Chapter 6: Bahamas View sales department 2

But alas,the purchase records only mentioned the owner's surname was "John" and a phone number.

Everything else was a mystery,this made Mr. John all the more enigmatic.

While the sales department was bustling with preparations, Bright parked his car in the underground garage.

He strolled towards the Bahamas View sales department and entered,it was spacious,well lit but oddly empty.

In the middle stood a massive display of the villa layout for Bahamas View,A young female sales rep near the entrance spotted Bright and approached with a welcome smile.

"Hello sir, here to check out our houses?"

Just as Bright was about to respond, a sexy woman hurried out and shouted,"Kate didn't I tell you, except for our VIPs, no one else gets attention today"

"Miss Damon, but the guest's already here and this..."

The female sales rep attending to Bright felt awkward, before she could suggest a compromise,miss Damon cut her off.

"What's this?"

Any issues,Mr. Martins will handle it.what's your worry?

Then Miss Damon turned to Bright, seeing him in an ordinary suit,she immediately judged him as a regular worker.

People like him came on loans "kid we require full payment here,if you can't,then scram and stop wasting our time".

Miss Damon always looked down on working class folks,they came here for show, pretending to afford what they couldn't.

Bright frowned upon hearing this,miss Damon was clearly disrespecting him!

"What? Can't I look around if i'm not buying?

And how do you know I can't pay in full?

Bright's words made Miss Damon snort,she pointed at the pricey properties around.

"These cost millions,can you afford them?"

"Now get lost!"

Bright's patience waned with Miss Damon's attitude.

He took out his phone,he was done dealing with her and dialed Joy.

"Hello Mr. John,have you arrived?"

"Yeah, i'm outside your sales department"

Bright tone turned cold.

"But it seems your sales staff here doesn't want me around,she wants me to get lost".