Fake lnvestigation

Lexi woke up feeling dizzy and disoriented. She slowly got out of bed and made her way to the wall, holding onto it for support. 

She took a few deep breaths, trying to shake off the feeling of lightheadedness. But it only seemed to get worse.

With trembling hands, Lexi grabbed her phone and dialed Rachael's number. She waited anxiously for her friend to answer.

"Hey, Lexi! What's up?" Rachael's cheerful voice came through the line.

"Rachael...I need your help," Lexi said, her voice weak. "I'm feeling really dizzy and nauseous. I think I need to go to the hospital."

Rachael's tone changed to one of concern. "Oh no, Lexi! I'm on my way."

"Just hang in there, okay?"

Lexi nodded, even though Rachael couldn't see her. She leaned against the wall, feeling her stomach churn.

Twenty minutes later, Rachael burst through Lexi's front door. "Lexi! Oh my god, you look awful!"

Lexi was vomiting seriously, her body shaking uncontrollably. Rachael rushed to her side, holding her hair back and trying to comfort her.

"We need to get you to the hospital, now," Rachael said, her voice firm. "Let's get a cab."

Rachael quickly hailed a taxi outside and helped Lexi into it. As they sped towards the hospital, Lexi's condition only worsened. She was vomiting and shaking, her body wracked with pain.

Rachael held her hand, trying to reassure her. "We're almost there, Lexi. Just hold on."

The taxi screeched to a halt outside the emergency room. Rachael helped Lexi out and rushed her inside, where the medical staff quickly took over.

"What's going on?" Rachael asked the doctor, her voice frantic with worry.

"We'll run some tests," the doctor replied. "But it looks like Lexi may have food poisoning or a viral infection. We'll do everything we can to help her."

Rachael quickly grabbed Lexi's phone from her bag and dialed Julian's number. 

When he answered, his smooth voice said, "Hello, my beautiful angel..."

But instead of Lexi's voice, Julian heard Rachael's. "Good morning, Mr. Julian," she said.

Julian was taken aback. "Who is this?" he asked, his tone changing from sweet to surprised.

"This is Rachael, Lexi's best friend," she replied. "I'm calling to inform you that Lexi has been admitted to Independence Hospital just a few minutes ago. She's undergoing treatment now."

Julian's voice became urgent. "What's wrong with her? 

"What happened?"

Rachael explained, "She was feeling dizzy and nauseous, and then she started vomiting seriously. We took her to the hospital, and the doctors are running tests now."

Julian's response was immediate. "Okay, I'm on my way. Thank you for calling me, Rachael. Please keep me updated."

Rachael nodded, even though Julian couldn't see her. "I will, Mr. Julian. Please hurry."

Julian hung up the phone and quickly got dressed. He rushed out of his house, his mind racing with worry about Lexi's condition. He couldn't imagine anything happening to her.

As he drove to the hospital, he called Rachael back. "Rachael, I'm on my way. 

"Can you please meet me at the entrance and fill me in on everything?"

"Of course, Mr. Julian," Rachael replied. "I'll be waiting for you."

When Julian arrived at the hospital, Rachael was already there, pacing back and forth outside the entrance. 

She quickly filled him in on Lexi's condition, and Julian listened intently, his face growing more concerned by the minute.

He dialed Mikel's number, his hands shaking slightly.

"Hey, Mikel," Julian said, trying to keep his voice calm. "It's Julian. I need to tell you something about Lexi."

"What's going on?" Mikel asked, his voice alert.

"Lexi's in the hospital," Julian replied. "She was admitted earlier today. Rachael called me and said she's undergoing treatment, but the results of the tests haven't come out yet."

Mikel's voice became serious. "What happened to her?"

Julian explained, "Rachael said Lexi was feeling dizzy and nauseous, and then she started vomiting seriously. They took her to the hospital, and the doctors are running tests now."

Mikel's response was immediate. "I'm on my way. Which hospital is she in?"

"Independence Hospital," Julian replied. "I'm on my way there now. Rachael is already there."

"Okay, I'll meet you both there," Mikel said. "Keep me updated, Julian."

Julian nodded, even though Mikel couldn't see him. "I will. Thanks, Mikel. I appreciate it."

As Julian continued driving, he couldn't help but feel a sense of worry and fear. What if something serious was wrong with Lexi? 

"What if... He pushed the thoughts aside and focused on getting to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, Mikel was already on his way to the hospital, his mind racing with thoughts of Lexi's condition. He couldn't believe this was happening. Lexi was always so full of life and energy. 

"What could have caused her to become so ill? He pushed the thoughts aside and focused on getting to the hospital to support his friends.

Julian rushed to the doctor's office, his heart racing with worry about Lexi's condition. 

"Doctor, please tell me about Lexi's condition," he asked, his voice urgent.

The doctor looked up from the file in his hand, a serious expression on his face. "Ah, Julian, I'm afraid the results of Lexi's tests are not good."

Julian's hands began to shake as he took the file from the doctor. His eyes scanned the pages, his mind reeling in shock. "You mean Lexi has all these...?" he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

The doctor nodded grimly. "I'm afraid so. Lexi has a severe case of food poisoning, which has led to complications. She's also showing signs of a viral infection."

Julian's face went white as he read through the results. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lexi, always so full of life and energy, was now fighting for her health.

"What can we do?" Julian asked, his voice shaking with worry.

The doctor's expression was sympathetic. "We're doing everything we can, Julian. But I have to warn you, the next 24 hours are crucial. We need to monitor her closely and see how she responds to treatment."

Julian nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of Lexi's condition. He felt helpless, unable to do anything but wait and hope for the best.

Just then, Mikel and Rachael walked into the doctor's office, looking worried. "Julian, what's going on?" Mikel asked, his voice concerned.

Julian took a deep breath before speaking, trying to process the news himself. "It's not good," he said finally. "Lexi has food poisoning and a viral infection. The next 24 hours are crucial."

A scientist named Jude rushed into the office, holding a folder.

"Doctor, Doctor!" Jude exclaimed, out of breath. "Please check this!"

The doctor took the folder from Jude and quickly scanned the contents. His expression changed from calm to shocked in an instant.

"What do you mean?" the doctor asked, his voice laced with surprise.

Jude explained, "I was running some additional tests on Lexi's samples, and I found something unusual. 

The doctor's eyes widened as he read through the results. "You're saying that someone deliberately poisoned her?"

Jude nodded. "Yes, Doctor. The tests show that Lexi ingested a toxic substance, and it was no accident."

Julian, Mikel, and Rachael gasped in shock, their minds reeling with the implications.

"Who would do such a thing?" Julian asked, his voice shaking with anger.

The doctor's face was grim. "We need to investigate further to find out. But one thing is certain - Lexi's life is in danger, and we need to act fast to save her."

"But I am seeing other results here."The doctor said, pointing his finger at the paper.