Out the walls

"Where…where are we?!"

"No…that's—that's impossible!"

Tarish couldn't believe what she saw.

Somehow, falling into that dark chasm led them out of the walls of Genesis City! This was supposed to be impossible.

Every mission in the Remedium took place inside the walls of a God's Territory. It didn't matter if it was as small as a Village or as big as a Country. All portals led to a place inside the walls of that area. No exceptions.

But now, they found themselves at the outer grassfields surrounding the walls of Genesis City.

They couldn't even blame the Quills for another anomaly happening in this mission. No one would have ever anticipated this happening because it was supposed to be impossible.

"We need to go back…we need to go back…"

One of the mages frantically dug on the grassfields trying to find the hole they 'fell' in.