Emergency meeting

Atlan saw a completely white room with no discernible walls. It looked like an endless snowy expanse, similar to what he experienced when he was first drafted.

In front of him was a giant rectangular table with a very realistic and detailed depiction of the entire Genesis City. It could sit at least twenty people: fiive at the front, five at each side, and five nearest the door.

The ones that sat in front were three men and two women, whose hairs were almost as white as the space around them. They looked old. Even with the slowed aging of immortality and increased SoulTime, the wrinkles on their faces showed the long journey they had in the sands of time.

These people looked like the oldest people he'd ever seen. In Genesis City, even people who were thousands of years old didn't look a day over forty years old, yet these people looked like they were older than a hundred.