A Cage Was Still A Cage

When I woke up again, the pain was back in full force, and I felt someone pushing into me. "My perfect Treasure," grunted the male on top of me. "You will bring my species to a new high. Just wait, I'll plant my offspring inside of you. If the Gods will it, he will come out as red as you. A perfect being. He will be worshiped as a God, and it will be all thanks to you."

He let out a soft grunt before his weight was removed. I waited until I felt the gush of wetness coming from between my legs. Without warning, I pulled my right arm back and landed a perfect punch to his unsuspecting face. 

The fucker had cat-like reflexes and could anticipate almost all of my moves, making my resistance against him seem like a child throwing a temper tantrum. But after he just came, he was complacent, like his brain was offline for a few seconds.

That was when I lashed out, and he had no choice but to take it. 

I was expecting the retaliatory punch to my face, my cheekbone and nose breaking under the force of his fist. But even as I bled, I smiled up at him. This was the way every session with him ended. Me bleeding by his feet.

"Such a beautiful color," he shuttered, his lip dick still dripping onto my stomach. He crouched down, not caring about the fact he was naked and dragged his finger through the blood pouring out of my face. Bringing the digit to his lips, he sucked it clean, a low purr of happiness coming from him.

"Sire," interjected a new voice. "It's time for the Council."

The King rose to his feet, once again staring down at my crumpled body on the floor. "Of course, I am ready," he assured the man. Spinning around, I watched him leave, but not before closing the door of my new prison and locking it. 

"I look forward to seeing you again tonight. Make sure that you bathe and eat," smiled my new jailer as he waved at me. "I want you strong when I see you again. It's so much better when you fight."

I snorted at his statement. It wasn't my fault that he decided to fuck my unconscious body. It wasn't like I willingly submitted. But like my husband on Earth, males never cared about my state before they took what they wanted. 

Wanting to close my eyes and slip into the peace of darkness, I let out a long sigh. Wiping my nose on the back of my hand, seeing that the bleeding was almost gone, I shakily got to my feet. 

One of the bones in my lower left leg had snapped a few months ago; the stark white bone jutted out of my flesh. The area around the wound was flaming red and infected. I could barely put any weight on it. However, since it was bright red, the aliens that ran the pleasure station refused to heal me.

It was the same with the bone sticking out of my forearm. They loved the look of the infected skin. 

I really thought I would have died from the infection by now, but once again, God proved that he wasn't on my side. 

Looking around at my new prison, I started doing the one thing I had sworn to myself that I would never do. 

"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth," I muttered, reciting the very first line of the first chapter of Genesis as I hobbled forward. I was surrounded by gold bars and plants. It looked, for all intents and purposes, like a menagerie, a giant birdcage.

The opulence was absolutely mind-blowing as I continued to recite the First Book of Moses.

The plants were like nothing I had ever seen before. They looked tropical, like giant trees and monsteras that belonged in a jungle rather than my cage.

In the middle was a monstrous bed, the silk sheets bright red. But besides the plants and bed, there was nothing else. No clothes, no chair to sit in, nothing that I could see. 

Using the bars as a crutch, I continued with the scripture. "And God said, 'Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed…" my voice trailed off as I saw what looked to be a pool hidden by the plants. Was this where the fucker wanted me to bathe?

Grabbing a trunk for balance, I placed my toe into the oasis. Finding that it was the perfect temperature, I slowly lowered myself into it.

If I wasn't such a weakling, drowning would have been an acceptable way of dying. But I still had it in my head that suicide was a sin. And I had more than enough sins stacked against me that I couldn't bring myself to add one more. 

I let myself float in the crystal clear waters, my eyes staring up at the very top of my cage where all the bars met. My lips moved in the words that my mind could never forget. I didn't even realize just how much of the bible I actually remembered until I turned to it when I was first abducted. 

Now, I found the words comforting, whereas before, they caused me nothing but terror. I guess you could take the girl out of the Fundamentalist cult, but not the Fundamentalist cult out of the girl. Oh well, I would take whatever bit of comfort I could get at this point.

Besides, Genesis was always my favorite book. 

I let my eyes drift shut, and the sound of birds calling to each other gave me the illusion I was back on Earth. It was not like I had ever been to the tropics. I had never left Region U until the day I was abducted, but I had seen documentaries in my week of freedom. 

That counted for something, right?