“A proper lady”

I was so angry that I could feel the steam coming out of my holes and so, without restraint, I yelled like a mad woman, 'You …disgusting …set of fucking ARSEHOLES!!!'

I yelled so loud that my voice echoed through the entire building.

The lords sharply exchanged baffled glances - clearly shocked.

I laughed in disbelief, hissing ferociously, 'How dare you ask me to fucking elaborate on my wedding night? Why the fuck does it matter to you if I fucked my husband yet or not?'

Lord Titus scrambled to find the right words.

I raised my index finger to his face, 'Don't you dare say another fucking word.'

He zipped his mouth.

I flashed them my daggering gaze, 'You lots are disgusting, it seems because I am a woman you are forgetting the fact that I am your queen! If you need fucking answers then why didn't you call the king and interrogate him like you did me? But no, you can't, because he is a man and I am a woman, right? RIGHT!!?'

'For… Forgive us your highness, we just thought as concerned people of this kingdom we deserve the right …'

'The right?' I cut him, chuckling in disbelief, 'Did you just say you deserve the "right"? What right exactly? To know if me and my …' I grunted, struggling to remain calm, 'You lords really crossed all fucking limits with me today. You dare look me in theeye and ask me this?'

Lord Titus attempts to be courageous, he stagger to his feet, 'Forgive me but you are being disrespectful right now so how about you calm down?' He raised his voice in a quiet room, at me? His queen!

I was quiet for a moment allowing him to flaunt all his masculinity and when I was sure he was done, I sharply risen, screaming uncharacteristically loud at the top of my lungs, 'PISS OFF!!'

My sudden action startled the life out of lord Titus, he hunkered down to his chair terrifyingly as if he'd seen a ghost.

That is more like it!

'I should just …I should just …' I looked around, grabbing a sword from the wall, glaring murderously at him, 'I should fucking kil…'

'That's enough!' Silas's voice boomed as the doors were pushed open and he strode in, frowning, 'That's enough Aria.'

Helplessly, I threw down the sword, storming out of the room as I flashed them a glare, not giving a shit about the shocked look on my father's face.

Silas went after me.

I barged into my bedroom, pacing up and down frustratedly.

Silas waltz in, 'What was that about? How can you behave in such a manner when you are the queen?'

'The queen?' I scoffed, sharply facing him, 'Do you know what those blithering idiots said to me? Am I not allowed to feel offended? They asked really personal questions and were literally forcing me to answer them. I felt cornered, frustrated and so should I have been quiet and listen to them lord all over me? I should've killed that bastard!.'

'Look you just had to bear with them, it's all part of the …'

'Part of the what?' I pressured him, 'Part of the what, hmm? If given a chance, those arseholes would easily strip me naked and …'

'Hey, calm down, okay?' He reached for my hand, softly saying 'It won't happen again, I promise.'

I instantly relaxed, the rage washing away from my chest.

His lips twitched into a devilish smirk, 'Sometimes you behave like a wild beast.' He teased.

I turn away from him, rolling my eyes. 'Stop it.'

Silas is clearly having fun. He leaned, whispering in my ear, 'What should I call you, a wild cat?'

'Stop it.' I warned, nudging him away with my elbow.

Silas only grinned, leaned again and whispered, 'My wild cat.'

'Stop it!' I snapped, sharply wheeling around and frustratedly yanking him by the collar.

As soon as our eyes met, I felt a sudden rush of desire. I pulled him without restraint, pressing my lips against his.

Silas had no time to react, before he could think of it, I pulled away, eyes snapping open.

Embarrassed, i sheepishly let him go and turned away when suddenly, Silas pulled me back, hands curling around my waist. All I felt was the force of his lips crushing against mine, capturing my lips into an extremely devouring and passionate kiss.

I started kissing Silas with wild abandon as if I couldn't get enough of him, running my hand through his dark hair.

He groaned in my mouth, thrusting his tongue into the hot wet depth of my mouth.

I moaned, leaning further into his chest, kissing him as if my life depended on it.

He started caressing my body, massaging my chest, squeezing me till a sharp moan escaped my lips.

I fumbled to unbotton his shirt when he pulled my hand gently away, pulling away from the kiss.

He had a grin on his face, chuckling, he speaks breathlessly, 'That's enough for one day love, I'm afraid if we keep going i might not be able to stop.'

'Well I don't want you to stop.'I pouted, 'We shouldn't stop.' leaning to kiss his neck.

Silas moaned, bringing his face down and kissed me tenderly on the lips, 'I am serious, we should stop.' He turned away, straightening his shirt.

'Silas, you …' He didn't wait for me to finish my sentence before he walked out.

Why does he always do this? It's like he is trying to restrain himself from getting intimate with me. Why? I can't let him leave like that without a proper answer, not today.

I dashed after him.

He went back to the council hall and settled down, giving the council members a look that made them tremble.

'You have no right whatsoever to treat my wife in such an …'

I reached the door but the guards stopped me, 'The king commanded not to allow anyone in.'

'Do I look like "anyone" to you then, I am his wife, your queen, so let me in!' I demanded.

The guard refused, lowering his gaze, forgive me but, I am afraid I am left with no choice.'

'No choice?' I scoffed, putting my hands against my waist as I flashed him a glare, 'Now listen carefully, I do not care what the king said but if you don't let me in, I will draw your sword and sever your head from your neck and guess what? There is nothing anyone can do about it. So how about you let me in or I can just walk over your lifeless body?'

He gulped, exchanging shocked glances with his partner. Eventually, he caved in, stepping away to give me space.

Without wasting another second, I pushed the doors, stumbling in the middle of their conversation.

The entire room went quiet, both Silas and lord Ayke shooting me questionable and confused looks.

I ignored them and went straight to Silas, staring him down, 'Why do you always do this? You can't keep doing this and expect me to be okay!'

Silas sighed, glancing around sheepishly, 'How about we talk about it later?'

'No!' I ejaculated, 'No, I want to do it with you.'

Silas swallowed, 'Aria, let's do it later.'

'I can't, I want to do it now.' I demanded

'Aria.' Silas fixed me with his eyes, 'We will talk later.'

He isn't budging, I have to do something.

And so, I inched closer, leaning, cupping his face and kissed him on the lips.

The lords looked baffled, turning their faces away.

Ayke cleared his throat, motioning for the lords to leave. They hurriedly sail out.

I leaned further, sitting on Silas's lap, and kissed him deeper.

He caressed my cheek, running his fingers through my hair.

I pulled away, trailing a lazy finger along his chest, 'Silas, I want to do it with you.'

His eyes reflected stormy seas; the naked desire in there sends my heart thundering in my chest.

He pulled his chair back, lifted me and placed me on the table.

Using his hands, he spread my legs, slipping his hand under my dress.

I can feel the pulse punching through my nails as my entire body drips with anticipation.

Gently, he touched me, teasing me, toying with me and then he inserted his finger deftly inside me.

I moaned sharply, fiercely pulling him into my arms.

He buried his face into my hair and thrusts his finger further inside me. I bite down his shoulder, moaning and gasping for air.

Our heated bodies pressed against each other's like magnets.

Silas was making me feel all kinds of pleasant tingles at the same time.

He suddenly pulled out his fingers and bring them to my mouth. My lips parted invitingly as if they had a life of their own; he put his wet fingers into my mouth and I licked them like I would a candy.

Silas leaned, whispering in my ear, 'This is as far as I can go.'

He stepped away, pulling down my dress to cover my legs, 'Let me take you back to your room.'

He wrapped his arms around my waist and gently put me down.

He was going to pull away when I hugged him tightly.

He smiled, leaning to my embrace, 'What is it?'

I chuckled, heart beating in my throat, 'I think I …I think I am falling in love with you Silas.'