Chapter 6

Georganio stepped up to his table, his card in hand. He eyed the baskets with a calculated gaze, noting the positions and distances. With a deep breath, he placed the base of his palms together, fingers splayed open. As he began to separate his hands in a smooth, clockwise motion, he started to chant in a clear, authoritative voice:

"Le mo chumhacht, lean orm, scar na ciseáin óna háit atá ceart."

The words rolled off his tongue with practiced ease. Suddenly, apples and peaches lifted into the air, swirling gracefully before settling into their designated baskets with a gentle thud. The onlookers watched in awe as the task was completed with effortless precision. Georganio leaned casually against the edge of his table, a slight smirk on his face. His secret had been well-kept; he had honed these spells for years, not only for his own advancement but to ensure Lilly remained safely out of the spotlight. He cast a quick glance through the fringe of his hair, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lilly's reaction.

Lavonia, observing the display with a scrutinizing eye, made a few small gestures with her left hand. With a flick of her wrist, she motioned for Christoff and Georganio to move to the empty benches. As they stepped off the platform, a golden star magically etched itself into the collar of their uniforms, signifying their successful completion of the first trial.

Francine approached her table with a hesitant demeanor. Her eyes darted nervously around the arena before settling on the task before her. She stole a glance at Rebekah, who offered a reassuring nod. Taking a deep breath, Francine carefully retrieved a piece of chalk from the tool basket. She lowered herself to the floor and began to scribble symbols and notes on the underside of the table. The other potentials craned their necks, trying to glimpse what she was writing, but her movements were too swift and discreet. After a final, deliberate tap of the chalk, Francine climbed out from under the table and tapped the upper corner of the table three times with her index finger. As her finger lifted on the final tap, the fruit on the table flashed and reappeared, neatly separated into their respective baskets.

Gavina leaned toward Armadeous, her voice a low whisper tinged with intrigue. "That is the quiet child with potential for teleportation magic. But I've heard rumors of a backwoods family line possessing a blend of shadow and light magic. While teleportation will serve the Council, a Gray magician who can manipulate both sides would be unstoppable."

Armadeous shot her a sharp, calculating look. "Gavina, keep your speculations to yourself," he said coolly. "The Council has taken precautions against any magicians with shadow travel abilities. The remaining lightworkers are only capable of healing work. This topic is not up for discussion."

Gavina crossed her arms, her expression tight. She turned her gaze back to the arena, doing her best to mask her frustration. The last thing she wanted was to be caught up in a disturbance during the trials.

When Lilly approached her table, her movements were deliberate but understated. She took a moment to scan the baskets and the scattered fruit. The card she held indicated the task: separate the fruit without touching it directly.

Lilly's hands were calm, her fingers lightly grazing the edges of the table. She took a deep breath and centered herself, focusing on her innate magical abilities. Instead of making grand gestures, she employed a soft, almost imperceptible manipulation of light and shadow.

She began by drawing her hands in small, subtle arcs above the fruit. Her eyes remained closed as she visualized the fruits separating, her concentration intense yet serene. A faint shimmer of light flickered around the apples and peaches, creating a gentle force that guided them into their respective baskets. The process was smooth and barely noticeable to the casual observer.

The separation happened with a quiet efficiency, the fruit floating with a grace that seemed to defy the usual force of gravity. Lilly's face showed only the slightest hint of concentration as she worked, her magic manifesting in a soft glow around the fruit.

As the last piece settled into place, Lilly opened her eyes and allowed herself a small, satisfied smile. She had completed the task with a delicate finesse, her subtle approach demonstrating the depth of her control over her abilities. The golden star appeared on her uniform as she stepped back, blending into the crowd of potentials with the same quiet grace she had shown throughout her performance.

Stephen approached his table with a quiet confidence, his demeanor reflecting a calm focus. He glanced at the card, noting the instructions for the task ahead. The table was empty save for the fruit baskets at the far end.

With a subtle nod to himself, Stephen placed his hands lightly on the edge of the table. He took a steadying breath, centering himself. Unlike his usual straightforward approach, today called for finesse. He closed his eyes briefly, tapping into his natural energy manipulation skills.

His fingers began to move with a gentle precision. Instead of overtly using his physical strength, Stephen allowed his energy to flow smoothly. He focused on creating a subtle, controlled force that gently separated the fruit. He made delicate, almost imperceptible gestures, guiding the apples and peaches with a soft, invisible hand.

The fruit began to float, rising slowly and then moving gracefully to their designated baskets. Stephen's approach was a masterclass in restraint; there was no grand display of power, only a quiet, effective manipulation of energy. The fruit settled into place with a serene efficiency.

As he finished, Stephen exhaled quietly, his expression a mixture of satisfaction and concentration. The golden star appeared on his uniform as he stepped away from the table, a testament to his skillful handling of the task. Lilly, watching from the sidelines, gave him an approving nod.