The Return Punch

He watched Ozymandias stumble down the corridor, eager to hear about the man's decision. Would he act on his threat like a sore loser?

Somehow, the question amused him. But it wasn't time to think about the future when the present waited for no one.

With a smirk, he passed by the frowning Gilgamesh and sat on the golden throne, his fist supporting his head.

Before a tense silence could settle, Gilgamesh stretched his right palm and spoke.

"Even if speaking with Ozymandias is challenging, you can't dismiss him as if he had never contributed to the realm." He massaged his forehead, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "It's not my place to tell you, but I will. He has been working on a complex pipe project melding science, magic, and the Necropolis Nexus for the last seven years."

Adam leaned forward, gesturing to continue.

Gilgamesh nodded, relieved Adam's focus on utility outweighed emotions.