Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Terms

Digon's smile grew wider as he gestured for Kae to follow him. They walked through a winding corridor, the walls adorned with strange symbols that seemed to pulse with a dark energy. Kae's skin crawled, but they pressed on, curiosity getting the better of them.

They arrived at a large, ornate door, which Digon pushed open with a flourish. Inside, a lavish room filled with opulent furnishings and strange artifacts awaited. Kae's eyes widened as they took in the scope of the room.

"Please, sit," Digon said, gesturing to a chair opposite his desk. "Let us discuss the terms of your membership."

Kae sat, their eyes fixed on Digon as he leaned back in his chair.

"The Black Legion is not just a simple organization," Digon began. "It is a way of life. We operate outside the boundaries of society, taking what we want, when we want it."

Kae raised an eyebrow. "And what do you want from me?"

Digon leaned forward, his eyes glinting with intensity. "I want your skills, Kae. Your unique abilities would be a valuable asset to our organization."

Kae hesitated, unsure of what to say. But something about Digon's words resonated with them.

"What do I get in return?" Kae asked, their voice firm.

Digon smiled again. "Ah, that is the best part. You will receive power, wealth, and influence beyond your wildest dreams. You will be a part of something greater than yourself."

Kae felt a surge of excitement at the prospect. They had always felt like an outsider, never quite fitting in. But this...this was different.

"And what about the cost?" Kae asked, their voice barely above a whisper.

Digon's smile faltered for a moment, before he regained his composure.

"Ah, the cost," he said, his voice dripping with menace. "Yes, there is always a cost. But I think you'll find it...worth it."

Kae felt a shiver run down their spine as Digon leaned forward, his eyes glinting with an otherworldly intensity.

"The cost is your soul," Digon whispered, his voice barely audible.

Kae's eyes widened in horror as Digon leaned back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face

Kae felt like they'd been punched in the gut. "My soul?" they repeated, trying to process the enormity of what Digon was asking. The room seemed to spin around them, and they had to grasp the armrest to steady themselves.

Digon nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, Kae. Your soul is the key to unlocking your true potential. And I'm willing to help you unlock it."

Kae's mind reeled as they tried to comprehend the cost. Their soul? What did that even mean? They thought back to their childhood, listening to stories about the soul being the essence of a person. Could Digon really be asking them to give up their essence?

"But...but what about my freedom?" Kae stammered, trying to find their voice.

Digon chuckled, a low, menacing sound. "Freedom is an illusion, Kae. You're already bound to the darkness within you. I'm just offering you a way to embrace it."

Kae felt a chill run down their spine. Were they really bound to the darkness? They thought about their past, the choices they'd made, and the paths they'd taken. Had they been heading down this road all along?

"What about my memories?" Kae asked, trying to stall for time. They didn't know what to do, and they needed more information.

Digon waved a hand dismissively. "Memories are fleeting, Kae. They'll fade with time. But the power I offer you...that's eternal."

Kae's thoughts were racing. They didn't know what to do. Part of them wanted to flee, to escape the darkness that Digon represented. But another part...another part was drawn to the power, the promise of something more.

"I need time to think," Kae said finally, trying to sound firm.

Digon nodded, his smile never wavering. "Of course, Kae. Take all the time you need. But remember...the offer won't be on the table forever."

Kae nodded, feeling like they were trapped in a nightmare. They stood, trying to make their way to the door, but Digon's words stopped them.

"Oh, Kae?"

Kae turned, their heart pounding.

"Don't try to leave the city," Digon said, his voice dripping with menace. "My eyes are everywhere. And if you try to escape...let's just say the consequences won't be pleasant."

Kae felt a shiver run down their spine as they realized the true extent of Digon's power. They were trapped, with no clear way out.

As they left the room, Kae couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking further into darkness. They needed to find a way out, but they didn't know where to start.

The city seemed to stretch out before them like a labyrinth, full of secrets and dangers. Kae knew they had to navigate it carefully if they wanted to survive.

But for now, they just needed to find a place to hide, to gather their thoughts and plan their next move.

Kae made their way through the winding streets, trying to lose themselves in the crowd. But they knew it was only a temporary solution.

Eventually, they'd have to face Digon again, and make a choice.

Would they give up their soul for power, or would they find another way?

Only time would tell