A Girl Could Only Hope

My head was floating; nothing seemed real, and for the first time in a while, I couldn't feel any pain at all.


Was I finally dead? Did Lucifer get his way, and I was in Hell?


I chuckled at that idea. I thought Hell was supposed to be a place of punishment, of everlasting torment. But right now, it seemed like Heaven. There was no pain, no need to fight… just pure and utter bliss.


Until I was dragged right back into reality by a soft voice that might as well have been nails on a chalkboard.


"What do you mean, you don't know?" hissed a familiar voice. He almost sounded exactly like the cat I had looked after. He sounded like that, too, before I started feeding him. But his voice was still soft like he was trying to calm a child down.


"I am sorry, Sire," sputtered another soft voice. I could just make out the sound of fear in the newcomer's voice, but once again, it projected the feeling of comfort and safety.


I gritted my teeth, refusing to give into the shudder that was trying to erupt from my being. I know most people think that the harsher the voice, the harsher the individual, but I had been raised to believe the exact opposite.


Those who spoke softly and smoothly were the ones you had to be scared of. They were the unpredictable ones. The harsh ones? Those who yelled and screamed, who roared and growled? Those you knew what to expect and could prepare yourself for.


"You're sorry?!? What good is being sorry?" asked the General. "I asked for a sedative, and you gave me one. Now you are telling me that you might have made it too strong, and my Treasure might never wake up?!?"


"I'm sorry, Sire," repeated the stranger. "However, I was unaware of the extent of her injuries. I made it a quarter of the strength needed for our females. But since she was already weakened…"


"So, you are blaming me?" asked the General, and I could practically see his head cocked to the side. I wonder if he had the same look on his face that he normally gave me. Like a cat playing with a mouse.


"Of course not, Sire," replied the man frantically. Or at least my brain told me that he was trying to speak frantically. It still sounded as soft and slow as always.


"She is the reason why I succeeded in the uprising. She is my good luck charm. She cannot die. Go fix her!" The General was practically screaming in the translation that I was getting, but like a badly dubbed movie, I could still hear his original dialect.


"Of course, Sire." 


The vibrations of someone walking on metal toward me alerted me that it was the second man approaching. The General had a distinctive walk that I had come to identify.


And when I said he had a distinctive walk, I meant he was the only one I had ever encountered who was completely silent when he moved. His cap didn't make a sound, and neither did his boots.


I felt the soft touch of his fur covered fingers as they brushed against my neck. I forced my natural reaction down as the scratchy pad of his finger pushed down on my pulse.


"She yet lives, Sire. And may I say, she is perfect for you? Her hair is so red, and so are her lips. Those red spots that cover her flesh are absolutely mesmerizing. I have never seen a species quite like her. May she forever be your good luck charm."


Ah, yes… That was the crux of the matter. I was a good luck charm.


I was told over and over again about the number of males who tried to buy me from the pleasure station. The amount of money I would have gone for was absolutely astronomical. It seemed like almost half of the species on this side of the universe considered all things red to be good luck.


It didn't even have to be that precious. I had seen some with red paper charms attached to their robes before they moved them aside in order to fuck me.


And me, with my red hair, freckles, and blood, was considered to be the best of all the charms.


Men fucked me before going into battle, thinking that I would give them luck. They fucked me before making a big decision; I was told that I was directly responsible for some of the greatest deals to ever come out of this century.


Aliens traveled for months to be able to fuck me… so that I could bring them luck.


And the Prophet said that I could only bring bad luck. That I was a bad omen.


"Put her in her chamber. I'll let her sleep for the rest of the night. Now that I am the ruler of the Kallutan, I have things I need to attend to," said the General. Sorry, King. I don't think his title really mattered all that much. Hell, even his name didn't really matter.


I could only assume that the Kallutan was the name of his species. Still, he didn't look like anything I had encountered with the Galactic Alliance of Sentient Beings before Lucifer started experimenting on me. I can only assume that when Lucifer wanted to get rid of me, he chose a different galaxy to drop me off in.


Maybe if Jun Li wasn't going after everyone who had taken human women and destroyed them, I could have been safe with Mei Xing and the other human women she brought back to her world. But that wasn't the case. And Lucifer didn't want to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar.


Metaphorically speaking.


With my thoughts drifting back to the L-Series ship that had taken me away from Earth, I fell back into the darkness as someone picked me up.


Maybe this new place would kill me.


A girl could only hope.