The Secret Revealed

Lexi's world was turned upside down as she gazed up at Julian, her mind reeling with the truth. 

She felt like she was living in a dream, like everything she thought she knew was a lie.

"Julian," she whispered, her voice shaking. 

"Why didn't you tell me? 

"Why did you keep this secret from me?"

Julian's eyes filled with tears as he held her close. 

"I wanted to protect you, Lexi. 

"I wanted to spare you the pain of remembering."

Lexi's heart raced as she pulled back, her eyes searching his face. 

"But why now? 

"Why tell me now?"

Julian's gaze was steady, his voice firm. 

"Because I can't keep it inside anymore, Lexi. 

"Because I love you, and I want to be honest with you."

Lexi's breath caught in her throat as she stared at him, her mind racing with emotions.

She felt like she was drowning in a sea of feelings, like she was losing herself in his eyes.

"Julian," she whispered, her voice barely audible. 

"I don't know what to say."

Julian's smile was soft, his eyes filled with understanding. 

"You don't have to say anything, Lexi. 

"Just know that I'm here for you, always."Julian replied.

As they stood there, holding each other in a warm embrace, 

She had uncovered a secret that would change everything, a secret that would bind her to Julian forever.

But as they pulled back, gazing into each other's eyes, Lexi knew that she was ready for this new reality. She was ready to face the truth, to face her past, and to face her future with Julian by her side.

"Let's do this," she said, her voice firm. 

"Let's face whatever comes next, together."

Julian's smile was wide, his eyes shining with joy. 

"Together, always."

Both of them smiles and kiss each other.

Lexi and Julian walked hand in hand, their footsteps echoing through the quiet streets. 

They didn't need to say a word; they both knew that their lives had changed forever.

As they turned a corner, Lexi spotted a small café. 

"Let's grab a coffee," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Julian smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. 

"Best idea I've heard all day."

Inside the cozy café, they found a quiet corner table. 

Over steaming cups of coffee, they talked about everything and nothing, their conversation flowing like a river.

Lexi laughed, her eyes shining with joy. 

"I can't believe we've been through so much together."

Julian's gaze was warm, his voice filled with emotion. 

"And we'll face whatever comes next, together."

As they sipped their coffee, Lexi felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that she had found her soulmate in Julian, her partner in every sense of the word.

"Julian," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. 

"I love you."

Julian's eyes locked onto hers, his face filled with adoration. 

"I love you too, Lexi. 

"Always and forever."

And with that, they sealed their fate, their hearts entwined in a love that would last a lifetime.

Julian looked straight into Lexi eyes.

"Lexi can we talked about what happened the other day." I need to ask you some questions." Julian said.

Lexi mood changed lmmediately.

"Julian.please, not now." Don't start this now."Lexi replied.

"Ok,no problem."he said.

"I will like to introduce you to my family, Lexi."Julian said.

"Alright, Julian.l will love to know them."she answered.

"Thanks."he replied.

Lexi's heart raced as she stepped out of the car and onto the driveway of Julian's family estate. 

She had never seen a house so grand, so luxurious. She felt like she was stepping into a different world.

Julian took her hand, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"Welcome to my home, Lexi."

"My family is waiting for us."

Lexi's nerves fluttered as they walked into the house, a butler greeting them with a bow. 

"Welcome, Master Julian."

Welcome, Miss."

Julian's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood, sat in the living room, sipping tea. 

They looked like they belonged on the cover of a magazine, so elegant and refined.

"Lexi, this is my mother, Catherine, and my father, James," Julian said, his eyes shining with pride.

Lexi curtsied, feeling a little out of place. 

"It's nice to meet you, sir and ma'am."

Just then, a spoiled little voice echoed from the hallway.

"Jules, how are you?she called his pet name.

"And by the way,who is this." Priscilla asked eyeing Lexi.

 "I want attention!"

Julian rolled his eyes, his face sheepish. 

"That's my little sister, Priscilla."

Priscilla stormed into the room, her face pouting. 

"I want to go shopping, Jules. Now!"

Julian sighed, his eyes apologetic. "

"Priscilla, this is Lexi. My girlfriend."

Her eyes widened, her gaze raking over Lexi. 

"She's not fancy enough for you, Jules. You need someone with more style."

Lexi felt her cheeks flush, her heart stinging. But Julian's parents intervened, their voices firm.

"Priscilla that's enough. Lexi is our guest, and we will treat her with respect."

"Come and have your sit,my dear."Julian mom said.

As the tension dissipated, Lexi realized that Julian's parents was complex, their dynamics a web of love and tension.

But she was determined to fit in, to be a part of this family. For Julian's sake, and for her own.

"Ma'am, the lunch is ready."the chef announced.

"Thanks, you can go and get the fruits ready."Julian mom replied.

"Alright ma'am."he said and left the dining room.

Lexi felt uneasy as she followed Julian into the dining room. The table was set with fine china and crystal glasses, and the atmosphere was formal.

"Lexi, sit down," Mrs. Blackwood said, her voice warm.

 "We're glad to have you join us."

"Thank you ma'am."Lexi replied softly.

"You welcome, my dear."Mrs Blackwood replied smiling.

Lexi took her seat, feeling a little out of place. Priscilla glared at her from across the table, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"So, Lexi," Mr. Blackwood said, his voice booming.

"Tell us about yourself." 

"What do you do?"

Lexi hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But Julian's encouraging smile gave her the courage to speak.

"My name is Lexi Thompson."

"I am from this city.''

"I am the one child of my parents."

"I'm a professional event planner," she said, her voice steady. 

"I also write articles and stories."

Priscilla snorted, her eyes rolling. 

"That's not a real job."

"Anybody can be an event planner."Priscilla said eyeing Lexi.

Lexi felt a surge of anger, but Julian's hand on her knee calmed her.

"It's a real job, Priscilla," he said, his voice firm. 

"And Lexi is very talented."

"Yes, that's correct,is a profitable job."Mr.Blackwood chipped in.

The dinner conversation was strained, with Priscilla's sarcastic comments and Lexi's attempts to defend herself.

But Julian's parents were kind and welcoming, and Lexi felt a sense of gratitude towards them.

As the evening drew to a close, Lexi excused herself to use the restroom. Priscilla followed her, her eyes gleaming with malice.

"You'll never fit in here," Priscilla hissed. 

"You're not good enough for Jules."

Lexi stood tall, her eyes meeting Priscilla's. 

"I don't need to fit in with you, Priscilla. "

"I just need to be with Julian."

Priscilla's face turned red with anger, but Lexi didn't back down. She knew that she had found her place in Julian's heart, and nothing could ever take that away.