Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Hidden Path

Kae navigated the winding streets of Ashwood, trying to clear their mind. They needed a plan, a way to escape Digon's grasp and uncover the secrets of the Black Legion.

As they walked, Kae noticed a figure following them. They quickened their pace, but the figure kept pace with them.

Finally, Kae ducked into a narrow alleyway, hoping to lose their tail. But the figure followed, revealing a hooded face.

"Who are you?" Kae demanded, trying to keep their voice steady.

The figure pushed back its hood, revealing a young woman with piercing green eyes.

"My name is Lena," she said, her voice low and urgent. "I'm here to help you, Kae."

Kae's instincts screamed warning, but something about Lena's words resonated with them.

"What do you know about Digon?" Kae asked, trying to keep their guard up.

Lena hesitated, glancing around the alleyway nervously.

"I know he's not what he seems," she said finally. "There's something darker at play here, something that threatens the entire city."

Kae's mind raced as they tried to process Lena's words.

"What do you mean?" they asked, their voice barely above a whisper.

Lena leaned in, her eyes locked on Kae's.

"I mean that Digon is just a pawn in a larger game," she said. "And you,'re the key to unlocking it all."

Kae felt a shiver run down their spine as they realized the true extent of their entanglement.

"What can I do?" they asked, feeling a sense of determination rise within them.

Lena smiled, a fierce glint in her eye.

"Come with me," she said. "I'll show you the hidden path."

And with that, Kae followed Lena into the unknown, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Lena led Kae through the winding streets of Ashwood, dodging market stalls and pedestrians with ease. They eventually arrived at a nondescript door hidden behind a tapestry of vines.

"Welcome to the Hidden Path," Lena said, pushing open the door.

Kae followed her into a narrow corridor, the air thick with the scent of incense and old books. The walls were lined with shelves, stretching high into the darkness.

"What is this place?" Kae asked, their eyes wide with wonder.

Lena smiled. "This is the repository of the Ancients. A place of knowledge and power."

As they walked, the shelves gave way to rows of ancient artifacts, each one more breathtaking than the last. Kae saw relics from forgotten civilizations, mysterious devices that whirred and hummed, and ancient texts bound in black leather.

Lena stopped at a large stone door, adorned with symbols of protection.

"This is the heart of the Hidden Path," she said, her voice low and reverent. "Here lies the knowledge of the Ancients."

Kae felt a surge of excitement as Lena pushed open the door, revealing a vast chamber filled with ancient texts and mysterious devices.

"Here, you will find the secrets of the Black Legion," Lena said, her eyes locked on Kae's. "And the truth about Digon's plans."

Kae's heart raced as they began to explore the chamber, uncovering secrets and lies at every turn.

But they knew they couldn't stay here forever. Eventually, they'd have to face Digon and the Black Legion.

And when they did, Kae would be ready.