Boredom satiated

The Water Sphere turned into a ball made up of different elements, reinforcing it into something that could destroy an entire building into mere rubble.

The 6th stage Saviors used up all the energy inside their Soul System to construct this one attack. They aimed to intimidate the Sapient Canzers from attacking them by showing their combined powers.

Having 7 Saviors working together in perfect coordination was no easy task. One wrong move and all their hard work manifesting the water sphere would dissipate into nothingness.

Despite the exhaustion and the pressure they faced from the Sapient Canzers, the 6th-stage Students found the focus and concentration they needed by following their trusted leader. She never wavered even once. She kept her back straight and faced the Sapient Canzers with full trust in her teammates.

"Don't underestimate humans!" screamed Tarish as she guided the Super Powered Water Sphere towards the lone Sapient Canzer.