My Girlfriend

Lexi sat in her friend Rachael's office, sipping a cup of coffee and trying to calm down. 

She had just left Julian's house, where Priscilla had caused a scene and tried to sabotage her relationship with Julian.

"Rachel, you won't believe what Priscilla did to me again!" she exclaimed.

"Yes,Rachael, I can't believe what happened," Lexi said, her voice shaking with anger. 

Rachel's expression turned concerned. 

"What happened?"

"Priscilla came to Julian's house and started yelling at me, calling me a gold digger and saying I'm only after his money and influence."

Rachael's eyes widened in shock. 

"That's terrible! 

"I'm so sorry, Lexi."

"What did Julian do?"

Lexi sighed. "He stood up for me and told Priscilla to leave, but I could see the anger in his eyes."

"I know he's trying to protect me, but I don't want him to have to deal with this drama."

Rachael put a hand on Lexi's arm. 

"You need to calm down and focus on your relationship with Julian."Rachael advised her.

"Don't let Priscilla get to you."

Lexi nodded, taking a deep breath. 

"You're right. I love Julian and I know he loves me. I'm not going to let his sister come between us."

Rachael smiled. "That's the spirit! And speaking of love, your birthday is coming up soon."

"What are you planning to do?"

Lexi's face lit up. "Julian is planning a surprise party for me! 

"I can't wait to see what he has planned."

Rachael grinned. "I'm sure it will be amazing."

"You deserve it after all the drama you've been through."

As they chatted, Lexi's phone buzzed with a call from Julian. 

"Hey love, just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay after what happened with Priscilla."

"Can't wait to see you tonight and start planning your birthday party."

Lexi smiled, feeling a warmth in her heart. 

"I'm okay, thanks for checking in. 

"And I can't wait to see you tonight!"

"And me too."Lexi Thompson said smiling.

Rachael raised an eyebrow. 

"Looks like someone is smitten!"

Lexi blushed, but couldn't help feeling grateful for Julian's love and support. 

She knew that with him by her side, she could face anything Priscilla threw her way.

She stood up and bid Rachael goodbye.

Meanwhile, Julian was on the phone with his parents, reporting Priscilla's behavior. 

"Mom, Dad, you won't believe what Priscilla did. She came to my house and started yelling at Lexi, calling her a gold digger and trying to sabotage our relationship."

His mother's voice was calm and soothing. 

"Julian, don't worry, we'll talk to Priscilla and straighten her out." 

"She's just jealous of your happiness."

Julian sighed. "I know, but it's hard to deal with her drama all the time." 

"And now she's threatening to hurt Lexi."

His father's voice was firm. 

"Don't worry, son, we'll take care of it." 

"Just focus on your relationship with Lexi and ignore Priscilla's antics."

But Priscilla was determined to make good on her threats. She went to her parents' house, still fuming with anger. 

"I'll never forgive Lexi for what she did," she declared. 

"She thinks she's so much better than me, but I'll show her who's boss."

Her parents tried to calm her down, but Priscilla was beyond reason. 

"I promise you, Mom and Dad," 

"I will not rest until I've destroyed Lexi's relationship with Julian. 

"She'll regret the day she ever crossed me."

And with that, the battle lines were drawn. Priscilla was determined to take down Lexi, no matter what it took. 

Julian was caught in the middle, trying to protect the woman he loved from his sister's wrath. 

"I have promised to always love and protect her.."

"A promise is a promise."he murmured to himself.

"No , matter what Priscilla thinks about Lexi, Lexi is mine, nobody will sabotage our relationship."

"I mean nobody."Julian shouted and hit the table in his front with frustration.

But, his parents were watching from the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike…

Meanwhile, Julian dialed Mikel's number, eager to meet up with him. 

"Hey, Mikel. Can you come to my office after today's work? 

"I want to take you to somewhere and introduce you to someone special."

Mikel's voice was cheerful on the other end.

 "Who's the lucky person?"

Julian smiled. "My girlfriend, Lexi." 

"I think you'll like her."

Mikel's tone turned curious. "Lexi, huh? 

"I'm intrigued. I'll be right there."

Julian hung up the phone, feeling excited to introduce his friend to the love of his life.

After work, Mikel left his office to meet Julian as promised.

Meanwhile, Julian was in his office, trying to focus on work. But his mind kept wandering to Lexi. He decided to leave the office for the day and spend time with her.

As Mikel arrived at Julian's office, he couldn't help but wonder what Lexi was like. 

"So, tell me more about this Lexi," Mikel said, taking a seat.

Julian grinned. "She's amazing, Mikel. Beautiful, intelligent, and passionate."

"I think you'll really like her."

Mikel raised an eyebrow. "Sounds too good to be true." 

"But I trust your judgment, Julian."

Julian stood up, gesturing for Mikel to follow him. 

"Let's go visit her. 

'I want you to meet her in person."

He picked his phone from the table and dialed his secretary's intercom.

"Hello, Secretary," Julian said over the intercom. 

"I'm leaving the office for today. Please take care of any urgent matters."

His secretary's voice was flirtatious. "Okay, Julian. Have a great day."

"Maybe I'll see you later?"

Julian ignored the hint and didn't respond. He was only interested in Lexi.

"I must surely get you, Julian... no matter how!"his secretary called out.

As they left the office with his friend, Julian couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. 

He hoped Mikel would approve of Lexi, and that their friendship would only grow stronger because of her. 

Julian didn't even turn around. He and Mikel headed to the parking lot, each getting into their own car.

Julian led the way, dialing Lexi's number as he drove.

"Hey, Lexi. We're on our way to your office," Julian said, his voice cheerful.

"Who are you coming with…"she asked calmly.

"Don't worry,I am coming with my childhood friend and business partner to say hi to you,"Julian replied.

"Alright,til then,"Lexi said.

"Hope you are okay with it,"Julian asked.

"Sure,My love."Lexi answered.

Lexi's voice was relieved. "Okay, Julian. I need to see you too, missing my baby already."

Julian's expression turned serious. "Don't worry, Lexi. I'm here for you.