Birthday Party Preparations

Julian Blackwood, a wealthy billionaire, stepped out of his sleek black car and onto the sun-kissed pavement. 

His friend, Mikel, followed suit, stretching his tall frame as they gazed up at the modest office building before them. 

Julian led the way, his polished shoes clicking on the staircase as they ascended to Lexi Thompson's office.

Upon reaching the door, Julian pushed it open and strode in, a bright smile spreading across his face. 

"Lexi, darling!" he exclaimed, opening his arms wide.

Lexi, a stunning woman with long, curly brown hair and warm hazel eyes, rose from her desk, a delighted smile on her face. 

"Julian, it's so great to see you!" She embraced him warmly, her eyes sparkling with genuine affection.

"Lexi, you look beautiful!" he exclaimed.

"Julian, you're so sweet!"Lexi replied laughing.

The two shared a warm hug, Mikel watching with a smile.

Mikel, observing the tender moment, smiled to himself. He had never seen Julian so carefree and relaxed around anyone before.

"Lexi, this is my friend Mikel," Julian said, pulling back.

 "Mikel, this is Lexi, my girlfriend."

Mikel's eyes widened. "Wow, Julian, you're right."

"She's very beautiful and humble."

Lexi's eyes widened as she took in Mikel's chiseled features and charming smile. 

"Nice to meet you, Mikel," she said, extending her hand.

Mikel shook it firmly, his eyes locking onto hers. "The pleasure is mine, Lexi."

"You're even more beautiful than Julian described."

Lexi's cheeks flushed a soft pink as Julian chuckled. "I told you, Mikel, she's not only stunning but also humble."

Lexi blushed, looking down. "Thank you, Mikel. That's very kind of you."

To break the ice, Lexi offered them ice cream from her fridge. As they ate, they chatted and laughed together.

"I'm so glad we met," Lexi said, smiling at Mikel. "Julian has told me so much about you."

Mikel grinned. "All good, I hope?"

Lexi nodded. "Of course! Julian only says good things about you."

As they finished their ice cream, Julian glanced at his watch. "We should get going. I need to drop Lexi off at her house."

Lexi nodded, gathering her things. "Thanks for visiting me, guys. Let's do it again soon."

As they left the office, Julian put his arm around Lexi. "I'll walk you to the car," he said.

Mikel followed behind, feeling happy for his friend. "I'll see you later, Lexi," he said, as they reached the car.

Lexi smiled. "Bye, Mikel. Thanks again for coming."

As Mikel drove away, Julian and Lexi stood in the parking lot, waving goodbye. 

"See you later, Mikel," they chimed in unison.

Julian turned to Lexi and opened the passenger door of his car. 

"After you, my dear."

Lexi smiled and slid into the seat. Julian closed the door and walked around to the driver's side.

As they drove away, Julian turned to Lexi. "I'm so glad Mikel likes you," he said.

Lexi smiled. "I like him too. He's very nice."

Julian nodded, feeling grateful. "I'm lucky to have you both in my life."

As they pulled out of the parking lot, Lexi turned to Julian. "My birthday is coming up next three weeks. I'm not really looking forward to it."

"Why's that?" Julian asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

"It's just...Priscilla, your kid sister."

"I don't know, and it feels so fake. Plus, she always finds ways to make me feel inferior."

Julian's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I'm sorry, Lexi."

"That sounds really tough."

"But I want you to know that I'm here for you. And I have an idea to make your birthday special, just the way you want it."

Lexi's eyes sparkled with curiosity. 

"What is it?"

"I'll plan a small, intimate celebration with your closest friends and family. And I'll make sure Priscilla doesn't ruin it for you."

Lexi's face lit up with a smile. "That sounds amazing, Julian. Thank you."

As they approached Lexi's house, Julian turned to her. "I mean it, Lexi. I'll take care of Priscilla. You deserve to be happy on your birthday."

Lexi nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Julian. "I know I can count on you, Julian. You're a true boyfriend."

Julian smiled and pulled up to Lexi's house. "I'm more than just a boyfriend, Lexi. I care about you deeply."

Lexi's heart skipped a beat as Julian's words hung in the air. She looked away, unsure of how to respond.

Julian got out of the car and walked around to open Lexi's door. As she stepped out, he took her hand. 

"I'll pick you up at 7 pm on weekend for our hangout. Be ready for a wonderful night."

Lexi smiled, feeling a flutter in her chest. "I will. Thanks again, Julian."

As Julian drove away, Lexi couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. She felt a connection with Julian that she couldn't ignore. 

And she knew that her birthday was going to be one to remember.

Julian was determined to make Lexi's birthday unforgettable. He started making arrangements, sparing no detail.

Julian phone rang. He put on his earpiece and answered. 


"Julian, darling," his mom said. 

"I want to see you by the weekend."

"Okay, mom," Julian replied, wondering why she wanted to see him so soon.

"How's everything going?" his mom asked.

"Everything's fine, mom. My regards," Julian said, ending the call.

He continued driving, thinking about his mom's request. 

"Why did she want to see him? Julian parked his car in the parking lot and entered his apartment, feeling a bit curious.

After freshening up, Julian decided to call his friend Mikel. "Hey, Mikel! I'm planning a big celebration for Lexi's birthday," Julian said excitedly.

Mikel, so I need your help," Julian said to his assistant. "I want to plan a surprise birthday party for Lexi. I want it to be perfect."

Mikell's eyes widened with excitement. "Of course, Julian! 

"What did you have in mind?"

"I want to use one of my luxurious halls, with a live band and dancers. And the food – oh, the food has to be exquisite. Lexi loves Italian, so let's go with that."

"That's great, man! 

What's the plan?" Mikel asked.

"I'm inviting all our friends and some business associates. I want to make it a memorable day for her," Julian explained.

"Sounds like a blast! Count me in. What can I do to help?" Mikel offered.

"Actually, I need your help with the guest list. Can you take care of that?" Julian asked.

"Sure thing! I'll send you the list by tomorrow. And what's the theme for the party?" Mikel asked.

"I was thinking of a black-tie event. What do you think?" Julian said.

"Perfect! Lexi will love it. I'll make sure to spread the word," Mikel said.

"What about decorations?"

"Something elegant and sophisticated.

"Okay,bye."Julian said.

 The following day..

Julian sat in his office, lost in thought, as his best friend and business partner, Mikel, spoke to him. 

"Julian, I think we need to travel and get this deal by ourselves," Mikel said boldly.

Julian didn't respond, still deep in thought. Mikel waved his hand in front of Julian's face. 

"Julian, I'm talking to you."

"What are you thinking?"

Julian quickly adjusted himself, looking embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry, Mikel. What were you saying?"

Mikel repeated himself. "I said let's travel to the country and get the contract by ourselves. I think communicating on the phone is rubbish

Julian apologized to his friend Mikel, looking sheepish. 

"I'm sorry for my earlier attitude, Mikel. I was thinking about something personal."

Mikel waved his hand dismissively. "No problem, Julian. We'll discuss it later."

Julian nodded, feeling relieved. "Thanks, Mikel. I appreciate it."

Mikel changed the subject. "So, are you ready to travel for the deal?"

Julian nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I am. I think it's a great idea. We can finalize the details in person."

Mikel grinned. "Exactly! I was thinking we could travel in the next few weeks."

Julian agreed. "That sounds perfect. I'll make the necessary arrangements."

As they discussed the trip, Julian's mind wandered back to Lexi. He couldn't help but think about how much he loved her and the problems Priscilla was causing her.

"Mikel, can I tell you something?" Julian asked, looking concerned.

"Of course, what's up?" Mikel replied.

"It's about Lexi," Julian said, his voice filled with emotion. "I love her, Mikel."

"But Priscilla is giving her a hard time. She's calling her all sorts of names, like gold digger."

Mikel's expression turned serious. "That's not good. We need to do something about it."

Julian nodded vigorously. "I know. I'm not happy about it. Lexi and I love each other, and I won't let Priscilla come between us."

Mikel put a hand on Julian's shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out together."

"We'll protect Lexi and get this deal done."

Julian felt a surge of gratitude towards his friend. 

"Thanks, Mikel. That means a lot to me."