Chapter 7

The testing was moving rapidly. All thirteen potentials completed the initial task with ease, a result that didn't surprise Lavonia. The first task was designed to be straightforward, a skill they should have honed while helping on the family farms. The true test would be how they responded to the remaining trials. This first challenge was merely a prelude; what lay ahead was far less forgiving.

Lavonia stood tall, her writing stick raised like a wand, trailing faint sparks that lingered for mere seconds as she wrote in the air. The arena transformed into a barren desert as sand erupted onto the floor. The bewildered potentials found themselves abruptly separated on the playing field. Stephen took a step towards Lilly, only to be halted by an invisible barrier. Each potential was confined within a stifling, personal Sahara. The glass walls morphed into one-way mirrors, isolating the potentials from one another while allowing the council to monitor them. A message briefly scrolled along one of the walls:

"A seed is all you need to escape the captivity you imprison yourself in. Free yourself."

Stephen propped himself up on one elbow, rubbing the growing knot on his forehead. "Geez, some warning would have been nice," he mumbled to himself.

He slowly got to his feet, brushing the sand off his trousers. For a moment, he could see the other potentials isolated in their own glass cages. He spotted Lilly at the far end of the room. She turned to face him just as the glass changed to reflect his image. Calmly, he began to feel along the walls, searching for any levers or exits. As his hand touched the last wall, the message began to scroll again:

"A seed is all you need to escape the captivity you imprison yourself in. Free yourself."

Of course, they give a riddle, Stephen thought. He surveyed the tiny box for any hidden items or clues. Satisfied that he hadn't missed anything, he used his foot to flatten a small patch of sand. Flipping his cloak out from under him, Stephen took a seat in the cleared spot. He reached into his tunic and pulled out a necklace with a blue sapphire attached.

Taking a deep breath, he started to chant in the smallest of whispers.

"Fola mo chuid fola, 

Croí mo chroí, 

Éist le mo chogar 

Masked ó dhaoine eile."

"Lilly Bean... are you okay?"

Lilly felt a warm sensation emanating from her pendant. Aware that they were under the watchful eye of Armadeous, Lilly made a lap around her glass cage before settling cross-legged on the sand. To any outsider, it appeared as though the twins were meditating, unaware of the full conversation they were having.

"I'm fine, just unsure of how to pass this test... how are you?"

"I've got a nice souvenir on my head from hitting the wall."

"Stephen, how are we going to get out of here without drawing attention to our powers? We could light travel or teleport."

"Lilly, use some basic naturopathy to grow something to smash the glass, and I'll do some extra basic pyromancy."

"That should be easy enough. But come out of your meditation first. I'll wait a few minutes."

Lilly closed her eyes, focusing on her breathing, grounding herself in the sandy environment. She visualized the seed within her pendant, feeling its energy pulse in time with her heartbeat. With a soft whisper, she coaxed the seed to life, urging it to grow rapidly. As a tiny green shoot emerged from the sand, she concentrated on its growth, willing it to strengthen and expand.

Meanwhile, Stephen emerged from his meditation, standing up and brushing the sand off his clothes again. He focused on the tiny flame within his palm, nurturing it until it grew into a steady, controlled blaze. He glanced at the growing plant in Lilly's cage, waiting for the right moment.

Lilly's plant had grown into a sturdy vine, thick and resilient. She directed it towards the glass wall, allowing it to wrap around the edges. With a final push of energy, the vine tightened, cracks beginning to spiderweb across the surface.

"Now, Stephen," Lilly whispered.

Stephen directed his flame towards the weakened glass, the heat intensifying the cracks until the wall shattered with a loud crash. The shards fell away, revealing the path to freedom.

"Let's go," Stephen said, offering his hand to Lilly.

They quickly stepped through the opening, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next, their bond and determination stronger than ever.


Sand whipped around them as they stepped out of the shattered glass enclosure. The artificial desert was harsh and unrelenting, the heat almost suffocating. Each step sank into the fine grains, making progress slow and arduous. They squinted against the bright light, trying to discern any landmarks or paths that might guide them.

"Lilly, we need to find some shade or cover. This heat is unbearable," Stephen said, his voice strained.

"Agreed. Keep an eye out for anything that looks like shelter," Lilly replied, her eyes scanning the horizon.

As they trudged forward, the sand dunes seemed endless. Just when they were beginning to lose hope, Lilly spotted a dark shape in the distance. She pointed it out to Stephen, who nodded and quickened his pace. As they drew closer, they saw that it was an ancient, crumbling structure, half-buried in the sand.

"Do you think it's safe?" Lilly asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Safer than staying out here in the open. Let's check it out," Stephen replied, determination in his eyes.

They approached the structure cautiously, peering inside. It was dark and cool, a stark contrast to the blazing desert outside. The walls were adorned with faded murals depicting scenes of life and struggle. Stephen and Lilly exchanged glances, knowing that this place held secrets of its own.

"We should rest here for a bit and plan our next move," Stephen suggested, leaning against the wall to catch his breath.

Lilly nodded, sliding down to sit beside him. She pulled out her pendant and examined it closely, feeling a sense of reassurance from the familiar object. Stephen did the same with his sapphire necklace, the cool stone soothing his frayed nerves.

"Do you think the others are okay?" Lilly asked quietly, her eyes filled with concern.

"I hope so. We have to trust that they can handle themselves. Right now, we need to focus on getting through this together," Stephen replied, his voice firm but gentle.

As they rested, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. The trials were designed to test not only their physical abilities but their mental resilience and resourcefulness. They knew that the council was observing their every move, waiting to see how they would overcome the obstacles placed before them.

"Let's stay sharp and be ready for anything," Stephen said, his eyes scanning the shadows for any signs of danger.

"Agreed. We'll get through this, Stephen. Together," Lilly replied, squeezing his hand for reassurance.

They stood up, their resolve renewed. With a deep breath, they stepped out of the ancient structure, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The path to freedom was fraught with challenges, but they were determined to overcome them, no matter the cost.