
"We retreated as soon as we saw the Ifrit near the Door. My teammates briefly saw a window where we could get rid of the Canzer, but I stopped them. It was too risky."

Ninth and her team saw the lone Ifrit clone walking over toward the Door. Some of her teammates thought that the clone was far enough away from the Door that they could have killed it without affecting the Door, but Ninth thought otherwise.

Even if there was a 90% chance they were right, she still wouldn't take that chance—not when the fate of the entire City was in her hands.

"A wise decision," said the old woman with long white hair.

The old man in the middle looked over towards Carmine and asked with a heavy tone, "Is there a chance that the Sapient Canzers had a hand in this?"

Carmine consulted with his team, speaking in hushed tones. They didn't seem to be that confident about their answers.