I'm going to rescue him (Arcade)

"Caden wake up..CADEN!" a voice yelled bringing me out of a deep sleep. Hannah stood over me inches from my face, oh God please tell me she wasn't trying this shit again.

"What" I answered groggly sitting up.

"There's someone at the door for you" she backed away from me giving me room to crawl out of bed who the heck would want me at this hour. Could it be Mel ha ha doubt it, I then heard the knock on the door and a soft voice called out my name wow it was Asher a girl probably threw him out of their room I'd have this problem fixed in a jiffy so I could go back to sleep. I opened the door letting him in.

"What Asher its four in the morning" I said stifling a yawn.

He bowed his head apologetically, sweat covered his forehead and worry on his face.

"I know I'm sorry but Mel's missing"

My breath caught in my throat I needed answers now

"What do you mean Mel is missing?"

"I mean exactly what I said he's gone ever since the park he's been gone"

"Are you sure have you checked everywhere you thought he could be?" It was a stupid question cause I knew he did I just needed reassurance.

"Yes I'm telling you he's gone he's not known to disappear something happen"

Hannah huffed and tugged on my arm.

"Who's Mel"

This girl was unbelievable, pushing her away I grabbed Ashers arm and dragged him out the door with me him slamming it behind me.

"Come one I'll look with you one more time"

"He's not here I'm telling you someone took him" I yelled at the heavy set man in front of me. After searching for Mel for a couple more hours I came to my conclusion that something really did happen to him and he wasn't just hiding. He would never do this just disappear on purpose even though since coming here I believe we both did stuff we would never do back home. By the time we quit searching it was morning and I marched my way into the president of the Magic Haven's office demanding they put in a search for him. The heavy set man blew it off saying this type of stuff happened all the time over the years and they always came back. People and friends had disagreements and would pout about it elsewhere making everyone think they ran away just to come back the next day. I get it I understand and I didn't want to waste his time just for Mel to show back up but I knew him well he would never just disappear no matter how mad he was. No matter how much I pushed or what reasons I gave the president still wouldn't even consider it until it has been at least three days, disgusted I stormed out of there maybe he was right that Mel was just mad and needed space. I probably shouldn't worry to much till at least tonight, he was a grown man after all and if he wanted to run off I hoped he knows what he was doing.

Later that evening I pulled Asher aside, I was tired and short tempered and to my surprise so was he the only person I knew rarely ever to get mad. He looked at me and we silently agreed it was both time we'd waited long enough we where going to find out friend. Asher led me out of the kitchen/dinning room up to his dorm. Rubbing his hand through his hair it stuck up like bed head and he looked at me with determination.

"We can't just go sniffing around the yard we'll never find him that way" he said and he was right we would never find him looking for clues outside cause we have no idea where he was when disappeared. I have a heavy sigh

"We might have to do something i never thought we'd have to do"

His face turned to one full of confusion.

"We might have to find a mage"

"A WHAT... Why?

"Because there the only ones I have heard of being able to cast a location spell now we'll have to have like a peice of his hair or something but other than that—."

"Woah woah woah pump the brakes there son mages aren't just for sale down at the haven store, and I can't believe you would go to our sworn enemy"

"I would if it meant finding Mel!" I yelled making him step away from me. I needed to calm down poor Asher looked like he was on the edge of panicking he didn't need me yelling at him. He breathed as if he accepted defeat.

"Fine I know someone who might be able to do it" my eyes widen he knew a mage was it here at this haven, we couldn't get back home so it better be here.

"Come on"

I followed him outside his room all the down through the halls till we got downstairs and headed towards the middle of the building at class A. Wait she was in my class we walked to a dorm room and knocked, the door opened and there stood that pretty green haired girl Asher was obsessed with. She was a practicing mage? but she already had her power why would she practice the devils magic? I kept my mouth shut as Asher drug me inside talking quietly to the girl hopefully he was trying to convince her to help us find Mel and not trying to sleep with her. I didn't listen I couldn't focus not only was I shock that there was a mage inside of the Haven but the more hours that went by Mel could be dead or beaten.

Asher walked over to me and smiled

"Ok she'll do it but we have to promise not to tell anyone and I have to give her head later" I rolled my eyes and handed him Mel's brush I grabbed on the way out he took it from me and gave it to her. I bowed thankfully at her and promised her secret was safe with us. She pulled the hair from the brush and began balling it up between her fingers, she turned towards us as if startled.

"Turn around" she said " you may know I do this but you're not about to see how"

I didn't argue at all I just wanted her to find Mel and quickly. After a few minutes she told us to turn back around.

"I found him"