And then he was there (Arcade)

I am in love with my best friend.

It's probably a line everyone's heard before but I couldn't help myself. We have been friends for years but it wasn't till collage and us living in the same dorm room till I realized I had a crush on him. Then I started to notice him more the little things he would do when we were alone and it turned into a deep love for him. But we where bullies or at least that's what we where known as. But to tell the truth it was just because we where to scared of getting hurt by other people like we have in the past. We kept our distance as much as possible from other people just sticking with each other until we met Asher who was a lot like us so we took him under our wing. The day we were to all part ways and Mel held on to me for dear life I almost couldn't keep myself from crying out the words of love I've always wanted to say to him. But out of fear I kept my mouth shut and held him whispering it would be ok and I promised we would see each other again.

Such and empty thing to say cause the truth was I had doubts I would lay my eyes on his beautiful face again. When we boarded the bus I let the tears flow down my cheeks not caring to wipe them away or who saw. The trip was long and boring making me fall asleep until I was woken up by our instructor Michael who was very keen on getting us the hell out of the bus.

"Let's move asses! He yelled as we slowly and tiredly lined up one by one to leave our seats with our bags in hand. I have to say I was impressed at the sight before me. The building was huge like state wide huge but it was beautiful too. I sighed heavily

Man I wish you could see this Mel

"Hey!! The instructor appeared behind me "Get a damn move on" he pointed at the group already moving towards the Haven. I smiled embarrassed I was just staring into space.

"I'm sorry sir" I apologized and bowed

"Move it damn it!"

When we got inside we were all ushered into our own rooms with a roommate. Mine happened to be with a beautiful girl with blue hair who always smiled flirty like at me. I didn't notice her at first because she wasn't the top thing in my mind and I didn't look at her body until she pushed it against me while we were unpacking in our dorm room.

"This better not become a thing"I said Cooley as she pushed herself against me.

"Oh come on let's have some fun" she slurred as if she was drunk

"Get off"I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her away and went back to my bag to continue unloading. I look back her expression was pouty and she pushed out her bottom lip like a little child, like hell I would like someone like that.

"No one has ever rejected me before"she sneered "why you". I shook my head I didnt want to talk about it. Unlike her I was actually here to prove something that I was strong, not to seduce people but little did she know I was in love with someone else and I liked men and even if I did like women it wouldn't be someone as sluty as her.

I finished unpacking and started heading for the door as she followed behind me I opened it and let her through first, we walked downstairs where the instructor was and the group of people we came with in the bus gather around him. He explain where the kitchen / dining room was and said after we took our test will be allowed to eat and go to bed. We where sent back up to change in to our safety suits and came back downstairs. It didn't take us long to all complete the test and I tested way above average as they told me for I broke the tester sending it through the roof back down to the floor. They quickly brought in a new one and everyone finish the testing as the ones who were done including me were brought to another room to get our schedule for programs and schooling then we were sent to the kitchen / dining room to eat. The girl I was rooming with turned out to be pretty nice her name was Hannah Right and she had the healing power. Though she was pretty she was a pretty sloppy eater and I got sick of sitting next to her really fast so I finished quickly and headed back up to my room took a shower and fell asleep to be woken up by her on top of me. I huffed apparently she didn't learn from the first time and I tipped her over wrapping my legs around her so she'd fall to the floor softly. She groaned and laughed

"ooooh that was fun so you like it rough eh?

A sound of disgust pushed out from the back of my throat.

"Get the fuck away from me go lay down" I ordered she laughed as a wicked smile appeared on her face.

"So you like being dominant"

I blushed heavily

"Go away!"

she proceeded to try to get me to have sex with her a few more times that night until she got sick of the rejection and just went to bed I sighed in relief as I heard her snores of sleep. The next morning couldn't come soon enough I quickly got dressed and walked out of the room as fast as possible before she could get up. I ate in the kitchen / dining room with a bunch of other people and we were all gathered around outside for orientation and to be shown around. We had our first class nothing special some of the stuff we already knew from our college just more tales of the great magic King no one had ever seen. When we finished our class we are allowed to walk around outside and group of us went including Hannah who followed me around like a dog. Just as we were thinking about going inside Hannah pushed up against me again and I rolled my eyes thinking here she goes again but instead she said she had a secret and push my hair back from my ear to get in closer and pulled my arms down around her waist. For some unknown reason I pulled her in closer and drop my head to her shoulder to hear her better just as I heard a gasp from in front of me I looked up to see Mel and Asher and my face turned pale. Before I could say anything he ran off and I wanted to call after him but I couldn't form the words. Suddenly I was devastatingly sad forget the fact that Asher stood there grinning at me cuz I had a killer hot girl next to my side but I didn't even care about him I was worried about Mel. I missed him so much and just a day had gone by and wanted to see him so bad I remember the promise I said and can't believe it came true so soon. I honestly thought I never see him again and then he was there