Distinct personalities

They were surrounded by these hideous monsters with unknown powers and unknown motives. This was a dangerous situation if there ever was one.

Atlan couldn't figure out what type of monsters they were dealing with. Was it an Infection or Destruction type Canzer?

If it was an Infection Canzer, then that would mean that all of these strange creatures wearing large human clothes were clones and copies of each other. But that didn't make sense. If they were, then they should all be identical with the same powers and personalities.

But from what he could see and hear from their conversations, each one of them had their distinct attitudes that clashed with each other. These weren't clones. The very definition of that word meant that the copies should all be identical, but they were the exact opposite.

If it wasn't an Infection Canzer, then it could only be a Destruction Canzer. For Atlan, that would be the worst-case scenario.