Rescued (Mel)

I opened my eyes confused on where I was and what was going on. My back felt stiff and my head hurt I couldn't think clearly and I couldn't remember— wait a minute where was that damn mage? He didn't just dump me somewhere and leave did he I couldn't tell where I was except that i was in a cave, cold, dark and damp. I stood up rubbing my arms up and down trying to warm myself up a little bit when I heard footsteps. Finally that blasted mage was back, maybe I could convince his little kidnapper heart to let me go.

"Hey dumb ass" I yelled I still didn't see him but I could hear him.

"I'm going to advise you to let me go before the magic haven sends there guards for me" I tried to sound convincing but even I didn't believe myself.

"Don't think for a minute I'm not going to fuck you up if you don't take me back right now"

The footsteps came closer but I still couldn't see if it was him for sure.

"Come on out here fuck face" the person that appeared before me was a glorious sight making me cry out from sudden exhaustion that washed over me, my head hurt so bad making me dizzy and weak in my knees. I tired to keep myself up but my body wouldn't let me and I fell to the ground Arcade ran to me and bent down next to me putting a hand behind my head carefully lifting me up in a sit up position. I looked at him giving him a soft smile before pulling him into a hug, he gasped in surprise but didn't let go, I felt tears start to stream down my face unable to stop them. Arcade pulled back looking deep into my eyes his blue a darker shade then usual.

"May I" he asked softly.

I had no voice and couldn't give him a answer whether I wanted to be a no or yes I simply sat there with his hands planted on my back caught in the moment to afraid to move.

Then there was no more thoughts as Arcade's head bent towards me and I felt the press of his lips against mine. I immediately realized this kiss would be better then the last. A second after our lips meant I felt his arms circle around me pulling me closer to his body I tensed for a second not sure if I should let this continue when he ran his hand through my hair making my body melt against him erasing any fear or doubt I had about wanting to stop. My heart pounded in my ears as I leaned more into the kiss parting my lips stroking my tongue along his making him moan in approval. I realized I loved that sound he made and wanted to hear it again immediately making the kiss more forceful our tongues dancing around each other. For a moment I was lost in the pure sensation, heat rising in me like waves through my body my entire focus on his mouth. I never knew kissing could be so good with a man or maybe it was because it was someone I loved. Some how I ended up on top of him our lips still locked together he moaned into my mouth again this time adding my name as I pressed harder against him. I was to out of control but at the same time controlling everything, feeling powerless and powerful at the same time.

"Mel" he breathed as the kiss broke and my lips went to his neck making him squirm underneath me his hands ran through my hair pulling my head down harder against his body my teeth scraping his now sensitive skin. For a moment he went still before swooping my head back up to his mouth the kiss a little more hot his lips a little bit harder. I felt sudden fear when he turned me over to be on top of me but I didn't stop him, he pushed me into the ground grinding on my leg making my rising erection hurt to even be in my pants. I gasped into his mouth as he kissed my neck and licked under my chin, I never imagined it could feel like this something this good with our clothes still on. I could feel how hard he was through his pants making my stomach flutter deliciously with want and need. Unconsciously I parted my legs wanting to feel everything he could give me.

"Yes" he whispered against my mouth and pulled my pants down then went for my underwear making my cock spring lose the pain slowly turned Into pleasure. I tired to grab him to undo his pants as well but they were already gone our cocks laid together on my stomach as he took his hands and wrapped around them both making me gasp from the sudden pleasure. I became lost in the sensation as Arcade moved against me straining ever fiber to meet forceful thrusts that brought both of us pleasure. One last undulating wave of need making me shudder against his hard body as the most powerful orgasms I've ever felt took hold of me making me spread my legs wider from underneath him. The wetness pooled on my stomach as I realized he had cum too. My senses slowly started to come back to me as I realized what I just did, panicking I pushed him off and stood up so quick the pain in my head intensified making me fall back to the ground Arcade caught me laying me back down flat, took his hand and wiped the cum off my stomach my face flared in embarrassment when he smiled at me.

"Are you ok" he asked leaning inches from my face

I nodded slowly cause to much movement made my head hurt he picked the upper half of my body and sat under me letting me lay on his lap.

"How'd you find me?" I asked looking up at his blue eyes

"A location spell" he said it as if it solved everything, a tear ran down his cheek and I reached up to brush it away. He grabbed my hand and held it against his face kissing my hand.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course"

"I love you"

He let my hand go and I brought it across my chest, my heart was pounding like crazy, he made it sound so easy to say no fear in his voice.

"I love you to"

I nodded as if agreeing with myself, I pulled his head down to kiss him tasting his hot salty tears in his mouth, he pulled back and smiled.

"I was so afraid I lost you" he said tearfuly

"You could never lose me. You're stuck with me forever" I deadpan. He sniffed to control his tears and felt my stomach up and down as if checking for broken ribs.

"Did they hurt you?"

"I don't know I can't remember"

He looked at me confused "what do you mean"

"The last thing I remember is being in that graveyard site, a mage caught me and they're power is no joke" I chuckled.

"But that doesn't make sense how can you not remember anything"

"I don't know" I began to sit up the pain in my head now bearable. "We can talk about it when get home right?"

He nodded the look on his face telling me he wanted to argue.

"But while we're here can you tell me why you're the only one that showed up" I asked. He shrugged and looked disappointed.

"Asher and I were the only ones who believed something happened to you. I went to the president but he said he had to wait three days before wasting resources so me and Asher found a mage to do a location spell."

I stood there speechless they found a mage they risked going to our sworn enemy for me, I felt like I wanted to cry again, but how'd they find a mage it wasn't like they were just running around?.

"Come on" Arcade came up beside me taking my arm and began to lead me out of the cave.

"When we get home I'll tell you everything then we can talk about us"

I nodded the pain in my head coming back more intensely.

"Arcade" my mouth could barely form a word as dizziness took over me, I started to fall but his arms wrapped around me and held me up

"Hey hey Mel" he sounded like he was panicking but I didn't care I was so tired I just wanted sleep, I felt him picking me up as my eyes fluttered shut.

When I came too I was no longer in the cave with Arcade but in my dorm room I groaned as I tried to sit up Asher immediately at my side placing a pillow behind my back. He didn't look at me just took off towards the door and called for Arcade.

"Asher" I called his name and he slowly turned towards me.

"I heard about what happened thank you" he gave me a smile and walked towards me throwing his arms around me in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're ok I've never been more scared in my life"

I pushed him off me just as Arcade came in to the room.

"Cade told me everything that happened" Asher said.

I glanced at him my face turning red

"Everything? I questioned Arcade shook his head a silent understanding between us.

"But you know if you guys were in love or whatever you could've just told me" Asher said calmly

I choked on my own dry mouth I was surprised at what he said.

"You knew" I asked.

"Yeah I know you two pretty well and you guys kinda made it obvious it was just sad neither one of you would tell me"

I nodded I felt sorry I shouldn't have been afraid to tell him but I was it seemed he didn't hate me for it but I'm sure it put a strain on our relationship we had.

"I'm sorry I said clasping my hands together.

"Me to" Arcade said taking a bow of respect, Asher looked between the two of use before smiling and saying he'll leave use alone to talk.

"I gotta go see a girl" he said before shutting the door behind him. I laughed in my head, my dear Asher will never change.

I reached my hand out towards Arcade

"We got a lot to talk about huh? I said as he took my hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Yes we do"