Great Choice

Julian secretary and her friend Ann were determined to win Julian's heart and wealth. 

"We are iron ladies, we must get Julian by all means," Ann said, and they both smiled.

"I will teach you how you will trick Julian to sleep with you,so that we get money from him."Ann said laughing.

Lexi was excited as she waited for Julian to pick her up from work. She had been looking forward to this moment all day. 

Julian arrived promptly, his car gleaming in the evening light.

"Hey, ready to see my estate?" he asked, smiling as he opened the door for her.

Lexi nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"Yes, I can't wait!"

As they drove to the estate, Lexi couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. 

She had never seen anything like this before. 

The estate was grand and beautiful, with lush gardens and a private pool.

"Wow, this is incredible!" she exclaimed as they pulled up to the apartment.

Julian chuckled. "I'm glad you like it. 

"Come on, I'll show you around."

He took her on a tour of the apartment, showing her the stylish decor and the stunning views. 

Lexi felt like she was in a dream, everything was so perfect.

"Wow"everything is perfect, Julian."she said smiling.

As they settled in, Julian asked, "So, what do you want to do first? 

"Watch a movie or explore the estate?"

Lexi thought for a moment. 

"Let's watch a movie,"

"I love movies!"

Julian grinned. "Great choice, I have a huge collection." 

"What kind of movie do you like?"

Lexi thought for a moment. "I love rom-coms, they're so funny and sweet."

Julian nodded. "I have just the thing, let me go get it."

He disappeared into the next room and returned with a DVD. 

"Here we go, one of my favorites."

They spent the next few hours watching movies, laughing and chatting. Lexi felt like she had known Julian her whole life, he was so easy to talk to.

As the night drew to a close, Lexi stood up to leave. 

"Thanks for showing me around, Julian," she said. 

"I had a great time."

Julian walked her to the door, his eyes shining with warmth. "Anytime, Lexi. I'm always happy to spend time with you."

And with that, he leaned in and kissed her goodnight, a soft and gentle kiss that left Lexi feeling happy and content.

As they drove home, Lexi couldn't stop thinking about Julian and the amazing time she had just had. 

Julian break the silence.

"Lexi,l will like to see you tomorrow,l have a gift for you, but l wouldn't take your time."Julian said softly touching Lexi cheek.

"Alright, Mr. Julian Blackwood."Lexi replied laughing.

She couldn't wait to visit him again, to explore more of the estate and to just be with him.

She smiled to herself, feeling grateful for this relationship. 

She knew that this was just the beginning of something special between them.

Lexi arrived at Julian's estate the following day, eager to see him again. 

As she stepped out of the cab, Julian was waiting for her, his arms open wide. 

They embraced warmly, happy to be together again.

But their moment of joy was short-lived, as Priscilla appeared, her eyes blazing with anger. 

Priscilla arrived unannounced at Julian's estate, her eyes fixed on Lexi with a mixture of anger and disdain.

"Julian, you're still seeing her?" she spat, her voice venomous.

"Hello, Priscilla," Lexi said, her voice calm and polite.

But Priscilla just hissed, her eyes narrowing as she gazed at Lexi. Julian noticed the tension and stepped in, his voice firm but gentle. 

Lexi felt a pang of sadness and confusion. She had no idea what she had done to deserve Priscilla's hatred. 

As she thought about it, she realized that she still needed to ask Julian about her past. 

It was a mystery that had haunted her for 20 years, and she was determined to uncover the truth.

"Jules, how are you?" she said, using her pet name for him.

Julian looked up from his work, surprised. 

"Priscilla, what's going on? 

"Why are you here?"

Priscilla's gaze didn't waver from Lexi's face. "I came to see you, Julian. But I didn't expect to find her here."

"Priscilla, I didn't know you were coming over. You usually call ahead."

Priscilla shrugged. "I didn't feel like it. Besides, I'm your kid sister. I don't need to make an appointment to see you."

Julian raised an eyebrow. "Well, next time, please call first. I'm busy with work."

But Priscilla was not interested in small talk. 

"Julies, I need to talk to you about Lexi," she said, her voice dripping with disdain.

Julian's expression turned stern. 

"What about Lexi?"

"She's a gold digger, Julies," Priscilla said bluntly. 

"She's only after your money and influence."

Julian's face darkened. "That's not true, Priscilla. 

"Lexi is a kind and hardworking person. She deserves respect."

But Priscilla was not convinced. "I'll never respect her, Julies."

"She's just using you for your wealth and status."

Julian's voice was firm. "Priscilla, I warn you. Lexi is important to me, and I won't tolerate any disrespect towards her."

"She's not a gold digger, and you need to understand that."

But Priscilla refused to listen. "I won't respect her, Julie. 

"And you can't make me."

Julian's annoyance turned to anger. 

"Priscilla, get out of my house. You're not welcome here if you can't respect my girlfriend."

Priscilla's face turned red with anger, but she knew better than to cross Julian. 

Priscilla stormed out of Julian's house, her anger and humiliation boiling over. 

"I'll deal with that bitch, Lexi," she muttered to herself. 

"She thinks she's so perfect, but I'll show her who's boss."

Julian hoped Priscilla would come around and accept Lexi, but for now, he needed to protect his girlfriend from his sister's venom.

As Priscilla left, Julian couldn't help but think about how much his sister had changed. 

She used to be sweet and kind, but now she was bitter and manipulative. 

He hoped she would find her way back to the person she used to be, but until then, he needed to keep her away from Lexi.

Lexi, on the other hand, was unaware of the drama that had just unfolded. 

She was busy with her work, oblivious to the fact that Priscilla was trying to sabotage her relationship with Julian. 

But Julian knew, and he was determined to protect her from his sister's schemes.

As the days went by, Julian and Lexi grew closer, their love for each other strengthening with each passing day. 

But Priscilla's resentment towards Lexi only grew, her anger and jealousy simmering just below the surface. 

It was only a matter of time before she struck again, and Julian needed to be ready to defend the woman he loved.