Adam entered the castle ten minutes later, his eyes narrowed and his heart pumping scalding blood into his throbbing veins.
Unsuspecting guards tried to bar his entry, threatening to use violence if he didn't turn back. The poor fools now slept on the cold ground as he passed by the marble statues lining the corridor's walls.
He barely glanced at the lifelike paintings representing him, his generals, and mythical figures and continued, his eyes locked onto the open throne room's door.
Once inside, his lips curled into a smirk, his gaze landing on Gilgamesh, who sat on a golden throne.
The man raised his blue eyes from the document he had been studying, a frown creasing his brows.
"How did you get in?" He gripped his scepter and slammed it on the ground, his eyes narrowing on Adam's bare chest and the crevices glowing an infernal red. "Who are you?"