Chapter 9: A Forbidden Garden

Dorian's mind drifted to the past as he started recalling the countless nights he had spent in the dark room, alone without any food and pity. There was always one thought in his mind at that time, Why did his father marry Selene, when it was not even a week after his mother's death?

Queen Selene will often come to his room in the guise of concern, only to spite him with her venomous words and mentally torture him, making his already wounded heart bleed. At one point he had started hating his father. Become he was the one who had brought her into their home and their life.

But with time he understood her intentions, she intentionally agitated him so he would hate his father and rebel against him.

And she was right because he rebelled against his father's wishes and even tried to tell them about the true nature of Queen Selene but no one believed him only dismissed him as a child who could not accept a stepmother in his life.

One time the fight between him and his father escalated to the point, his father banished him from the palace and let him join the barracks at the tender age of just Eleven. He was still a boy at the time and his resentment for his father grew with leaps and bounds.

He did not come back to the palace again for ten years, not even the time of his adult ceremony, which should have taken place on his eighteenth birthday.

But those days are in the past, and with his growth, the realization came to him that this is nothing and he can rise to the power and above her in fractions of minutes. And he had to thank her because of her, he got the opportunity to get in barracks which changed his life and he was no longer a headstrong prince, but a powerful general which the entire kingdom respected.

As the meeting with his father finally came to an end, he stood up and bowed to his father and said, "If you'll excuse me, Father and Queen Selene. I have to attend to some matters."

"Of course, my son," King Aldric said with a nod.

Queen Selene watched him with the same unreadable smile, but he could sense the frustration behind that fake smile. She wants to see him submit to her and show weakness that she can manipulate him. But she was not aware that he was no longer the same child, whom she bullied in the past.

Dorian left the garden with his measured footsteps not too loud but powerful. His expression was one of calm which he had learned to wear in every situation. Even when the inside of his mind is jumbled from numerous thoughts and most importantly the shadows of the past. But he realized that it was only shadows. They could no longer harm him.

As he passed a window, Dorian paused to look out at the vast gardens below. The golden rays of the sun fall on the garden making it heavenly and calm. The scene made him calm. Just like the shadows, there will always be light.

Dorian took a deep breath he could no longer dwell in his past after all he had his own plans and paths to follow.

As the countless thoughts swirled in his mind, he caught a movement from the corner of his eyes. A small figure was crouching on the ground and doing something in the bushes.

Dorian raised his eyebrows in confusion and thought who had been so daring to enter the Royal garden without the supervision of stewards? The Royal Garden is off-limits to everyone, even the gardeners are only allowed in the supervisor of steward.

And the servants and maids can be allowed only here when their master is present.

As the figure shifted on the ground and his face came into view, Dorian instantly recognized him. The same timid boy he had encountered in the library, Ahh! What's his name? Yeah! Cassian.

And seeing him here a wicked grin appeared on his face. His mood had been ruined by the presence of Queen Selene and now it's time to have some fun. With a mischievous glint, he walked towards the crouched figure in the garden, only God knew what he was doing with so much concentration that he did not even sense a presence behind him.

And seeing this Dorian's smiles only got more widened. He leaned towards the young boy and said in his ear from behind.

"Enjoying yourself?" Dorian's voice cut through the stillness. His voice was smooth and laced with amusement.

Cassian jumped like a scared little cat after hearing his voice, he nearly knocked on Dorian's chin if Dorian had not removed his face at the perfect time.

He spun around to face the prince, his eyes wide with shock. "S-Sir you? " he stammered, scrambling to his feet. "W-Why are you here too..."

Dorian laughed loudly, he was amused by cassian audacity to question his presence here when it should be him.

Dorian said with his smile growing more wicked by the second. "Why can't I be here? Cassian? Do you know that you're the one who is not supposed to be here? That this garden is off-limits to anyone without explicit permission?"

Cassian's face drained of color, his hands trembling as the realization of his mistake dawan him. "I-I didn't know, S-Sir. I swear, I didn't mean to break any rules. I just… I saw that these flowers weren't getting enough light, and I thought I could help."

Dorian took a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "You say Help? Do you know what happens to those who break the rules in the palace, Cassian?"

And now who will help you after you get punished for helping? Dorian said while emphasizing the word help. Amusement clearly dancing in his eyes but Cassian was too busy with his worries to notice it.