Butterflies in my stomach

I was confused as to about why my father left in such a hurry. For whatever reason it might be, I hope he will be alright.

I had to change into something light - the marroon leather dress, just perfect for hunting.

I dress up, tied my hair into a bun and headed out. Lord Gras stand guard as expected. His eyes leer over me, 'Where are you going?'

'I want to spend time with my husband.' I blushed, 'Alone, out in the woods.'

Gras abruptly cuts me, 'I do not think that is a wise decision, your highness.'

'And I do not think your job is to tell me what to do.' I said sternly, 'I want to spend time with my husband, you can go spend some time with your loved for the rest of the day. Report to work tomorrow.'

'Serving the crown and protecting you is my priority. I'm afraid I cannot do what you have commanded me to, your highness.' He notified apologetically.

Why is he being adamant?

I frown, taking a step towards him, 'You protect the crown and yet you forget the most important thing. I AM the crown, and that wasn't a request, i command it. If you disobey me again, I will have to find a new knight and I am pretty sure there are hundreds out there ready to take your place.'

That was rude.

Even if he was shocked, he did a great job masking his emotions. With a nod, he said, 'Forgive me. I wish you a safe return.' And then he swaggered off.

I am the queen and it's about time I start acting like one.

Excitedly, I knock and enter Silas's room with a wide smile,

'Good morning husba…' I stop on my tracks when my eyes landed on his ripped body. He was getting dressed when i barged in.

Silas paid no attention and puts his shirt on, using his thumb and middle finger to button it, 'You were saying?'

'I …' I gulp, gliding to where he stands, 'Let me.' I reached out to his shirt, hands slightly grazing against his. He put away his hands, eyes watching me like a hawk. I feel uneasy under his keen gaze and started shaking all over. Silas noticed and looked away. After buttoning his shirt, I step back,

'I uh, do you have any engagements you will be attending today?'

'Why the question?' He turned his back on me, rummaging through the stuff on the table.

'I uh, I thought we could go hunting. It has been quiet a while since I stepped out and I just thought we could spend some time together, alone.' I blush, 'I already sent lord Gras away.'

He face me with an unreadable expression. My heart thunders as I try to read his face.

He casually says, 'Let's do it.'

I was bewildered, 'You want do it?'

'Why …?' His eyes meets mine, 'Do you not want me to?'

A sizzle of something electric passes through me, 'No, I want you to I just …I, I didn't expect it.'

'Well, shall we?' He jerked his head in the direction of the door.

I nodded my consent, 'Sure.' And followed him.

Somewhere in the town.

After what happened with the queen, Mikael wanted to clear his head, he needs a drink. What better place than the famous Dragon tavern.

Men and women chatter noisily but upon Mikael's arrival, it dies down. Silence cut through the air as sharp as a yakuza's sword.

Majestically, Mikael makes his way in and headed to the bar.

The barkeep is known as Jamai, a middle aged African man who was captured by pirates at a young age and traded to a village in the north coast. He battled all obstacles and fate brought him here to kingdom Rheiss.

He has big brown eyes and huge dreadlocks bun and fade. His bushy mustache makes him look older than he actually is. He believes it makes him scarier 'Carry on lots, he is here for a drink not a head.' The barkeep announced, reassuring the tensed crowd. The noisy chatter instantly resumes.

Mikael settled down on the wooden stool, voice as deep and dark as a thunder cloud, he said, 'Get me a cup.'

Mikael Gras is known all around the kingdom for his exceptional fighting skills. He never visits a tavern unless he wants a drink or he's there to claim someone's life.

Jamai filled a silver cup with ale and placed it down in front of Mikael, 'What's gotten you in such a cloudy mood?' He glance around, leaning dramatically, 'Did everything go south with the queen? I am sensing a bit of a stifled tension in there, I can almost smell your rage.'

Mikael casts him a glare, chugging down the ale in a single swig. He keeps the cup with a loud thud, 'Another one.'

'Ah, so it really didn't work out.' Jamai took the cup and started refilling it, 'You haven't told her yet, have you? That Arya was your lover?'

Mentioning Arya's name ripped open a really fresh wound for Mikael, he grunts, 'I don't even know what to say about the queen. For the last few weeks, she was behaving like our people and today, she's suddenly behaving like the queen.'

'Ah, the power's getting to her head?' Jamai kept the cup and leaned, 'I thought she went to the palace to avenge her sister and you went there to protect and then somehow, she became the queen and you, her guard.'

Mikael sighed, 'I could not protect Arya, I thought I would protect Aria instead but, she doesn't seem to need me.'

'How would she when you haven't told her about the relationship you shared with her sister yet? Aria deserves the truth from you.' Jamai said.

Mikael paused, taking another huge swig, 'I don't think she needs me, she is happy licking her husband's arse and playing queen, I will forget that she is Arya's sister and serve her like i should. Arya is gone anyway, we share no relation now.'

'For goodness's sake Mikael!' Jamai thrusted his hands in the air. He relaxed and leaned, whispering, 'You married Arya in secret and she was pregnant with your child when that bastard took her life. Do you still remember the promise you made?'

Mikael was now in tears, his entire body quivers, 'I promised to kill whoever was the reason behind Arya's death.'

'Good.' Jamai nodded, 'we already know that the king orchestrated the riot, we just need to get Aria on our side and then we can end him for good and since he has no heir, you can easily take his place as king. It is your family's right anyway.'

Mikael sharply raised his head, 'Have you lost it? Talking about this in public is dangerous. We will continue this conversation later. But just so you know, I am not going to kill the king to take his place. I am going to do it so Arya can find peace.'

He finishes his drink, got to his feet and left.

Jamai sighed watching his retreating figure, 'Poor lad, Silas Grey took your throne and now your wife and unborn child. How unfortunate.' He shook his head and returned to his other clients.


Silas and I took separate horses. He rode ahead and I barely managed to keep up. We finally got to the woods. We stopped to rest. He get down his horse and started walking ahead. I also climbed down and followed him.

'What are you looking for?' I inquired as I breathe through my mouth while I jogged after him.

He abruptly stop to turn around and i unintentionally ran into him, bashing my forehead against his chest.

I quickly step back as he shoots me a frustrated glare.

'Why exactly are we here?' Silas asked.

I swallowed. 'We are… We are here to hunt.'

'Hunt?' Silas surveyed the area, 'Hunt without a bow and arrow. How the hell are we going to hunt? With our eyes or our bare hands?'

I totally forgot to get those things prepared.

I duck my head sheepishly, 'Forgive me, I was too excited and forgot to pack the necessary supplies.'

'Now what?' He shook his head disappointingly at me and starts walking away.

I rush after him, 'We can still spend our time together.'

'And do what exactly, Aria?' He circled around, 'Why are you doing this?'

My heart races, either from running or from how Silas's eyes on me makes me feel. I slowly meet his eyes, 'We are married, we can still spend quality time together.'

'Quality time?' Silas scoffed. He suddenly came at me. I start retreating till there was no room left and my back is pressed against the pine tree.

Silas leaned, bringing his face dangerously close to mine. He whispered, 'You and I, this marriage, it is nothing but a lie. You are deluded for thinking that there's any romance possible between us. Just do what you are here to do.'

He turned to leave but I grabbed his hand. He faces me with a puzzled expression. 'What do you think you are doing?'

I gulp, 'Whatever it is, I am your wife and you are my husband. You can't treat me like this. No, I will not accept it, I can't accept it.'

With that, I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips against his cold ones.