First Kiss (Arcade)

"Wow them mages attacking was something else wasn't it" Hannah said to me the next morning as we made our beds for the day.

"Yeah" I answered plainly.

"What's wrong?"

She was suddenly beside me reaching for my hand which I pulled away from her.

"Make your bed damn it" she grinned at me the same grimy grin that always came across her face when she liked something I did or said.

"Oh yes daddy" she walked to her bed smacking herself in the ass. Much to my disappointment last night after the announcement and the plan that we were going to start training today I hoped it would make her excited about finally being able to train and she would fall the fuck asleep. Instead she whined half the night about how scared she was about this whole mage thing despite the fact they clearly weren't coming here. After an hour she insisted she sleep with me in my bed saying it'll make her feel safe. No matter how many times I said no she kept asking and asking till she finally got sick of it and crawled in. By that time I was to tried to care and let her stay and by this morning she obviously took it the wrong way. I remember making fun of guys who said they were being sexually harassed by a girl I always laughed at them but now I know it's true. But the people in charge here wouldn't care what she was doing unless she was hurting me which she wasn't just annoying the hell out of me. If I could report this to God I would if I thought it would make her fuck off. I guess I could take a little comfort in the fact that we'll be busy with training all day so her attention should be focused else where.

"Are you done" she asked from behind me.

"Yes let's go" I walked to the door and opened it for her. She stopped in front of me and pulled my zipper I had down to my chest up to my neck and patted my cheek then walked away.

What the hell was that.

Training was a bitch that's all I can say I never stretched my muscles and lungs as much as I did today. If it wasn't for the fact that I was already been in great shape from practicing at home this shit would've killed me. I rolled my neck and pushed out a heavy breath it was my turn to step up to the plate. The only training that might be enjoyable was the one right in front of me. We were to test the strength of our power like never before but only the people with the power of telekinesis. Since I scored higher then any of them on the original test all eyes were on me. The test before me was simple just had to use my power to life this gigantic boulder but it was anchored to the earth and I mean literally. The higher you lift it the heavier it gets the gravity of the earth pulling it back down with all of its might. I was to see how high and how long I could hold it up. The longest time so far was three minutes and eighteen seconds I could go beyond that I knew I could I didn't get what the point was of this type of training except pushing beyond our limits but I was sure I could do that.

I placed my feet two feet apart from each other and let my power flow through me as the boulder slowly began to lift. When it got over the height of my head I started to feel some resistance but keep pushing it up and up as far as I could get it to go. It didn't take long to become almost exhausted and by this time I had it higher then anyone else did before me almost thirty feet in the air and now it was time for the endurance test to see how long I could keep it up when it wanted nothing more than to come down. After over five minutes I felt the control over my power slipping as I became more and more tired.

I can do this I thought to myself I know I can. I pushed up once more feeling the power push out through my hands up to where I held the border in place I don't know how much longer I held it up I just know I suddenly felt my power snap and could feel myself falling into darkness as I heard a loud crash as the boulder was released.

When I came to much to my disappointment Hannah sat next to me happily scrolling through her phone pushing the screen up with her pointer finger. She hummed a tune I didn't recognize perched up confidently in her chair next my bed in our room.

A groaned escaped my mouth giving away I was awake.

"Oh he's awake hello sleepy head hope you enjoyed your nap" she said in an uneven tone. I couldn't tell if she was mad or being sarcastic.

"While you where sleeping from pushing yourself to hard I've been here waiting for you to wake up"

I nodded my head "thank you?" I said more like a question then an endearment.

"No need to thank me just doing what anyone would do" her tone changed to one filled with annoyance. She got up and walked towards the door.

"And by the way one of your friends came to see you"

"Really"? I asked surprised "who"

She shrugged carelessly

"I don't know but he's friends with that hott chick that followed me around"

I shook my head I'll never get used to her calling guys "chicks"

"Anyway he's down stairs want me to send him up"

"Sure thanks"

"Don't sound so trilled about" she mumbled as she left. Just as soon as she left the door opened again and Mel poked his head in.

"Is it ok if I come in" he asked shyly since when hasn't it been we literally lived together.

"Of course" I waved him in and in a few strides he was next to the bed sitting in the chair Hannah had left. I glanced at Mel's face he seemed determined to say something but scared at the same time.

"You ok?" I murmured to him.

"Yes I should be asking you that question" he side-eyed me as if I was going to argue, and I should push more cause he was obviously lying about being ok but the expression on his face made me back off.

"I'm fine" I finally said in a low voice "it just took a lot out of me"

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself like that" he said aggressively. "You have nothing to prove to these people, you didn't have to wait till you passed out"

He sounded almost genuinely worried.

"I know"

"Then damn it why did you? That could kill you you know pushing past your limits like that. There's a different between letting go and controlling and you let go whether you realized it or not"

I shifted my blanket on my stomach beginning to feel uncomfortable as Mel became louder with each thing he said.

"Where's Asher?" I asked trying to change the topic

"Are you even listening"

"I know!" I shouted making him flinch "everything you're saying I know" I yanked the blankets off of me and pushed my self up towering over him. He pushed his chair back to put space in between us but I closed that as well.

"I didn't die alright!, I pushed myself to hard big deal it's training that's what happens I'm not sick and I'm not a child so don't treat me like one" I got close to him only leaving an inch of space with me me now being eye level. This isn't how I wanted this to go but he's just been making me blow the lid on my anger lately it was pissing me off. I was close enough to kiss him if only I wasn't so scared, I pulled back a little to look at his face his lower lip trembled a little like he was about to cry.

"What's wrong with us" he said softly "why have we been fighting lately it's everytime we're together "

"It's only been twice"

"That's not the point! Damn it man" he tried to move himself out of the chair but I pushed him back down pinning him in between me and the wall. He could escape if he wanted he was strong enough or he could use his power but for some reason he didn't do either. He struggled against me for a minute then went limp as if accepting defeat.

"Look at me" I demanded

Like a stubborn little kid he tilted his head down so I couldn't see his face.

"LOOK!" he flinched even harder against me and lifted his head so I could look him straight in the eyes. It wasn't fear that I saw but he certainly was pissed and there was something else, oh what was I doing I loved this man and here I had him pinned up against me. Mel tried to move again and let out an impatient sigh when I was suddenly pulled into a strong hug. I felt my anger fade immediately and I returned the hug hoping this ended whatever the hell was going on here.

I went to pull away but he pulled me back making me lift my my head over his to support my chin. I wish I could tell him I could hold him forever like this but it would ruin the moment if I did.

His arms tighten around me as mine fell down to his waist and my heart started beating so hard when he didn't pull away I was sure the whole building could hear it. Before I could even think about what I was doing and I should definitely not do my lips lowered against his own and I froze unable to comprehend how I let this happen. For a second I allowed myself to think this is it he's finally mine but the sudden movement of him ripping his lips off mine brought me back to reality. He struggled again but I held him firm and kissed him again this time bringing my hand to rest on his neck pulling him into a deeper kiss. I felt him relax some as I noticed the details of his lips that they were soft and warm but slightly firm as you imagined a mans would be. I was half expecting him to shove me away in fact I totally expected it but instead his lips began to search mine and a moan let out from his mouth. Just a soft sound of approval that instantly made my heart flutter and my stomach flip in excitement. I suddenly wanted more from him wanted to hear that sound come out of his mouth just a lot louder and longer. He wanted this he had to of wanted this as much as I did maybe even as long. I could only hope now, hope that he didn't want this to end this feeling that is running through me was unlike anything I've ever felt. I felt the heat and wetness of his tongue and prayed to God he could feel mine as we pressed them against each other feeling the sensation and the heat that went straight between my legs making me so hard it hurt. I pulled my body back to make some room for my hand to go down to his pants and caught on to his belt. Ignoring that I went down further I wanted to see if he was as hard as I was, feeling the same amazing pleasure that I was. As soon as I felt his length I knew I went to far for he immediately released me and pushed me away.

From the moment we both stared at each the shock of what had just happened must off hit us both.

"Mel...I'm sorry....I can't" I sputter trying to think of something to say.

"Stop it" he said firmly but barley above a whisper.

"But I am... I'm..I'm sorry"

"How fucking dare you" he hissed tighten his hands into a fist.

I felt humiliation rising in me and refused to let it show as Mel pointed his finger towards the door.

"You can't throw me out this is my room"

He dropped his hand and made a run for the door.

"Wait!" I yelled as he turned the door handle.

"No I HATE YOU" he screamed and took off leaving me in a state of shock from what I just heard.

He.. he hates me no that can't be right that's not how this was supposed to go. I was supposed to say I love him and he was supposed to say it back he didn't have to but it would've been nice. Oh shit how did this happen why did I lose control like that? It was a stupid question I knew why, he is what I want more then anything and he would be the death of me.

After that the rest of the day was just a blur I sat outside with a bunch of other people from class A and B including Asher and Hannah. As soon as I came out of my room she was on top of me grilling me on why my friend ran away and why we were yelling but I didn't give her the satisfaction of an answer. While we were outside I was so numb I made the gravest mistake with her sitting next to me. We all sat on picnic tables that day in a gravely area that spread out into a a beautiful park. I spotted Mel sitting on a bench almost ten or so yards away staring at me. My guess is Asher drug him out here but he refused to come near me and stationed himself right there to watch me instead and boy did I suddenly want to put on a show for him. Out of the blue I pulled on Hannah's neck making her face me and kissed her long and hard right in front of him. I knew he saw cause he stood up suddenly and for once I was glad I couldn't see his face cause I didn't want to see the pain in his expression that I just caused. He ran his hand through his hair and stalked away.

I hoped he left crying.