Kidnapped (Mel)

I didn't want to let him go this was the only time my heart out did my fear as I held him tightly in a hug. When he tried to pull away I pulled him back in. Even though I didn't appreciate him pinning me in a chair between him and the wall I gave up the weak fight I put on and let him keep me in that position. I had no idea what was going on nor did I understand what I was feeling as I held him. If only I could kiss him but I dared not to make a move as his chin rose to rest on my head and before I knew it his lips were pressed against mine tugging me even tighter against him. For a moment I dreamed in that moment he was truly mine and he mirrored all the same feelings for me as I felt for him. His tongue swept over mine and he pushed deeper, closer and he tasted so good I couldn't think or find the strength to pull away. His hand went through my hair.... I could've stayed there all night let him grip me and take control, I just wanted this I needed this. I felt his harden cock pressed up against my left leg, I gripped his waist and twisted on the chair just so slightly I don't even think he noticed. As he pressed me into the wall his hands slid down to my waist grabbing my belt, oh shit I wasn't ready for this, then past it on to my cock placing his hands against it my temper suddenly flared as I pushed him away in anger and shock. I stared at him and he stared back at me, I couldn't believe what just happened nor could my mind process it all, I wanted this and I could tell he did to but mine was because I loved him what was his reason just because I was available? That couldn't be true he wouldve just got with Hannah.

Because I was his best friend?

"Mel... I'm sorry.. I can't" he sputtered looking embarrassed.

"Stop it" I said softly, I didn't want to feel guilty over this don't you dare apologize

"But I am.. I'm ...I'm sorry"

"How fucking dare you" I hissed my hands clenched into a fist. Gult rose in me like a river threatening to poor out.

I lifted my hand and pointed at the door hoping he'd get the message and leave.

"You can't throw me out this is mine room" he said a desperate look on his face, I dropped my hand and dashed for the door.

"Wait!" He yelled just as I turned the door handle. I wanted to stay I wanted to turn back I might have finally made him mine if I did instead the worst words came out of my mouth.

"No I HATE YOU" I screamed and ran out the door. Oh God I didnt say what I wanted to say it was supposed to be I love you those three simple words were supposed to come out of my mouth. But I fucked it up and lost another opportunity, he makes me lose control I used to be good at keeping what I felt under wraps but after being brought here it's like I gave up trying to hide. I ran and ran and didn't stop till I got to my room, out of breath I fell on to my bed thankful that Asher wasn't here. I touched my lips they felt swollen and tender. Made sense I've never kissed someone out of need before, I stumbled into the bathroom to splash water on my face catching a glance of myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess my skin was red and my lips look puffy. I pulled my shirt up to my face and breathed in, his scent filling my nostrils making my eyes burn. I yanked my shirt off and anger suddenly needed a shower to wash his scent and anything he touched off my body I step into the shower and turn it on the sudden rush of cold water shocked me making me shudder as I stood up letting it pour over my hair. When it finally heat it up I never scrubbed so hard in my life, I felt like if anything he touched was on me I'd fall apart go crazy more than I already was.

It was over an hour till I decided to step out of the shower my skin now raw from scrubbing I quickly dried myself off and dress myself in black jeans and a black shirt that felt like silk it was a light shirt almost see through set loose for my skin. I then put on the golden wing earrings Arcade gave me for my nineteenth birthday, tie my hair back inside as I walked out the door.

I headed down to the kitchen / dining room to get food passing a few people on the way down. I found it odd everyone was absent from the dining room nor was there any actual food on the table except for a donut spread.

"Mel fuck.. finally found you" a voice said behind me, I turn slowly to see Asher rushing towards me.

" Mel I need your help picking up a girl... What are you wearing?

He stopped long enough to give me a full body look over and clicked his tongue

"Bro I can't take you with me you look like a slut you'll get the girl instead of me" he spun on his heel to leave but I caught his arm stopping him.

"The hell you talking about" I snapped.

"What girl and what do you mean what am I wearing you literally look like an unripe banana" I pull back looking him over he wore yellow cloth looking shorts and a yellow shirt with the sides cut out showing off his muscle, he had black eyeliner on his eyes making his face look more unique but with his green hair and the rest of him was just like no.

"That girl that's in class B" he answered

"Hannah? Something tells me it won't be a problem picking her up "I said becoming majorly disinterested.

"Not Hannah, I don't know her name but she has green hair and a great bod man she's mine"

"Technically she's not but sure I'll help you " I was bored anyway watching him fumble over a girl might be fun or at least keep my mind off Arcade.

Asher looked at me unconvinced

"Look I'll try to be as unlikeable as possible" I said trying to persuade him.

"Great" he grabbed my arm " let's go"

"Wait" I picked up a donut "okay"

He drugged me out the door and along the front of the building not letting go of my arm once as if he was afraid I would change my mind and run away. We came up to the beautiful Park they had set up which was flooded with people from class A, B and C.

"There she is " Asher pointed at a table a couple yards away from where we stood, he was right she did have a perfect body she wasn't what I would call hot but she was pretty, her hair lighter green than Ashers she shared the table with a few other people I couldn't see.

We started walking towards her till I caught a glance of the one face I wanted to avoid he still wore the same clothes white pants and a blue athletic shirt I stopped catching Asher's attention.

"What. What... What's wrong? " Asher got in my face

I pointed at Arcade who hadn't seen us it yet.


I can understand why he questioned it I haven't told him a thing about what my problem was with Caden and clearly he didn't tell Asher anything either, that or he just made something up. Kinda saddened me cause Asher used to be the center piece of us, when Arcade and I were mad at each other we'd tell Asher and he helped us sort it out. But this kinda thing I couldn't tell him I don't know how I would feel if I had two best friends that were in love with each other that makes me a third wheel for sure.

"I'm avoiding him isnt it obvious"?

He scoffed "yes it is actually but why won't you tell me why, if there's something going on I can help you two I have before" he almost sounded pleading which broke my heart a little.

"I can't tell you right now maybe not ever until I get over this but I'm not going over there"

I pointed to a bench not to far from where we stood and said I'd stay over there and if he had trouble getting the girl I'd be right there. He stiffly agreed saying I better cheer if that girl fell in love with him which I doubted. I sat down watching him walk over silently saying go get um but my eyes never left Arcade and for a while he didn't even notice I was there till Asher bumped into him and he realized I wasn't coming over Hannah sat next to him clinging to his leg like a bitch. I was to far to see his facial expression but to my horror he pulled her up forcing her head to turn towards him and placed a kiss right in her lips. The pain that ripped through me was more then I could bare, he lifted his head and looked straight at me as if he was putting on a show. I got up my legs now wobbly and stalked off.

Sorry I couldn't keep my promise Asher I thought walking farther away down into the park. The fuck.. why would he do that, just to cause me pain? Cause it fucking worked. I walked along till I came across a path that was paved and yellow and white flowers lined down the sides. It lead down to a grave yard much to my dismay it was beautiful tho all the stones had names carved in to them and made of gold. I looked up after staring for a while and noticed it was getting dark and I should probably get back. I turned to leave but suddenly heard footsteps behind me quickly turning towards the sound no one was there.

"Who's there" I yelled I know it never worked in the movies but maybe it would work here.

"Asher? Maybe he was pissed I didn't stay with him and came looking for me or maybe it was Arcade I scoffed at myself I highly doubted that.

I began to leave again when my body froze as if held by a force one I could feel, like hands on every part of my body keeping me in place, even though I struggled nothing worked I couldn't use my power either.

The fuck was going on

"Who's there let me go" I screamed on the edge of panicking.

"Quit down no one will here you" a mans voice said behind me , I couldn't even turn my head to see him.

"I don't want to do this but I have to" the voice said while coming to face me. I looked him over he was tall with black hair wearing what looked like a black cloak covering a dark gray suit.

"Let me go" I pulled at invisible restraints again, he shook his head.

"You just don't learn quit struggling you're not getting out of this" his voice sounded edgy and nervous.

Oh my gosh I am not being kidnapped right now time to start panicking. I didn't know how to really use my power yet accept for defense but if I had to go on the offense with this guy I'm screwed. He stepped closer to me close enough I could smell his scent of pine wood and moss, he lived in the woods possibly going to take me there to if I'm getting kidnapped and not killed.

"What do you want with me" I asked keeping my voice from trembling

"Honestly I wouldve gone for anyone but you'll do" I don't know why but that disappointed me. He looked me up and down before taking his hand and patting my pockets, the fuck he looking for I tried to turn my head to watch him go around me he looked disappointed all of a sudden.

"You're coming with me." Oh like hell I was, this guy had black hair wasn't he human or was he a mage, oh shit.. fuck I'm being kidnapped by a mage I was gonna die.