Chapter 21: Ruthless Crushing

It's no wonder Shinsuke was a bit careless. The behavior of these people earlier was nothing like that of ninjas.

Who would have thought that the guy who was just begging for mercy was actually a genuine ninja!

"Earth Release: Earth Mausoleum Dumpling!"

Okamoto squatted down, slammed the ground, and dug out a huge stone block with a diameter of over ten meters, lifting it above his head, then threw it forward with great force.

The unlucky man who was bound could only watch in horror as the 'sky' darkened.


The boulder fell!

Although it was just a C-rank Earth Release, being able to grab such a large rock indicated that Okamoto was at least a Chunin level.

In this small Land of Waves, even a Chunin was surprising.

Before Shinsuke was captured by the Cult of Jashin for human experimentation, he was merely a Chunin.

Of course, Shinsuke's strength has now far surpassed his former self.

"I believe now that you can lead me to Gato."

Shinsuke, who had evaded and reappeared on top of the boulder, spoke softly.

A bloodstain in the shape of an "X" had already appeared on his forehead, indicating that he had entered the [Crimson Scales in Motion] state.

One mistake was enough for such a low-level error.

Next, he would bring despair to his opponent!

"Hundred Chains: Blood Piercing!"

Two blood bags were squeezed and the blood scattered, turning into high-speed compressed 'bullets' that shot toward Okamoto!

Realizing there was no way to resolve this peacefully, Okamoto didn't run. He quickly formed hand seals and pressed his hands to the ground.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Return!"

In an instant, a large slab of stone flipped up in front of Okamoto, blocking his front.

The stone slab was about two to three centimeters thick and had decent defensive capabilities.

But Okamoto underestimated Shinsuke's attack.

Under the barrage of blood bullets, the stone slab quickly became pitted and thin, and within five seconds, it was completely pierced and shattered!

Realizing this, Okamoto's expression changed again. He gritted his teeth and used the only B-rank jutsu he knew.

"Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!"

As the stone slab shattered, an even sturdier and thicker wall rose from the ground, blocking all subsequent attacks.

Under such defense, Shinsuke's casual attack of Hundred Chains: Blood Piercing couldn't easily penetrate.

But remember, Shinsuke never intended to defeat his opponent with just one move.

Okamoto's successive use of earth walls to block Shinsuke's attacks also meant he gave up his combat vision!

In other words, Okamoto completely lost track of Shinsuke's position.

He could only judge from the attacks that Shinsuke was still in front of him.

However, the biggest difference between Shinsuke's jutsu and ninja techniques is that most ninjutsu are one-time releases, while his techniques can be controlled throughout the entire process!

The blood bullet attacking Okamoto was not Shinsuke himself but a blood ball infused with his power.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shinsuke, boosted by the [Red Scale Leap] state, swiftly moved past the earth wall and appeared ghost-like behind Okamoto.

A short dagger made of blood pointed at Okamoto's back.

After some thought, Shinsuke moved the weapon away from Okamoto's vital points.

Before meeting Gato, this guy still had some value.

With this in mind, Shinsuke mischievously whispered, "Shoot him, Divine Spear!"


The short dagger extended instantly, becoming long, thin, and sharp.

Hearing the voice behind him, Okamoto sensed the danger but it was too late to react. His stomach was pierced.

From a distance, it looked like Shinsuke had skewered Okamoto with a long, red needle.

Then Shinsuke withdrew his power, letting the 'long needle' return to ordinary blood.

The puncture in his stomach left some of the blood inside Okamoto.

After a painful grunt, Okamoto quickly leaped back, afraid.

The previously unkillable bald man was only troublesome, but he thought he could escape if needed.

But this guy not only used strange 'ninjutsu,' he also got behind him unnoticed. They were not on the same level.

He couldn't delay any longer, or he'd die here.

Okamoto threw two smoke bombs, ready to flee.

But after running a few steps, he felt dizzy and weak, collapsing to the ground.


"Damn it! When did it happen?"

Barely conscious, Okamoto couldn't speak.

Tap, tap, tap...

As the smoke cleared, slow footsteps approached.

Shinsuke looked down at Okamoto and, noticing his puzzled look, raised a finger, forming a blood ball from the leftover blood, and said:

"I mixed poison into the blood and stored it. Using it in battle can have unexpected effects, like now."

Okamoto recalled his injury.

The poisoned blood left in his body caused him to collapse.

Facing such an enemy, he lost the will to resist.

Given two choices by Shinsuke, he quickly complied.

"Blink twice if you're willing to take me to Gato. If you want to die, it'll only waste some time."

Shinsuke aimed the blood ball at Okamoto's head.

Okamoto didn't doubt that if he hesitated, his head would be blown off, so he blinked twice quickly, even squeezing out tears.

Seeing this, Shinsuke's disappointment was clear.

Then the blood ball shot out!

But the target was not Okamoto but someone in the distance.


Someone fell, their head exploding.

"Hey, that's my prey!"

Hidan, who had just finished off the last person, shouted in annoyance.