Chapter 11 Memory Recovery, Body Changes

In the Kingdom of Sorbet, a place outside the law, in front of a slightly dilapidated church,


Carl and his group were teleported one after another. Ivankov shook his dizzy head and muttered,

"What happened? I feel so dizzy...where is this place?"

Kuma looked up at the church in front of him, with a sad look on his face, and slowly said,

"This is the country where I was born, the Kingdom of Sorbet."

Ginny looked around curiously and asked,

"So we escaped? There is a church here!"

"Yes, this church belongs to my father, he is a pastor..."

Ivankov and Ginny fell into silence. They had heard Kuma talk about his experience and knew that he was remembering those painful memories.


Carl, who had been silent until now, suddenly made a painful sound.

Hearing this, the trio hurriedly looked towards Carl and saw that he was holding his forehead with one hand, his brows furrowed, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. It looked like he was not in a good condition.

Carl's previous actions in Valley of Gods made the three of them recognize his "big brother" status from the bottom of their hearts. Even Ivankov, the oldest, shouted together,

"Brother Carl, what's wrong with you!?"

The three of them ran to Carl's side. Ivankov knelt down and put Carl's arm on his shoulders. Ginny gently stroked Carl's chest with her hand, and Kuma stretched out his paw towards Carl.

Carl saw Kuma's intention. He wanted to use the power of the Paw-Paw Fruit to try to expel the "pain" for him.

It has to be said that Kuma and the Paw-Paw Fruit are like a natural pair. The two are very compatible. In addition, Carl had taught them the ability of the Paw-Paw Fruit in advance. Now Kuma had figured out some practical uses for the fruit.

However, Carl raised his hand to stop Kuma's behavior. Under Kuma's puzzled gaze, Carl breathed a sigh of relief and said in a weak voice,

"You are not familiar with the power of the Paw-Paw Fruit yet, so don't use it indiscriminately. And even if you use it, there will be no one else around, and the pain will eventually return to me."

"No, I can..."

Kuma patted his chest, which clearly meant that he wanted to help Carl bear the physical pain.

However, Carl still refused. He stopped Kuma's words because he didn't want Kuma to do this, and at this time, his mind was in a mess, which could not be called pain.

In his mind, chaotic memory fragments kept emerging, like a revolving door. He wanted to stop and watch carefully but couldn't stop.

It all started after Garling said the word "Figarland" to him before leaving.

Carl saw his body being placed on a cold test platform, and a man dressed as a Celestial Dragon stared at him greedily.

In an instant, anger, fear, confusion, and all kinds of negative emotions came over him, and Carl felt a splitting headache.


A silver arc of electricity emerged from Carl's body and electrocuted Ivankov along his arm.

Kuma was also startled by Carl. He hurriedly pulled Ginny away, who was stunned. He also lifted up Ivankov, who rolled his eyes, and used the power of the Paw-Paw Fruit to get away.

At this moment, Carl suddenly raised his head, his originally dark pupils had turned blood red, and a tide of darkness spread out from under his feet.

His eyes were empty and his voice was as cold as if it came from hell.

"Must kill him! Revenge!!!"

The darkness spread to Kuma's feet and turned into a huge black mouth, about to swallow him. At this moment, Carl's body softened and he fainted to the ground.

The huge mouth of darkness froze suddenly, escaped into the darkness again, and returned to Carl's body.

Kuma swallowed and raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his head.

Just now he wanted to use his fruit power to avoid it, but he didn't know what happened. When the darkness approached him, he only felt that his connection with the power became extremely stagnant and difficult to mobilize.

If Carl hadn't fainted suddenly, he, Ivankov, and Ginny would have been completely swallowed by the darkness at this time.

Putting Ginny and Ivankov down, Kuma slowly approached Carl, who was lying on the ground and found that Carl had completely fainted.

He picked up Carl, and Ginny dragged Ivankov on the ground, and they walked toward the church together.

At night,

In the haze, Carl opened his eyes with difficulty and found that he was lying on a soft big bed. He slowly got up.

Another wave of dizziness hit, and a voice full of hatred sounded in Carl's mind,

"You are me, I am you, avenge me!"

Carl didn't feel anything strange. He looked calm and murmured in a low voice, as if talking to himself,

"I know, we are one person, I will definitely take revenge!"

After saying that, Carl felt his body lighten, as if something had completely dissipated from his mind.

He felt a sense of clarity that he had never experienced before. His perception became extremely sharp, and the layout of the entire church was clearly presented in his mind.

Including the scent of Kuma and Ginny in the church, as well as the...

"Where did the mummy come from?"

Looking at the large-headed mummy wrapped like a rice dumpling beside him, a look of surprise appeared on Carl's face.

The mummy shook its head twice and made a muffled sound,

"It's me, Carl. I'm Ivankov, Ivankov who was almost f**ked by you, hehe...ha..."

"Ah this..."

Only then did Carl remember the electric discharge on his body at that time. He slapped his forehead, turned around, helped Ivankov up, and said with an apologetic expression,

"Sorry, Ivankov, my brain was in chaos at that time and I didn't know what I was doing."

"No, it's okay. I even escaped from a place like Valley of Gods. This little injury is nothing, hee, hee!"

It could be seen that Ivankov was in a good mood and did not take the matter of being electrocuted to heart.

But Carl still felt a little guilty. He jumped off the bed and gently lifted Ivankov and carried him on his back.

Ivankov's eyes widened in shock. He knew Carl's physique well. Although it could not be said to be weak, it was not much better than Ginny, who was a girl.

But now, Carl could easily lift Ivankov, who was much heavier than him, and carry him as if nothing had happened. Ivankov felt like he had seen a ghost.

Carl also noticed this, but he didn't say anything more and just came to the living room like a gust of wind, carrying Ivankov on his back.

Kuma, wearing an apron, was walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot fish soup. Ginny was sitting at the dining table thinking about something with a sword in one hand and a fork in the other.

Seeing Carl appearing with Ivankov on his back, Ginny was immediately stunned. Kuma's hands trembled and the fish soup was about to fall to the ground.


A force of gravity appeared, and the bowl was controlled by Carl. He chuckled and said,

"Kuma, your craftsmanship is very good. This bowl of fish soup is very fragrant."


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