The answers

The throne of kingdom Rheiss originally belonged to Lucien Gras. A few decades ago, Arthur Lyon Grey slaughtered the entire Gras family and took over the throne of kingdom Rheiss but rumors still circulate around that the princess escaped, gave birth and now, the last living descendants and true heirs to the throne of kingdom Rheiss still walk the earth.

Mikael Gras grew up learning about his ancestors and his true origin, his destiny; he shall one day take back what's his.

All Mikael ever wanted was to live a quiet life as a knight, marry a beautiful woman, have children, live in tranquility and prosper till death takes him but at the blink of an eye, his dream was snatched away from him.

He'd never felt the desire to be king or wield that much power but losing Arya made him realize that he should have faught for the throne, perhaps if he had and became king, Arya would still be alive.

He will protect Aria at all costs, no matter what it takes or whose head it will cost but he won't be stopped, he can't, for Arya's sake.


'I will lay my life for you.' Silas promised, looking me in the eye.

Silas is openly telling me that he will be at his weakest point when he's in transformation to be a dragon, if I slay him then, he will permanently die.

I don't know how to feel about that.

'How long will it take? I want to kill you so badly that I can't wait another day.' I tried sounding heartless.

Silas chuckled, 'On the night of the two moons, that is when your powers as my dragonkeeper will be at its peak, with a little help from you, I will be able to transform. When the day comes, you can decide to kill me or whatever it is you want to do.'

With those words, he punched out of the room.

My eyes followed him, shuddering as he slammed the door with frustration.

I think I like him but I don't like him. What is going on with my head? I need answers and the only person that can give them to me is none other than lord Ayke, my father.

I summoned him to my chamber.

With a heavy heart, Lord Ayke walks in and greeted me respectfully.

I motioned for him to sit on the chair while I settled down across him.

I take a deep relaxing breath, 'So much happened these few days.' I chuckled bitterly, 'It's like a sick joke. It feels surreal.' I paused, relaxed the nerves building up around me, 'When Silas made me forget Arya, why were you sad? I mean, is that not your wish for me to consider you my …A father?'

Why did I ask that? Well, I can't turn back time might as well just let the moment flow.

Ayke chuckled softly, 'It felt good, hearing you address me as "father". It was like a song to my ears, a song I have yearned to hear for years. But then, it sounded so fake, it wasn't real. I'd rather have you hate me than have you love me when I know it's all a lie. And how can I, as your father, watch you completely forget your own sister? That is not fair!'

My heart smiled. I smiled, 'I suppose you are not as selfish as I thought.'

Ayke nodded, 'Well, we all have good within us.'

What a moment. But it is time to concentrate on what really forced me to summon lord Ayke,

I cleared my throat, shifting in my chair, 'About Silas, we both know he is a dragon and even though it's a little hard to process, I have no choice but to accept the truth. I have a question to you, you have lived as a dragonkeeper so why did the previous king died? I thought they don't die?'

'I was waiting for this.' Ayke sighed, 'How do I put this, yes they don't die but they do die.'

I shook my head in confusion, 'Can you be a little bit more specific?'

Ayke inhaled sharply, 'They are immortal for a given period of time and once they fail to transform into their true form in ten decades, they will succumb to an untimely death.'

'So you are saying they live only for a hundred years and if they fail to turn into a dragon at their hundredth year, they will die?' I tensed, 'How old exactly is Silas?'

It doesn't make sense.

Ayke ducked his head, 'He is ninety nine, on the night of the double moon he will be hundred.'

I couldn't believe my ears, Silas has lived for that long? How did he and his father managed to hide such a massive truth from the entire kingdom? Is Silas perhaps using his magic to hypnotize the entire kingdom?

So many questions and very little answers. I need to know more.

I leaned curiously, 'Why did Silas marry me? Did he have other dragon keepers before me?'

Ayke fell silent, he must be hiding something.

'What are you not telling me?' I investigated.

He glanced around warily, 'Silas is …' hesitating, he shook his head, staggering to his feet, 'Aria love, just do your best and ensure he transforms into a dragon. The night of the double moon is in seven days. Till then, you need to hold out, don't let your heart be swayed.'

'What is going on? You are not telling me something and it must be important. I am commanding you to tell me the truth as your queen.' I exercised my powers over him, hoping I could force the truth out of him but to no avail.

Ayke lowered his head apologetically, 'Forgive me but, I am afraid I cannot speak of it. Forgive me.' He hurriedly skidded out of the room before I could say a word.

What is he hiding? What could be so important. Why did Silas Lyon Grey married me?

These questions, I need answers.

I left the room - it was getting stuffy, and decided to take a walk around the garden. Lord Gras approached me with hurry, 'My queen, your immediate presence is required at the council hall.'

The council hall? My heart skipped a beat.

'Why? What is it about?' I questioned, studying his worried face.

Gras only sighed, 'Forgive me but you need to see yourself.'

What is it about?

I followed him hurriedly. When I arrived, two guards were standing outside. They opened the door for me and I slipped in without hesitation.

To my surprise, the lords have gathered around the table.

Silas and my father are nowhere to be seen. I swept my eyes about the room, treading carefully,

'Why did you call me here?'

Lord Titus, the lord of house Green flashed his big blue eyes on me, 'How about you sit, my queen?'

He made it sound like a request but his body language exuded authority and I felt the command.

Clearing my throat, I nervously glode further into the room and settled down on the king's chair.

Lord Titus continued, 'Word has come to us that ever since you became queen, there has been no marital or political progress.'

I shot him a questionable glance.

He nodded his understanding, continuing, 'The maestars have confirmed that you are yet to conceive and as this kingdom's leaders, we are growing rather concerned. Without an heir, kingdom Rheiss is prone to danger. So as concerned leaders, we are here to listen from your own mouth why you are yet to carry a child.'

These men in their royal attires, carrying their heads in the clouds - how can they be this shameless?

I glanced at every single one of their faces, I was genuinely shocked at how inconsiderate these men can get.

'Are you seriously asking me to tell you about my personal matters?' I had to question again.

Lord Titus glanced at the rest and they nodded in unison. He said, 'it would be better if you elaborate more precisely about your wedding night with the king. Are you yet to consummate your marriage and if no, why are you yet to conceive a child?'

I feel interrogated, slapped by an invisible hand. How can they ask a woman such questions?

I tried to be a proper lady and faked an innocent smile, 'I do not think it is proper for me to speak of such matters in public.'

'Do not consider us the public.' Lord Scalaman hinted, 'Your husband might be the king but we are the kingdom and trust me, I do not wish to be brazen or disrespectful but whatever you are going to tell us, I believe we have all experienced it practically, countless of times actually so there's nothing, absolutely nothing to be shy about.' He added.

The men chuckled briefly, clearly enjoying preying at my credulity.

Truth is, I tried to remain calm, to behave like a 'proper' lady but if hearing such remarks from disgusting men is what will make me a proper lady then I am afraid I am not fit to body that role.

I closed my eyes, the rage building up to my throat.

Through gritted teeth, I growled,

'you …annoying… set of disgusting ARSEHOLES!!!'