if everything else became invisible, all I can see and hear is Silas. His slowed heartbeat, his calm demeanor, and then within me feels like an invisible force is rapidly erasing the pain from my heart.

I got lost in Silas's gaze and everything went dark.

The next morning.

I wake up with a smile, I am smiling, I wonder why?

I feel light inside and I can't seem to remember what happened yesterday, why can't i remember?

Sienna came and helped me shower. I slip into the blue cotton gown. I love the lace pattern sewn around the edges.

The maids were leaving with a tray of roses. I stop them, 'Where are you going with these flowers?'

They exchanged glances. Sienna said, 'We thought you might not like it so…'

I frown 'You are right, I don't like them… I love them.' I chuckled, taking one and sniffed it, 'Hmm, it is quite fragrant, I love the smell.'

Sienna was confused, the queen hates flowers so what happened?

She asks, 'Are you doing okay, your highness?'

I cast her a glance, 'Why, do I look sick to you?'

She shook her head, 'Not at all, you look very fetching, your highness. It's just you rarely smile and today you …you are looking very lively.'

I smiled brightly, 'Thank you, Sienna.'

I open the door and stepped out, inhaling the refreshing air, 'What a lovely day.'

Lord Gras arrives. 'Your highness.'

'Ah, lord Gras.' I face him, 'Good morning, it's such a lovely morning right? The sky looks amazing.'

He gazed upon the normal blue sky with a puzzled expression and faces me, 'It is uh, yes, it looks good.'

I laugh softly, 'It has been a very long time since I last felt like this. I feel amazing lord Gras.' I smiled again and went on my heels.

Mikael followed me closely. It was surprising, even for him. He remembered how haggard the queen looked yesterday and today she is smiling and complimenting the sky as if she has nothing to worry about. What exactly happened yesterday?

Without knocking, I waltz into Silas's private study. Lord Ayke was alone.

He looked guilty when our eyes met, 'Good morning, your highness. The king will be here shortly.' He said and headed for the door.

I circle around, 'Are you leaving without saying a proper hello, father?'

Ayke froze, he sharply turned to look at me, 'What did you just say?'

'Father.' I said again, approaching him in timid steps, 'Why? Can't I even call you father just because you are king's hand and I am now the queen? Well we are alone, so I think it is okay.'

Why is she talking to me in such a calm and loving manner? Ayke wondered. He said, 'Are you doing okay, Aria?'

'You are the second person who asked me the same, why? What happened?' I inquired cluelessly.

Ayke gave out a nervous chuckle, 'Nothing, I just thought. Forget it. How are you feeling? I thought after I told you about Arya you were…'

'Wait…' I tilted my head, 'Arya? Who is that?'

Lord Ayke gasped softly, 'I …' he was suddenly tongue-tied.

'Are you okay, father?' I place a hand on his shoulder, 'Whatever it is, I am lucky to have found you again and I got married to the king. Silas saved my life, i can't love him less'

Shock was written all over his face. He stepped away, 'Ah, forgive me Aria, I uh, I need to be somewhere else right now.'

He quickly left without waiting for my response.

'Why is he in such a hurry?' I do wonder.

Ayke went to meet Silas. He barged into Silas's chamber,

'What have you done to my daughter? She doesn't seem to remember even her own sister.'

'I did what you asked me to.' Silas replied, buttoning his shirt, 'Arya is the source of her pain and you told me to help her, so I did.

Ayke gasped in shock, 'You erased Arya from her memories?'

'Well, she remembers everything else except the fact that she had a sister. Isn't this what you want, for her treat you like a father? To love you as one?' Silas questioned.

Ayke shook his head, 'Not like this. What will happen to her when her memories return? She will be torn to pieces and she will never forgive me.'

Silas settled down on the chair, 'I did warn you about it but the two of you wanted it so badly and so I granted you your wish. What happens next depends on fate.'

'Something tells me that you did this so you can speed the process. Aria is not yet a dragon keeper and you need her in the right mind place in order to unlock her powers before this year ends else, you will forever be trapped in a human form. You should not have messed with my daughter's head.' Ayke warned.

Silas was unfazed, 'Your daughter is alive today only to serve me. If she is of no use to me, she is as good as dead. As much as I need her powers to grant me the ability to shapeshift permanently, if I am dead, so will she be. So I am sorry if i do not have time to waste on your family drama, I have more pressing matters. I am the last of my kind on this land and I need to take my dragon form so I can trace the remnants of my bloodline.' He takes a deep breath,

'You should be lucky I did what I did and I will protect her life and mental health until her use to me is exhausted, then I will let her go and you can tell her whatever you want but till then, I suggest you refrain from mentioning Arya to her. And if you defy me…' Silas got to his feet, eyes glowing a bright red,

'I will forget that you were my father's dragon keeper.'