Freak (Arcade)

I gave in that's all I can say I didn't care about being embarrassed at all as I ran after him yelling his name. I doubt he heard me he was so fast I didn't even know he was this fast. He disappeared in the building and probably up to his room by the time I got inside.

Oh shit where'd he go I bet Asher knows where his room is.

I ran back outside to find Asher ogling Hannah. I grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

"Hey" he protested.

"Don't start" I growled "I need to know where Mel is staying"

"With me"

"What room dump ass" I knew I was being rude but I couldn't help myself I wanted him to hurry.

"With me room one twenty nine" he said in half whisper. I thanked him and dashed off towards the building once again, running up the stairs and through the halls till I found room one twenty nine and practically broke through the door. Mel stood there looking outside with the window half open, the breeze blowing his luxurious white hair against his face making him so beautiful I almost couldn't believe the sight that stood before me.

I wanted to tell him so bad I stepped in the room and quietly shut the bedroom door.

I wanted to tell him I was in love with him and have been for a long time. But I don't believe he felt the same way for me as I did for him.

I wonder if he would let me touch him.

I stepped closer. I used to touch him all the time as best friends could such as a clap on the back a half hug a dab up whatever.

That was until I realized I loved him then any touch beyond that sent sparks of heat that always ended up going to my groin.

I had to keep it cool here I couldn't be just like "Hey long time no see" when it's barely been two days and he probably didn't expect me to be wrapped around some girl when he saw me again.

I walked over to him putting us shoulder to shoulder.

"Hey" I said with a smile.

He glanced at me and also offered me a smile sweet and genuine as always.

His face was flush as if he'd been crying or if he is sick

He wasn't sick was he? He was fine last time I saw him tho that was couple days ago. Unconsciously I lifted my palm to his forehead he jerked at my touch and pulled back.

"The hell are you doing" he took his arm and wiped where I had touched. He didn't look mad but he didn't look particularly pleased either.

"Are you sick?"

"No why"

I pointed at him "Your face"

He scowled "What's wrong with it"

Oh nothing your absolutely perfect

"You look sick" he lifted his hand to his head and glared at me.

"I'm fine I guess I kinda got sick when I saw you"

I stepped closer to him taken in his scent that was being mixed in with the breeze coming in through the window

"Is that why you ran away? You got sick when you saw me?"

"Pretty sure anyone one would get sick at the sight of your face" he stepped back and chuckled like he did every time he told me a joke.

But it didn't sound like a joke to me and he must've seen the hurt written on my face cause he suddenly threw his arm around my shoulders pinning me to his side.

"Hey I was just joking no need to look so hurt"

"I'm not hurt" I replied pulling away from him.

"Anyway how's it going here for you?

"I'm fine Ashers fine"

I didn't care about Asher he was always fine as long as there where pretty girls around.

"Sooo at my testing I broke that carnival magic tester looking thing. Apparently that's really rare"

Mel suddenly doubled over and began laughing his ass off making me confused when I didn't even say anything funny.


"Don't think that you're to special cause I did the same thing. It went all the way through the roof bro and put a hole in the floor I was so afraid they were gonna throw me out"

He continued his fit of laughter as I stood there looking down at him. It was always nice to see him smiling and laughing even though it was annoying that he was laughing at me. I grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked down on it making a miraculous sound come out of his mouth.

"Damn it man quit laughing at me. It's not funny why do you have to be special too"

I pulled up on his hair making him stand up.

"Ouch Cade let go" he place both his hands where I had taken hold of his hair.

"Why do you always have to be right next to me can I never be ahead and you down below me"

Oh shit this isn't what I wanted to say, what's wrong with me?

I pulled harder making his head fall back and piercing blue eyes stared up at me. Oh wow I've always wanted to pull on his hair but not like this.

I always hoped it would be when I was so deep inside of him and he'd be begging me to go deeper I would latch on to that hair and pull myself as deep as I could possibly go.

"Let go Caden" he said again more calmly this time. I felt horror as if I just realized what I was doing and released him as if I was holding a disease. He shoved me away from him making me stumble and walked over and sat on his bed. He kept his head low making his hair fall down around his shoulder and covering his face. How I would love to reach out right now and push it away to look into his eyes but my body wouldn't let me. And it was probably for the best cause It was clear Mel never has felt the same as me.

"Who was that girl you were with" he asked in such a low voice I barely heard him.

"Oh her name is Hannah unfortunately she's my room mate"

"What's unfortunate about that at least she's hot"

"I know what she is but she's a slut and she keeps trying to have sex with me and I don't do that shit with girls like that"

"Do what fuck them,have a relationship, what?" He didn't sound happy now. He looked up at me like he was challenging me.

Or was he testing me?

"Wouldn't do either honestly. Why does it matter what I like or want"?

"It doesn't not really she's just a hole to fuck"

"Now wait a minute I didn't say..."

"And what did you mean earlier why do I have to be special to"

I swallowed hard

It was just a burst of anger I didn't really mean what I said but he wouldn't understand that.

"Nothing it meant nothing "

"Bullshit!" He was raising his voice now and stood up off the bed.

"What makes you think I'm just like you when maybe your just like me" he stepped closer.

"Maybe I'm the one who needs to be ahead and you should be the one behind"

He was getting even closer now taken his steps very slowly"

"But we weren't born that way where we"? I asked.

"No obviously we were born to match"

He came up beside me and before I could think of a reply he grabbed a fist full of my hair yanking it back making my whole body bend with it. My head lit on fire as the pain followed down through my body. Is this what it felt like for him no wonder he was pissed. No I didn't pull on him this hard. He yanked on me the opposite way making my head turn towards the right and even though it didn't hurt as bad I still tried to stifle or groan before it came out of my mouth. He pulled to the left and my groan became more of a moan that I couldn't control. We both froze as my face turned red.

Oh God he's gonna think I'm a freak

Disgust was written on his face as he let go and pushed me towards the door.

"Get the hell out"

"But I"...

"No buts just fuck off"

Well shit I blew it this time. Not only did I get angry and hurt him for no reason I showed him getting my hair pulled was a turn on. I wasn't even going to try to make an excuse out of this one.

"I'm sorry" I said as I opened the door and left