
Jane was heartbroken. Her mother, Mrs. Brown, tried to console her. 

"Jane, I told you to forget about him. He doesn't love you. Every time you call him, he ignores you or doesn't pick up."

But Jane was adamant. "No, Mom, he still loves me."

"I'll go and see him in his office tomorrow."

Her mother sighed. "If you want to go, I've told you several times to stop this relationship with him. He's not good for you."

But Jane was determined. "I still love him, and I want to marry him."

Her mother's expression was stern. "Don't force yourself on any man, Jane."

"You deserve better."

Jane's thoughts were consumed by her ex-boyfriend, who had left her for Priscilla. She couldn't understand why he would choose someone like Priscilla over her. 

She was still holding onto the hope that he would come back to her.

Jane was furious as she thought about Priscilla and Henry. "Priscilla must leave him for me," she said, beating her chest. 

"I won't take it easy for her. Henry is mine, only mine."

Jane's parents were rich and influential, but she was a spoilt brat. She couldn't bear the thought of Priscilla taking Henry away from her. 

"Just because her parents are rich and influential, she thinks she can take him from me," Jane said to herself. 

"But I'll show her that I'm capable of taking him back."

Jane thought about how Henry wouldn't pick her calls anymore and how his gateman had been instructed not to let her into his house. 

"I know what to do," she said, a sly smile spreading across her face. "I'll go and give the gateman money to let me into the apartment."

"I want to talk to Henry one on one."

Jane remembered all the promises Henry had made to her in high school. 

"How could he forget?" she said, sobbing. "I used to help him with his assignments, buy food for him, wash his clothes... he's forgotten all of that."

The next day, Jane dressed up in a tight red dress and high heels, looking determined. 

She joined her mother in the living room, who looked at her with concern. "Jane, where are you going?"

Jane's eyes flashed with anger. "I'm going to meet Henry, Mother. I need to talk to him."

Her mother sighed. "Jane, please be careful. You know Henry has moved on."

But Jane was beyond reason. "I'll make him come back to me," she said, her voice low and menacing.

As Jane arrived at Henry's apartment, she gave the gateman a bribe and was let in. "Henry, we need to talk," she said, storming into his living room.

Henry looked up from his phone, surprised. "Jane, what are you doing here?"

Jane's eyes blazed with anger. "You know exactly why I'm here, Henry. You've forgotten all about me, haven't you?"

Henry stood up, trying to calm her down. "Jane, please... let's talk about this."

But Jane was unstoppable. "You're going to regret leaving me for Priscilla," she said, her voice low and menacing. 

"I'll make sure of it."

I will be back Henry because I don't give up easily."she shouted and left the house angrily.

As the cab stopped in front of Jane's house, she opened the door and stepped out. 

She walked towards the entrance, greeting her mom who was reading the newspaper in the living room.

"Good day, mom," Jane said, heading towards her room.

Her mom looked up from the paper, a concerned expression on her face. 

"Jane, wait a minute," she called out.

Jane turned back, curious. "Yes, mom?"

Her mom put down the paper and gestured for Jane to sit down. "I need to talk to you about something," she said, her voice serious.

Jane sat down, wondering what was on her mom's mind. "What is it, mom?"

"It's about Priscilla and Henry," her mom said, her eyes narrowing. "I don't trust them, Jane. They're not good people."

Jane rolled her eyes. "Mom, I know what I'm doing. I can handle myself."

But her mom shook her head. "No, Jane, you can't. They're manipulative and selfish. "

"They'll use you for their own gain. Especially Priscilla, she's a master manipulator."

Jane sighed, feeling frustrated. "Mom, I know you're worried, but I won't forgive Henry for Priscilla's sake. I love him, and I know he loves me too."

Her mom's expression turned stern. "Jane, listen to me. Henry is not worth your love. He's already proven that he's willing to cheat on you with Priscilla.

Julian stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk, preparing to visit his friend Mikel. But before he could even take a few steps, a group of ladies swooped in, their eyes shining with excitement.

"Oh my god, it's Julian!" one of them squealed, grabbing his arm.

The others quickly followed, snapping pictures and asking for autographs. 

Julian smiled good-naturedly, signing his name on their t-shirts and posing for photos.

But when one of them asked for his phone number, Julian quickly changed the subject. 

"So, how do you all know Mikel?" he asked, deflecting their attention.

The ladies chatted enthusiastically about their connection to Mikel, and Julian listened attentively, using the opportunity to slip away from their requests for his contact information.

As he finally made his way to Mikel's door, Julian couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected fan encounter. 

He was used to being recognized, but it still caught him off guard sometimes.

Mikel answered the door with a grin. "What's all the commotion about?" he asked, nodding towards the group of ladies still lingering outside.

Julian shook his head, laughing. "Just a few fans. I had to think fast to get out of giving them my number!"

Mikel chuckled. "You're a pro at handling the attention. Come on in, let's catch up."

Julian told his friend Mikel, "I want to celebrate Lexi's birthday before I travel for the business deal." He sounded a bit disappointed.

"I wish I could take her with me, but this trip is for business, not pleasure," Julian explained. "I'll be busy with meetings and negotiations."

Mikel nodded understandingly. "Yes, Julian, I get it. But next time, maybe you can take her on a trip."

Julian nodded in agreement. "Okay, no problem. You can go ahead and make arrangements for the trip - book the hotel, flights, and everything else we will need."

"Got it," Mikel replied. "I'll take care of everything. When do we need to leave?"

"In three weeks," Julian said. "I want to make sure everything is perfect for Lexi's birthday before I go."

Mikel smiled. "Don't worry, I've got this. We'll make it a birthday to remember."

Julian smiled back, feeling grateful for his friend's support. "Thanks, Mikel. I owe you one."

As they parted ways, Julian couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - excitement for the business deal, but also sadness at leaving Lexi behind. 

He knew this trip was important for his career, but he also knew how much Lexi meant to him.