Kazuki, a Japanese high school student, is abducted by a hooded guy on his way home from a boxing club training session. He awakens in a mysterious, otherworldly room, where he encounters an all-powerful entity. This being grants Kazuki a unique ability and presents him with a grim ultimatum: he must travel to various universes and complete missions assigned by the entity, or his own universe will be deleted.
After seven days of grueling training with Enea—the guy who had kidnapped him—Kazuki is sent on his first mission. Together with Enea, he arrives in a world where dinosaurs never went extinct. Here, humans reside in massive, fortified cities. While some individuals venture beyond the walls, ordinary people rarely leave their safety. The world boasts advanced technologies far beyond those of the 21st century in some fields, and some inhabitants wield powers reminiscent of dinosaur traits.
Their mission: uncover and thwart a rebellion brewing in the shadows of one such colossal city. Kazuki must adapt to this strange new world and prove his worth—or risk losing everything he holds dear.