Beard or Big Nose?

Everyone felt their entire Soul System shake from that sneeze, discombobulating them from accessing their powers.

This would have been the time to panic, but thankfully, none of the Canzers moved to attack them.

"Kugh! How did it know?!"

"It shouldn't have! My illusion was perfect!"

The Canzers shouldn't have seen them move at all. The Mesmer's illusion prevented any disturbance from leaking out perfectly. Yet, somehow, the Canzer was able to 'sneeze' and disrupt their casting at the most critical moment.

If they were able to support Ninth, they would have killed or at least injured the bespectacled Canzer named 'Oc.

'My allergy is really acting up!'

It turned out that 'Ess' never even sensed the upcoming ambush! Atlan didn't know if it was just a coincidence or something else. Either way, they would have to keep an eye on the sneezing Canzer and brace themselves so that their LifeSkill wouldn't get interrupted.