Chapter 10: A Deal with the Devil

Cassian felt his soul leaving his body, and with every serious look, the prince gave him only made his heart beat like a drum, he would not be shocked if his heart came out from his chest any moment.

Damm! He just wanted to help these flowers, he was already fascinated by the beauty of this garden as he had loved flowers and brushes from a young age. But who knows that it will actually lead him in such a situation. Now he really wants to cry.

"Please, Sir " Cassian pleaded with his voice barely above a whisper, even though he didn't how much he begged this man from the day he stepped foot in this palace, his luck seem to be really rotten in front of him. "I didn't mean any harm. I didn't know…"

Dorian leaned towards him making Cassian lean backward, Dorian's lips curled into a sinister grin. "There is no excuse for ignorance, little gardener. The consequences of your actions could be severe. It will give the servant some spicy gossip and would be a talk in the palace like, "A servant found trespassing in the royal gardens was hung....or worse."

What do you think, it will create a new gossip for other servants. Dorian said while raising his eyebrows playfully.

If Cassian was free-minded he would have really appreciated the beautiful brows and their perfect shape, which only enchant his eyes more. But Cassian gives himself a mental slap, that it is not the time to appreciate beauty but to find a way to get out of this situation.

Cassian's eyes started filling with tears from frustration, the fear and panic were overwhelming for him, he didn't want to be hanged and become a gossip for others. "Please… I'm sorry… I didn't know…"

Dorian straightened up from his previous position and Cassian finally breathed a little because the close presence of Dorian was making him nervous.

Cassian looked at the wicked smile on Dorian's face and felt a shivers all over his body.

Oh, I'm sure that you're sorry. But the rules are the rules, and the punishment must be given who break rules."

Cassian felt his knees go weak from Dorian's words, his legs threatening to give out beneath him. He had never imagined that a simple act of kindness could lead to such dire consequences. All he could think about was the fear of being hung on, or worse could be facing some unknown punishment.

Dorian let the silence hang in the air. He was enjoying the boy's obvious terror. But after a moment, he sighed dramatically and waved a hand dismissively. "Well, I suppose I could be merciful…but just this once. After all, you're new here, and it will not look good that a young boy was hanged on...

Cassian blinked the tears in his eyes making everything blur for him. "S-Sir?"

What Sir? Don't you know who I am? Dorian said with some irritation in his voice, he was fed up with this so-called Sir. He didn't like the sound of it and especially from Cassian's mouth.

Cassian frantically moved his head from one side to another indicating he really didn't know, who he was.

Dorian's expression softened, and with a sigh, he thought in his mind, Is this boy too innocent Or is he acting in front of him? Can't he recognize my clothes even if he did not know my position? But alas let it be..

"Consider this is your one and only warning. From now on don't wander anywhere without permission as it will cost your life without even you knowing.

Cassian nodded quickly, relief flooding through him. "Yes, Thank you… thank you so much."

Dorian chuckled softly, the sound was both comforting and unsettling.

Cassian could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. Every pulse feels like a painful reminder of the terror he was experiencing.

As soon as Dorian had dismissed him, he had turned to flee in the opposite direction. He was desperate to put as much distance between himself and the young man before him as possible because for him the man only spells trouble.

But before he could take a single step, he felt a strong hand grabbing the collar of his shirt, yanking him back as if he weighed nothing at all.

Cassian stumbled back nearly losing his balance, and he looked up at Dorian with wide and fearful eyes. He felt like a chicken caught in the grasp of a fox, and deep down feeling of helplessness and tremors. Dorian's expression was unreadable, his gaze fixed on Cassian with a strange intensity.

"Leaving so soon?" Dorian said with a smooth voice which almost sounded playful, but Cassian could feel that there was a dangerous edge to it.

"I'm not done with you yet, little gardener."

Cassian swallowed hard, he felt his throat dry. "S-S.r, I… I thought you said I could go…"

Dorian's grip on his collar loosened slightly, but he didn't let go of Cassian. Instead, he leaned in closer with his warm breath against Cassian's ear. "Don't you know there's nothing free in this world, Cassian? Everything comes at a price."

Cassian blinked in confusion, his mind racing to comprehend what the prince was saying. "A price? B-But… I have nothing to offer…"

Dorian finally released his hold on Cassian. Which allowed him to take a step back, but the prince's eyes never left his. "Oh, but you do, Cassian. You owe me."

Cassian's confusion deepened with his every word, his brows furrowing as he tried to understand. "Owe you, Your Highness? I don't understand…"

Dorian's lips curved into that same wicked smile that sent shivers down Cassian's spine. "You see, Cassian, I've spared you not once, but twice now. First in the library, and now here in the garden. That makes two favors you owe me."

Cassian's heart sank, he could feel the dread washing over him like a cold wave. He had never imagined that his simple mistakes would lead to such a situation. He had been saved by him, yes, but now it seemed that salvation had come with a hidden cost.

Dorian took a step closer, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "Here's how this will work, Cassian. You'll repay me those favors whenever I see fit. And when I call on you, you will do exactly as I say. No questions, no hesitation."