Sixth Round (27)


"Out!" - The seventh batter made contact with Shun's first pitch and was retired with a fly ball to center field, which ended up in Jiro's glove.

"YEEEEAAHHH! ONE MORE! ONE MORE! ONE MORE!" - The crowd celebrated enthusiastically, making even more noise, as Shun's perfect game was now just two outs away.

Feeling the pressure of the moment, Kasuga's eighth batter stepped into the batter's box, clearly nervous. Daigo noticed the batter's anxiety and called for a vertical slider in the zone, hoping to induce a ground ball or even a swing and miss.

Shun nodded at Daigo's signal and threw without hesitation, trusting his catcher's glove.



"Damn!" - The eighth batter felt pressured seeing the ball in the strike zone and swung, but as soon as his bat connected, he knew it wasn't solid contact. Nevertheless, he sprinted to first base, hoping for a miracle.